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"A Hug For Grouchy" is a Season 3 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.



Chlorhydris uses her ice wand on a fairy that begins removing emotions from the Smurfs and the fairy must get a hug from the biggest grouch to reverse the spell.

Plot Summary

Grouchy is busy sleeping peacefully in his bed one fine morning in the Smurf Village (though he mutters "I hate snoring") when he is awakened by Harmony's horn, followed by the village musician saying that Papa Smurf has a "smurfy announcement" to make to the gathered Smurfs. While the other Smurfs cheer, Hefty and Painter invade Grouchy's house in order to get their fellow Smurf to join the others for the announcement. Grouchy tries to get them to go away by covering himself up, saying "I hate announcements", but it does him no good as the two Smurfs carry him outside, blanket and all, to hear the village leader's announcement.

Hug Muggers

Grouchy just can't get any peace of mind on Hug-A-Smurf Day!

Papa Smurf says that this day is Hug-A-Smurf Day, a day that has been created to emphasize the need for expressing one's feelings, which makes the other Smurfs cheer, as they like expressing themselves through hugs. Smurfette in particular hugs two nearby male Smurfs, who basically faint lovestruck after she lets them go. Papa Smurf then gets to the best part of his announcement: he tells everyone to give each other a great big smurf-busting hug. And so the Smurfs get busy with the hugging, as Clumsy hugs Painter, Smurfette hugs Vanity, Hefty crushes Brainy with a one-arm hug as his other arm is occupied carrying Baby Smurf, Hefty then turns to the little infant and kisses Baby Smurf, Vanity hugs his own mirror, and pretty much every Smurf is hugging each other... all except for Grouchy, who is too busy hugging his blanket around himself. But then Smurfette approaches Grouchy, telling him "Happy Hug-A-Smurf Day", to which Grouchy responds by covering up his face and walking away, saying "I hate Hug-A-Smurf Day".

In Chlorhydris' castle, the evil witch shares the same sentiment as Grouchy, as she observes through her telescope all the goings-on in the world outside. She intends to nip this year's Hug-A-Smurf Day right in the bud, and she goes down into her scheming chamber, which she says she keeps at the same cold temperature as her heart, to use the very thing she has stored there to rid the world of all its feelings: an Ice Wand. With this wand, Chlorhydris says that anyone struck by it will feel no joy, no sorrow, no anger, and most importantly, no love.

While in the Smurf Village some Smurfs are hiding out waiting to ambush Grouchy with a hug, Chlorhydris pants as she climbs up a hill to find somebody she can use the ice wand on. She says that all those years toiling on making the ice wand has taken a toll on her health. And then she finds a happy little fairy out in the forest who's enjoying the company of a couple of hummingbirds telling a joke to her. The evil witch strikes her with the ice wand, and soon the fairy becomes a frozen emotionless zombie, simply saying "I don't care". Pleased to see that her ice wand works, Chlorhydris hands it over to the fairy and commands her to go after the Smurfs and strike them all to destroy their love. Soon the fairy flies off to fulfill her mistress' mission.

Back in the village, Grouchy watches as Painter makes a mess of his painting and then stomps on it, saying that he has ruined his masteurpiesa and it's making him mad. Grouchy, watching Painter at work, says "I hate mad". But then he sees some Smurfs hiding behind a bush waiting to mug a hug, and he bolts out of the way as they try to pounce on him, saying "I hate Hug-A-Smurf Day, too". He hides behind a village well and watches Poet recite a poem about the poor Smurf who refused to be hugged. Smurfette, who hears the recital, says that the poem makes her feel sad, and Grouchy responds with, "I hate... sad". Smurfette then notices Grouchy and goes over to tell him that feeling mad and sad are natural parts of being a Smurf and that he shouldn't feel ashamed of sharing them. But all Grouchy can say to that is "I hate sharing... maybe I'll try".

Meanwhile, the emotionless fairy is flying around looking for a victim to strike with the ice wand. She sees two birds cooing affectionately with each other on a tree branch and strikes them, causing them to fly away.

Grouchy then watches as the Smurfs enjoy themselves watching Vanity doing jump-rope while reciting his favorite rhyme near the outskirts of the village. Smurfette calls Grouchy to join the fun, saying it will make him feel smurfy. Grouchy responds by saying, "I hate feeling... anything". Smurfette thought that her friend was going to try, and Grouchy runs off, saying "I hate trying", as Smurfette chases after him. But then the emotionless fairy shows up at the jump-rope game, and after the Smurfs try to invite her to join in, she responds by striking them with the ice wand, and they soon become emotionless zombies who simply say "I don't care" as they head toward the village with the fairy following them.

Smurfette catches up to Grouchy and tries to tell him that he will find himself a much happier Smurf once he gets used to sharing his feelings with others. She then sees her fellow Smurfs coming and tells them that Grouchy has something to tell them. They pass by her and simply say "we don't care" like zombies, which makes her run and tell Papa Smurf about how they are acting. He goes out with Smurfette and Grouchy to test those Smurfs, with Papa Smurf complimenting Vanity on his beauty, to which Vanity responds "I don't care" as he tosses his mirror away. Smurfette tells Harmony he's the smurfiest musician, and Harmony says "I don't care" as he tosses his horn away. Grouchy tells Painter that he hates his masteurpiesas, and Painter says, "I don't care". Grouchy gets so upset that he shouts, "I hate 'I don't care'", and the five Smurfs simply say, "We don't care".

Papa Smurf goes into his laboratory to look into his books and finds something about the mythical Ice Wand, which legend says has the power to chill hearts except for babies because their hearts are so warm. As amazing as that information is to Papa Smurf, what's also amazing is that the power of the Ice Wand can only be broken if the holder of the wand is given a great big hug by someone who is a confirmed grouch. Those shock Grouchy, as he knows that he is a confirmed grouch, and tries to make a run for it. Papa Smurf stops Grouchy by telling him that if he doesn't give the holder a hug by the time the sun sets, his friends will remain with frozen hearts forever.

Papa Smurf goes to where the five Smurfs were playing jump-rope and examines the scene with Smurfette. The village leader then suspects that Chlorhydris must be behind this cold scheme, but before he can do anything more, the emotionless fairy appears again and strikes two squirrels passionately embracing each other with the Ice Wand, causing them to wander off from each other like zombies. Papa Smurf, Smurfette, and Grouchy see this and then duck for cover as she turns toward them and strikes them with the wand. Papa Smurf gets hit, but Smurfette and Grouchy escape and Baby Smurf remains unharmed, with Smurfette telling Grouchy that sunset is approaching and that if he doesn't do anything, his fellow Smurfs and Papa Smurf will remain without feelings for the rest of their lives.

Then, Baby Smurf crawls out of the bushes, and the emotionless fairy turns the Ice Wand on him, striking him again and again with no effect. With the fairy distracted, Smurfette tells Grouchy to hug her, which he tries to do by wrapping his arms around her, but then his arms fold back in, saying that he hates hugging. Smurfette pleads with Grouchy to do it for Papa Smurf, and Grouchy bravely reaches out and grabs the fairy to hug her close to him. The Ice Wand causes waves of colors to pour out before it rockets off, and soon the fairy is back to her normal emotional self, thanking Grouchy for the hug. The Ice Wand now goes and restores everyone's feelings, including Papa Smurf, the two squirrels, and the two birds on the tree branch. Finally, the Ice Wand enters Chlorhydris' scheming chamber and destroys the table that she is preparing her Heart Of Ice on, and the evil witch now sees that her Ice Wand is destroyed forever, which makes her heart feel broken.


Promo for the episode on many DVD releases.

Back in the Smurf Village, Grouchy finally gets accosted by his fellow Smurfs who were just dying to give him a hug all day for Hug-A-Smurf Day. As Grouchy struggles uselessly to get the huggers off him, Smurfette tells Grouchy that he is the Hug-A-Smurf Day hero, and Papa Smurf tells him that in his own way, he is a very huggable Smurf. Grouchy simply says, "I know... BUT I HATE IT!!!".


  • Despite his cartoon show counterpart's hatred for giving his fellow Smurfs hugs, Grouchy in the 2011 Smurfs movie does give one to Brainy when Papa Smurf announces the star alignments being perfect for the blue moon when the Smurfs are trapped in New York City.
  • Many foreign DVD releases carry the syndicated Smurfs Adventures repackaging of this episode, as opposed to the rest of the episodes, which were uncut, although this episode has also used the modified intro and credits for foreign markets. The syndicated version also cuts a scene with the Smurfs chanting "I don't care" after the fairy uses the Ice Wand on them.

