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1981 TV Show Icon

"Bookworm Smurf" is a Season 6 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.



Sassette gets annoyed by Brainy's reading lessons and makes all the books disappear.

Plot Summary[]


Sassette finds reading for herself a difficult task.

In the Smurflings' playhouse, Papa Smurf was sitting with Sassette reading her favorite story when he finally reaches the end. Sassette enjoys the story so much that she wants Papa Smurf to read the story again. Papa Smurf says that he couldn't, that he has to go back to his work, but maybe someday she will be able to read the story for herself. But Sassette would rather have Papa Smurf read the story because she likes how he reads it. Papa Smurf tells Sassette to run along and play, saying that maybe he will have time to read the story again later.

As she runs about singing the Smurf song, Sassette sees a crowd gathering around a table with Brainy announcing that he is having a "book sale" where he is giving away older copies of his Quotations Of Brainy Smurf books so that he could make room for newer editions. Of course, not everyone is eager to take a copy home for themselves, and even Sassette is ready to go along her own way like everybody else when Brainy stops her, saying that she could have her very own copy of Quotations. Sassette tells Brainy that she couldn't read his book because she doesn't know how to read, which makes Brainy upset at the thought that a mind like hers wouldn't be able to grasp such concepts he has written in his books.

Brainy takes it upon himself to teach Sassette how she can read for herself. He tells Clumsy to watch after the books on the table while he sits Sassette down at a desk and leads her through an alphabetical lecture about himself with a pull-down chart as a learning aid. Unfortunately, Brainy's lesson falls on deaf ears as he finds that his little Smurfling student has fallen asleep in class, and so he bangs on her desk to wake her up and get her attention. At that point, the Smurflings call for Sassette to join them for a swim down at the swimming hole. Sassette is so eager to go swimming with her friends, but Brainy wouldn't let her be dismissed from class by any distractions, which just makes Sassette pull her hat over her ears in frustration.

Poor Baby, let's hope he gets better.

Meanwhile, Harmony and another Smurf bring Baby Smurf into Papa Smurf's laboratory, who sees how pale and sickly the young infant is... and how spotted he is when the village leader strips off the sleeper and sees that Baby has come down with a rash he has never seen before. Papa Smurf tells the two Smurfs to put Baby to bed while he looks through his books to find out how to cure the rash.

Sassette is trying to read out loud a passage from one of Brainy's books, with Brainy getting annoyed that she would misread one of the words, when Clumsy alerts him to the fact that Puppy has run off with one of his books. Desperate to keep such "pearls of wisdom" from being lost, Brainy goes off to follow Clumsy, but before doing so he tells Sassette to "read, read, read". After a while of trying to read, though, Sassette gets so frustrated that she throws the book away and goes to tell Papa Smurf about how she feels about Brainy's reading lessons. She finds him in his laboratory just as he finished going through all his books and not being able to find the answer to Baby Smurf's illness, telling him she has tried learning to read but found that it's just so hard. Papa Smurf sympathizes with Sassette, but tells her if she tries hard enough, she will find that it's worth the effort, saying that all of life's answers can be found in books.

After Papa Smurf leaves in order to go to Homnibus for the answer to Baby Smurf's illness, Sassette tries to learn how to read through Papa Smurf's books but finds that the spell books are just as difficult to read as the one Brainy try having her read from. But then, Sassette comes across a magic book that doesn't have any words in it, until it floats in the air, opens to some pages, and automatically prints out the words, "If these words are read by you, whatever you say next will come true". Eager to test this out, Sassette tells the book that she never wants to see another book again. Instantly, all the books in Papa Smurf's laboratory vanish, including the book that she made her wish with.

Elsewhere, Sassette's wish has its effect, as Greedy's cookbook suddenly disappears in the middle of making up a recipe, Brainy's book disappears after he has rescued it from Puppy, and all of Homnibus' books disappear from his shelves, including the one he has given Papa Smurf to cure Baby Smurf's illness. As the elderly wizards wonder who such a thing could do, Sassette hears Harmony play a tune that's even more out-of-tune than usual, and Harmony says it's because his music book is now gone so he can't even practice. At the watermill, Handy tells Farmer that he doesn't have his repair manual so he wouldn't be able to repair the mill, which means that Farmer can't grind his wheat into flour. At mealtime, Greedy is only able to serve barely edible mush to his fellow Smurfs, as that is the only thing he remembers how to make. Returning to the playhouse, Sassette sits talking with her frog and saying how much she misses her storybooks now that all the books in the world are gone.

Soon, Papa Smurf returns, and Handy and Greedy are vocal in their concerns of how things are falling apart in the village without their books. Papa Smurf sees Grouchy with Baby Smurf, who looks deathly ill, and tells Sassette that without books, there's nothing he can do to cure him. Sassette feels so sad about all the books in the world disappearing, she's wondering what they can do now. Papa Smurf says that there's one thing he can do: he can visit the Well Of Knowledge and perhaps persuade it to bring all the books in the world back. It was then Sassette confessed that she was responsible for making the books vanish, and she only did it because she didn't want to learn reading from Brainy's books. While Brainy is so quick to point the finger at Sassette for the predicament, Papa Smurf tells Brainy he is just as responsible for the same problem, because reading is supposed to be fun, not work. He tells Sassette that he will take her also to the Well Of Knowledge so that they can both convince the well together.

Soon, the two Smurfs arrive at the Well Of Knowledge, with Papa Smurf pleading upon their arrival to restore the books that have disappeared from the world. The well tells Papa Smurf that only the one who made the wish of making the books disappear can make the request. Sassette makes the request to restore the books, to which the well answers that she must be willing to give it something of great value. Sassette tries to think of everything that she owns that she could give to the well to satisfy its demand, but the well doesn't consider them worthy enough. Sassette tells the well that if the books aren't restored, Greedy won't know how to cook, Handy won't know how to fix things, and Baby Smurf would not get well. With the last thing she says, a single tear falls from her eye and lands far down into the well's pool of water. The well is now satisfied, finding great value in a tear that comes from the heart, and instantly Homnibus' book appears in Papa Smurf's backpack, meaning all the books have reappeared as well.

Papa Smurf and Sassette quickly return to the village, where the village leader quickly prepares the remedy that cures Baby Smurf. Meanwhile, Handy finally has his repair manual and the watermill is back in operation. Brainy finally has his books back and is now reading from one of them before his fellow Smurfs, though his recital is soon interrupted by Greedy wheeling out cream puffs for everyone to enjoy, glad to have his cookbook back. Papa Smurf goes to read Sassette's favorite story to her and the other Smurflings, but he is so tuckered out that he ends up falling asleep during the reading. Fortunately, Sassette picks up where Papa Smurf left off, which makes the other Smurflings happy that she is able to read.


