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"A House For Nanny" is a Season 8 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.



Smurfette and Nanny don't want to live together anymore. The Smurfs start designing a house for Nanny while they go to find a house-warming plant for Nanny's house.

Plot Summary[]

It is a beautiful morning at in the Smurf Village. At Smurfette's house, Smoogle wakes up Smurfette, but as he did so, he accidently spills a glass of spinach juice (which Nanny has made) right on Smurfette's pink night gown. Then Nanny Smurf tells Smurfette it is a shame for her to not drink her glass of spinach juice. Nanny makes Smurfette wonder that if she doesn't accept the spinach juice Nanny made, it would hurt her feelings. She rolls inside the cover because Nanny had re-arranged the furniture again. Nanny gives Smurfette her glass of spinach juice and she also gives her a map just in case she needs to find her closet. Then Nanny and Smoogle both open the window (despite the fact that it's the middle of winter). Smurfette closes the window and Nanny tells her that she needs to tuck the blanket in the corners of her bed, otherwise she could not have pleasant dreams on sloppy beds. Then Nanny cuts off the curtains (as she agrees to Smoogle) about that she's nice and sweet but she's not the easiest Smurf to live with. Smurfette says the same thing about Nanny as she was calmly combing her hair. Then Smurfette begins to find pink dust on her hairbrush because Nanny had brushed Smoogle with it several times. She angrily walks out of her house and there she sees Painter, Sassette, and Baby Smurf on a small log stump. Painter tells Sassette and Baby Smurf to both hold still for the masteurpiesa to be complete. Behind them, Handy has made a play pen for Baby Smurf which he tells Architect that the playpen almost makes him wish that he was a baby Smurf. Papa Smurf makes sure that this playpen is safe for Baby Smurf by sliding down on the slide of the playpen. When Sassette sees Smurfette is feeling unhappy, she tells her that she could use another lesson in baby burping. But Smurfette says to Sassette that if she had paid attention to her the last time, she wouldn't have keep bothering her. which makes Papa Smurf think that there is something troubling her. Greedy hands out a tray of freshly squeezed smurfberry juice, but Smurfette drinks every glass!

Then, Papa Smurf and the other Smurfs think it's time to make a house for Nanny, and Smurfette agrees with it.

At Smurfette's house, Papa Smurf told Nanny that he and the other Smurfs will be building her a house, but before Nanny can enter inside her house, she wants a housewarming flower for her garden, which blooms at the peak of Mt. Ferno.

Papa Smurf told Smurfette the sooner she gets going, the sooner Nanny gets to move into her new house.

Papa Smurf told the other Smurfs to decide what Nanny's house would be like while he went to gather ingredients to make a potion for Nanny's closet. Architect Smurf told the other Smurfs to make the house. Greedy says that the kitchen is much too small, and Brainy said that Architect decides to throw away something when it's no good. When Architect threw Brainy, Brainy said that's the last time he'd paid him a compliment.

Meanwhile at Mt. Ferno, Smurfette was hanging on a rope with Smoogle when she began to fall down in a pile of snow. Nanny told Smurfette that she needs to be more careful. Smurfette said to her that she was trying to climb when she found her having teatime. Nanny said that if they gone up the other way like she suggested, they would've been having tea at the top by now and she thinks that Smurfette was too stubborn to listen to her. Smurfette says to Nanny that she's the Smurf who never listens. Nanny replied that it's because that Smurfette was never saying anything worth hearing it. Smurfette said she has nothing more to say to Nanny which she agrees with it.

Meanwhile, back in Papa Smurf's lab, the Smurfs were having an argument about the new model Architect made. Greedy said that the kitchen is still too small. Clumsy asked Architect where Nanny is going to put her rock collection, making the latter realize that it's back to the drawing board, much to the chagrin of Grouchy, who says that he hates said phrase.


  • This episode marks the final appearance of Architect.
  • The background music when Smoogle saves Nanny and Smurfette was also played in "Smurfquest".


  • As Nanny prepares the spinach juice, Smoogle's eyes are white.
  • When Handy and Architect show up with the playpen, Handy has no suspenders.
  • The Smurfs build a new house for Nanny, despite Nat, Slouchy, and/or Snappy's old houses from when they were adult Smurfs presumably being around.

