"April Smurf's Day" is a Season 3 episode from the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show.
- Papa Smurf
- Gargamel
- Azrael
- Brainy Smurf
- Jokey Smurf
- Harmony Smurf
- Smurfette
- Greedy Smurf
- Grouchy Smurf
- Clumsy Smurf
- Painter Smurf
- Feathers
- Smurfberry Birds
- Tracker Smurf (Does not speak)
- Unnamed Smurfs
Papa Smurf decides to play a prank on a smurfberry bush Gargamel after he captures a lot of the Smurfs with his disguise.
Plot Summary[]
Harmony summons the whole village together for an April Smurf's Day announcement from Papa Smurf, which makes the other Smurfs cheer. Brainy, however, despises the day because it's the one day where everybody picks on him, and already he sees Jokey at work trying to get him with an obvious April Smurf's Day joke... one of his "surprises". Brainy disposes the "surprise" into the rainwater inside the barrel near his front door, then goes to sniff the flower on the bush next to him, which then explodes. Jokey laughs, noticing he has caught Brainy off-guard with his April Smurf's Day joke, and then tells Brainy to come for Papa Smurf's announcement. Brainy sighs as he sees that this is going to be a long day for him.

"You'll have to get up pretty early in the morning to fool Brainy..." BOOM!
Soon, Papa Smurf comes out, and the Smurfs gather at the speaking mushroom to hear his announcement, that April Smurf's Day is that time of the year when Smurfs are allowed to play smurfy pranks on each other. Then Papa Smurf warns them that a monster is right behind them, and as they turn to look, he laughs and says, "April Smurf's Day!" to underscore his point. He then explains that the day was originally created for the Smurfs to not take life too seriously and to be able to laugh at themselves. He warns his little Smurfs to keep their pranks "smurfy" and to be a good sport.
Brainy scoffs at the idea of being a "good sport", saying he would only be one by not letting anyone make a fool of him. Then Smurfette appears, saying that she's going to spend the day picking wild smurfberries instead of playing pranks like everyone else, but she has trouble getting the lid off her bucket. Brainy offers to help, but as he pulls the lid off, a fake snake pops up from inside the bucket. Smurfette giggles, saying "April Smurf's Day!" and that she needs to pull at least one joke on somebody before going berry picking. Brainy is left saying to himself that this is one time that he questions Papa Smurf's judgment.
Meanwhile, Gargamel has found a way that he can catch Smurfs. As he douses himself with a formula that he has brewed in his lair, the evil wizard is soon covered in leaves and berries until he has turned into a living smurfberry bush. He can't wait for the Smurfs to come and pick the berries from his bush, because he will be waiting there to "ambush" them.
Out in the forest, Smurfette is happily singing the Smurf song as she skips along collecting smurfberries when she sees the biggest smurfberry bush in the forest that just appeared. As she starts collecting the berries from the bush, a butterfly appears near the top of the bush where a pair of evil eyes are looking out and cause the bush to sneeze. Smurfette thinks that the Smurfs are in the bush playing an April Smurf's Day joke on her, but then she is grabbed by a very big hand that emerges from the bush.
Brainy then goes out into the forest so he could get away from all the mischief going on in the village when he runs into Grouchy, who like Brainy has the idea of going off into the forest to be alone. As Brainy sees a fellow Smurf who also hates April Smurf's Day, he asks Grouchy if he would go smurfberry picking with him, and all Grouchy could say is, "I hate... not having any.". Then Brainy sees a big smurfberry bush behind them and says that they should end this discussion and go break for lunch. As they both gather around the bush to enjoy its fruits, a hand grabs them, and a voice tells them that they will soon join Smurfette. Brainy and Grouchy realize that the bush is really Gargamel and they cry for help.
Meanwhile, Clumsy sees Painter out in the forest painting his latest masteurpiesa and is so distracted by Clumsy's question that he doesn't notice that a bush in the background has moved. Painter admonishes Clumsy for the distraction and then paints out the bush to try painting it in the spot it now appears. Then the bush moves again, and Painter is befuddled by the mistakes he is making with his painting, until the bush appears right behind the canvas and makes him realize that the bush is alive. Suddenly, two hands grab Painter and Clumsy before the bush runs off.
Back in the village, Harmony asks Greedy if he would allow him to play, and Greedy says he wishes that Harmony wouldn't as he sets two balls of dough on his windowsill. Then Jokey sneaks one ball of dough onto the front of Harmony's horn and tells his fellow Smurf that he would love to hear a blast. Harmony obliges by blowing his horn, and before Greedy could stop him, the ball of dough goes flying until it hits Papa Smurf in the face. He has a hard time laughing it off as he confronts the three Smurfs and tells them that he's looking for volunteers to look for some Smurfs who seem to be missing. Jokey thinks that those Smurfs must be playing a prank, but Papa Smurf says it's better to be safe than sorry.
In Gargamel's hovel, the Smurfs that the evil wizard have captured are soon joined by a few more, with Smurfette saying that he will continue to capture Smurfs with his bush disguise until some Smurf warns them. Gargamel says that soon he will have them all in his leafy clutches as he laughs.
Out in the forest, Papa Smurf finds Painter's canvas in the spot that he has left it, but the village leader notices something off about the painting, that it depicts a bush growing in the scene before them that doesn't appear anywhere. Greedy wonders if Painter just made the bush up, and Papa Smurf says it's most likely from Gargamel. Then Harmony spots Smurfette's smurfberry bucket, which only confirms what Papa Smurf has suspected. He tells Greedy to go with Harmony to watch what's going on at Gargamel's lair while he and Jokey fly on Feathers to look for him and the captured Smurfs.
As the two Smurfs reach the outer perimeter of the hovel, Greedy spots a smurfberry bush nearby that they could hide in. They both enter, with Greedy picking and eating the smurfberries from the bush, saying that they're delicious, until a voice says, "Thank you" and a hand captures them. From the air, Papa Smurf and Jokey are unable to find a trace of Gargamel or the Smurfs and have Feathers turn to fly over to Gargamel's, who at this point is rejoicing with a song about him being evil. Papa Smurf and Jokey come in for a closer look and see that Gargamel has turned into a smurfberry bush, though what Papa Smurf couldn't stand is that Gargamel sings so terribly. The village leader has a plan and summons Feathers to fly to the chimney.
Inside the lair, Gargamel pulls Azrael away from the terrarium that the Smurfs are trapped in, saying it's not good to snack on Smurfs before meals before the two of them laugh. But then Papa Smurf decides to play a joke on Gargamel by using a bird call to summon a flock of smurfberry birds to come down the chimney and attack Gargamel by feasting on his berries. Gargamel makes a run for the forest and dives into the river to get rid of the shrubbery that's covered him.
After Feathers picks up the captured Smurfs, they fly off over the forest, and Jokey hands Papa Smurf his telescope to see how Gargamel is doing, watching him do some emergency self-pruning. Papa Smurf says it's been quite a day, and Brainy is glad that the day is over, with the village leader saying that they won't have to worry about pranks for a whole year. But as Papa Smurf removes the telescope from his eye, it is apparent that Jokey had coated it with shoe polish, as the Smurfs see that it has given Papa Smurf a black eye and laugh.
- When Greedy first approaches Brainy with the fake pancake, his apron is missing.