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Captain Keelhaul is a human character who appeared in the cartoon show episode "Smurfs At Sea". He is a pirate captain who leads a ship of pirates to sail the seas looking for treasure to steal from passing ships and boats.

In the story, Captain Keelhaul comes across a humble fisherman who was out in the sea catching fish for his family so that he wouldn't have to pawn his wedding ring just to pay for bread. The Smurfs who were traveling the seas upon what was left of the Sea Smurf sailing ship were accidentally caught by the fisherman and then were taken on board the pirate ship. Although Captain Keelhaul didn't notice the Smurfs, he did notice the fish that the fisherman had caught and also his wedding ring, taking them both and casting his boat to drift out into the ocean with the fisherman tied up in it.

As the Smurfs tried to make their escape from Captain Keelhaul's boat, they accidentally drew his attention towards them without having him actually seeing them, making him think that there were ghosts on board his ship. This gave the Smurfs the idea of making ghostly noises and doing other things to make it appear as if the ship really was haunted by "the ghosts of victims past", demanding for him to return the things that he has stolen. Frightened to the point where he didn't want to deal with the ghosts anymore, Captain Keelhaul promptly returned the net of fish with the Smurfs in it to the fisherman, also giving him his wedding ring and a treasure chest. From that point on, Captain Keelhaul decided to give up on being a pirate.
