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1981 TV Show Icon

"A Gift For Papa's Day" is a Season 3 episode from the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show.



Papa Smurf tries to discreetly dispose a hat that he received from the Smurfs for Papa's Day that he doesn't like.

Plot Summary[]

Papa's New Hat

Let's face it... Papa just doesn't like this hat!

It is night in the Smurf Village, and while Papa Smurf is sleeping, most of his little Smurfs have gathered together for a secret meeting to discuss what they intend to give Papa Smurf as a gift for Papa's Day. Smurfette says that since Papa's Day only comes once a year, the gift must be really smurfy. Vanity suggests a mirror, which makes the others groan. Greedy suggests a pie, which also elicits groans. Painter suggests a Papa Smurf painting, and that also is commented by groans. Smurfette says Papa Smurf already has those things, and his closet is overflowing with them. Hefty asks what they could give the Smurf who already has everything, and Tailor suggests that Papa Smurf should have a new hat, to which Painter says that this will be a masteurpiesa.

By morning, Papa Smurf is busy sleeping in, letting out a chuckle as he suspects something is going to happen, when his little Smurfs pop up in his bedroom and greet him with "Happy Papa's Day!" Papa Smurf acts so surprised that he would be bestowed with such honor. Smurfette presents him with a gift wrapped up inside a box, which the other Smurfs explain their part in its creation. As Papa Smurf unwraps the ribbon and looks inside the box, he finds a new hat, and one that seems to have everything on it: mirrors, a cuckoo clock, a smurfberry sundae, and pockets, one of which causes a flower to pop out. Papa Smurf tries it on and sees himself in Vanity's mirror wearing the new hat. He tries to disguise the fact that he doesn't like wearing the hat by complimenting on its appearance, which makes the other Smurfs cheer.

Out in the forest, Gargamel is busy setting up a trap for the Smurfs, and he couldn't wait to capture them so that he can put them in his stew pot. The only thing he needs to lure the Smurfs into the trap is bait, so he goes to look for the bait.

At the Smurf River Bridge, Handy and Hefty are busy securing one of the supports when Papa Smurf comes along wearing the new hat to examine their work. He leans over and purposely knocks the hat off his head, which makes Handy and Hefty worried about the gift they have given him and so they chase after the hat as it floats downriver. Papa Smurf tries to dissuade them from retrieving the hat by saying that the current is much too strong. Meanwhile, Gargamel is trying to look for smurfberries as bait for his trap when he hears the two Smurfs chasing after a hat. He runs toward the river to investigate, but he ends up being snared in his own trap along with his cat.

Handy and Hefty finally get the hat out of the river and return it to Papa Smurf, saying that it's a good thing they got it back or else he would have lost his gift forever. Papa Smurf simply says that would truly be a shame as he puts the hat back on again. Then as he finds himself alone somewhere in the forest, he recites an incantation for the wind to blow the hat away, and the wind responds by lifting it off his head, making Papa Smurf feel glad to be rid of it again.

Meanwhile, Gargamel is setting up his trap again for the Smurfs, but this time with the gift hat he has found to use as bait. During the setup, a squirrel scurries right over it, and Azrael pounces toward the squirrel, though he triggers the trap again and snares himself with his master in it. The evil wizard watches as Painter and Farmer find the hat and decide to take it back to the Smurf Village, saying that Papa Smurf must be mighty worried about losing the hat.

Painter Found the Hat (A Gift for Papa's Day)

In the village, Smurfette asks Papa Smurf where his new hat is, and he just sighs as he tells her that a great puff of wind had blown it away. But then Painter and Farmer show up with the hat again, very pleased to have brought it back to its rightful owner. Again, Papa Smurf finds himself having to wear the hat that he just doesn't like, but as he lays by a tree out in the forest, he observes a crow at work looking for material to build his nest. At that point, Papa Smurf is inspired to give the crow something for his nest-building, and so he lays the hat out in the open, which the crow happily flies off with. Papa Smurf says with some sarcasm that he has seen the last of his "marvelous" hat. Upon his return to the village, his little Smurfs wonder what happened to the hat, and Papa Smurf says that a crow took it while he was resting. The other Smurfs are now eager to form a search party in order to look for the hat.

Gargamel is again setting up his trap and again is looking for suitable bait to capture the Smurfs in it when he sees the crow with the hat in his beak sitting on a tree branch. He tells the crow to give up the hat, and it drops onto Gargamel's head. The evil wizard has no idea why the Smurfs are looking for this particular hat, but he sees it as useful bait for his trap. He and Azrael duck behind a bush and wait in hiding for the Smurfs to come, and soon enough a group of Smurfs approach the trap, seeing Papa Smurf's new hat lying on top of it. They rush to get the hat, but get snared in the trap, and Gargamel looks at his captured prey and says tonight he and Azrael will eat Smurfs. Smurfette pleads for Gargamel to at least give the hat back to Papa Smurf. However, the evil wizard intends to keep the hat in the hopes that Papa Smurf will come rescue his little Smurfs, so that Gargamel will find out what the secret is with this hat.

Back in the village, Papa Smurf is getting concerned for his little Smurfs, as they should have returned long ago, and takes to the air riding Feathers above the forest in order to find them. He doesn't see the Smurfs, but he does see something sparkly down below. Feathers takes him to the spot, and Papa Smurf sees that it's one of the mirrors from his hat, and it's near a pile of leaves that look like they've been used for a trap. He wonders what his hat would be doing near a trap, and then realizes that Gargamel must have set up the trap and used the hat for bait. He takes to the air again, hoping to reach Gargamel's hovel.

Soon, Papa Smurf sees that Gargamel is preparing dinner for him and is complaining that he hates Smurfs who are late for dinner. Papa Smurf then announces his presence at the window of Gargamel's hovel, asking to have his hat back. Gargamel wonders why Papa Smurf would want his hat returned over having his little Smurfs freed, and Papa Smurf tells him it's a very special hat. This makes the evil wizard curious as to why the hat is so special that Papa Smurf would want it more than his little Smurfs, even to the point of assuming that it was a magic hat and demanding Papa Smurf to reveal its secret, or he will eat the other Smurfs before the village leader's eyes.

Papa Smurf warns that whatever Gargamel does, he should not spin around while wearing the hat. So Gargamel does what Papa Smurf told him not to do, and so does Azrael. Papa Smurf warns Gargamel not to make wishes while spinning around, and so the wizard starts spewing out a lot of wishes. And while Gargamel is doing all that, Papa Smurf flies into the room with Feathers and releases the Smurfs from the net, flying safely away and leaving Gargamel and Azrael so dizzy from all the spinning around, it takes a while for the wizard to notice that the Smurfs are gone. He realizes that Papa Smurf's "magic hat" is fake and so throws it out the window, telling his cat that he's going to be sick.

Bronzed Hat

A much better place for the hat.

Back in the village, Papa Smurf is glad to see that all his little Smurfs are now safe, though he is now without his "beautiful hat". Then Feathers shows up with the hat in his beak, and the other Smurfs are so glad to see the hat return that they want to see it on Papa Smurf's head again. Papa Smurf refuses to do so, saying that such a hat that saved them from Gargamel is much too precious to be worn, and so he has Handy turn the hat into a trophy which Papa Smurf proudly displays on a mantel for all the Smurfs to see. Every Smurf is now glad to see the hat having a special place, though Smurfette and Vanity miss seeing it on Papa Smurf's head, saying that it made him look distinguished and that the hat had that little something to it. Tailor decides that he shall make another new hat for Papa Smurf, which makes the other Smurfs cheer.


