"Babes In Wartland" is a Season 4 episode from the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show.
- Baby Smurf
- King Bullrush
- Hunters
- Slop
- Sludge
- Slime
- Wartmongers
- Slag the Jester
- Pussywillow Pixies
- Papa Smurf
- Clumsy Smurf
- Greedy Smurf
- Harmony Smurf
- Bigmouth
- Smurfette (Non-speaking cameo)
- Painter Smurf (Non-speaking cameo)
- Lazy Smurf (Non-speaking cameo)
- Grumper (Mentioned only)
- Unnamed Smurfs
Baby Smurf becomes a new jester for King Bullrush.
Plot Summary[]
Every Smurf is having fun on the Smurf Of July picnic by the riverside, playing games, swimming, eating, or just relaxing. Clumsy is watching over Baby Smurf and asks if he wants to play hide-and-go-smurf, which the infant is eager to play. As Clumsy covers his eyes and counts to twenty, Baby climbs inside a picnic basket and covers himself with a cloth to make sure Clumsy wouldn't be able to find him. Meanwhile, Papa Smurf sees Greedy barbecuing chestnuts over an open fire and is offered to have some, but then the picnic gets interrupted by Bigmouth coming straight toward the picnic site, smelling food. This makes the Smurfs scurry for cover with Greedy taking the chestnuts before Bigmouth gets a hold of them. The stomping causes the picnic basket Baby is hiding in to fall into the river and be carried downstream. Clumsy finally reaches twenty and then looks to see that every Smurf is gone from the picnic site.
As he wonders where his fellow Smurfs are, the picnic basket with Baby in it enters into the fog separating the forest from Pussywillow Hollow, where the Pussywillow Pixies are busy enjoying some leisure time together while hiding from the Wartmongers. Bramble hears the sound of a baby babbling and starts to fly off to investigate. Elderberry cautions the young pixie not to let her curiosity get the better of her until she too is drawn by the sound. The pixies peer from behind the tall grasses and see that it's a baby Smurf. They wonder where he came from, and Elderberry answers that he's from the Smurf Village. The pixie leader comforts the child as he cries, promising that they will take care of him until Papa Smurf comes for him.
Meanwhile, the three Wartmonger hunters, Slop, Sludge, and Slime, are out in the hollow with their bubble guns looking for Pussywillow Pixies to capture when they hear the sound of a baby crying. They try following the sound to its source when it suddenly stops, as the Pussywillow Pixies have tended to the crying by changing Baby Smurf's diaper with a soft violet leaf that pleases him. Elderberry gives the child over to Lilac to hold, who adores him as she holds him close to her. Jealous, Acorn wants to hold the child, but she is teased by her older siblings, saying that she is a child herself. The youngest pixie doesn't like how she is being treated and angrily flies off, making Elderberry rather disappointed with the young pixies she is in charge of. But then, suddenly they have bigger problems, as the Wartmongers have the pixies surrounded and captured with their bubble guns.
Soon, the three hunters bring their captives into Toad Castle to be presented before King Bullrush. They say they have captured all six of the Pussywillow Pixies, but King Bullrush sees that the blue infant in Lilac's arms isn't Acorn or a pixie, but rather a baby Smurf. Baby watches as King Bullrush pounds on his royal pillow, causing a bowl of slime to be dumped onto Slime's head, and enjoys the sight. He leaps from Lilac's arms and lands on a spoon, flinging some slime onto Slop's head, making the king laugh along with the pixies until King Bullrush has the pixies taken away to work in the slime mills. However, Baby Smurf is brought before the king, who finds him to be more entertaining than his jester Slag, which makes the Wartmonger rather jealous for the attention.
Outside Toad Castle, Acorn finds herself alone and wondering where the other pixies are when she flies down to the ground and sees Wartmonger tracks, making her realize that her fellow pixies have been captured and she must rescue them. Meanwhile, Papa Smurf, Greedy, Clumsy, and Harmony are crossing through the fog into the hollow in search of Baby Smurf and find the picnic basket, which is now empty. Clumsy says that he and Baby were playing hide-and-go-smurf and that Baby must have hidden himself in the basket. Meanwhile, is King Bullrush is playing with Baby Smurf, Slag tries to entertain him by telling one of his jokes, but to no avail as King Bullrush is busy playing with Baby Smurf. Slag gets jealous at this and leaves until he comes up with an idea to "accidentally" feed Baby Smurf to the Grumper.
Acorn arrives at the castle and flies past over the two guards talking about going to a mud-wrestling match, without being seen. Acorn then quietly slips into the throne room of Toad Castle and sees Baby Smurf resting on the belly of King Bullrush, who along with his court is deep in sleep. The little pixie realizes that she must rescue Baby first, but as she pulls the infant away from Bullrush, Slag tries to attack them both with his jester's staff but misses, striking Bullrush's belly instead. Slag directs the king's attention toward the pixie trying to make her escape with Baby, who then flies into a hanging tapestry which falls down to the floor. Bullrush gets Baby safely out from under the tapestry before the other Wartmongers pile on top of it and try to stomp the pixie under it flat, not noticing that she has managed to slip out beforehand.
Acorn watches as Baby tickles the king and makes him laugh, seeing how he can rescue the child from him. She pulls a feather out of a cushion and tickles Bullrush with it, making him laugh uncontrollably. She demands the king to release the other pixies, or she will continue to tickle him. Bullrush refuses to do so, but after Acorn continues to tickle him, he gives in and orders his Wartmongers to release the pixies. After they are freed, Acorn tickles Bullrush's nose with the feather, causing him to sneeze, blowing Acorn and Baby out the window and out of the castle, with the other pixies following.
Papa Smurf and the three other Smurfs run into the pixies as they were escaping Toad Castle, with Acorn carrying Baby Smurf. Papa Smurf is pleased to see that Baby was unharmed, and Acorn's older siblings expressed their apologies to her for having teased her. Acorn forgives them, saying that they've got the last laugh on Bullrush, who at this moment is being entertained by Slag trying to act like a baby.
- Many foreign DVD releases carry the syndicated Smurfs Adventures repackaging of this episode, as opposed to the rest of the episodes, which were uncut, although this episode has also used the modified intro and credits for foreign markets. Two scenes were also cut:
- One cuts a whole scene where a jealous Slag unsuccessfully tries to entertain King Bullrush then coming up with an idea to rid Baby Smurf was cut.
- Another scene where the guards were talking to each other at the bridge when Acorn flies past them without being seen was also cut.
- A scene of the Smurfs' picnic is re-used from "The Smurfic Games".
- The Smurfs notably don't have major roles in this episode, with the only Smurfs that have lines are Baby, Papa Smurf, Clumsy, Greedy, and Harmony.
- This episode was accidentally named “Babes In Wartland” as it was supposed to be named “Babies In Wartland”.
- This is one of the few episodes where the Smurfs aren't the main focus.