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"Crooner Smurf" is a Season 7 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.



Papa Smurf gives Harmony an amulet that greatly improves his singing, but Hogatha captures him to impress Lizardo.

Plot Summary[]


Ladies, gentlemen, and Smurfs, we have a singing Smurf to perform his smurfy voice for tonight!

Several Smurfs, including Smurfette, have gathered around for practice sessions in singing together in Brainy's Chorale Society, which Brainy himself is in charge of conducting. As Brainy calls his fellow Smurfs to attention, Harmony shows up just in time for the practice to start, but soon when it does, a few Smurfs start skipping out as they can't hear their singing voices over Harmony's. Brainy stops the practice and tries to take it from the top a few more times, but Harmony's voice causes a few more Smurfs to drop out until he finds himself alone on the bandstand with even Brainy departing to deal with the deserters.

He tells them that chorale practice is canceled until they return and get back in tune, a comment to which the other Smurfs say that they were in tune except for Harmony. Brainy says that a little fine tuning will take care of that matter, and so with some clever planning, he has all the Smurfs in the chorale except for Harmony show up at the bandstand for one more practice, which he hasn't told Harmony about. But no sooner that the practice session starts does Harmony show up again and ruin it with his singing. Brainy gets so fed up with Harmony that he breaks his conductor's baton and tells his fellow Smurf that he speaks for the others in the chorale that Harmony isn't wanted to be part of it.

Harmony is so sad to be kicked out of the chorale that he goes to talk to Papa Smurf about his singing problem being a problem for his fellow Smurfs. Papa Smurf tells Harmony that he will see what he can do to help, and so he is hard at work forging an amulet out of metal for Harmony to wear. Papa Smurf doesn't mention what the amulet is supposed to do, but when Smurfette comes with Weepy to ask Harmony if he would rejoin the chorale, the village leader encourages the musical Smurf to do so, striking the amulet so that it sends out vibrations. Brainy is surprised to see Harmony show up again for practice, but the bigger surprise is that Harmony's singing is so pitch-perfect that Brainy is now having Harmony be the star performer while the rest of the chorale are his backup singers.

Elsewhere in the forest, Lizardo is having a peaceful quiet day at the lake tonguing flies while sitting on his reptilian mount when he hears the warbling tones of a female voice riding across the lake. It is Hogatha, who is trying to serenade to her sweetheart in order to attract him to her. Instead, Lizardo has his mount turn around and ride off into the forest, which with a sweep of its tail knocks the evil witch out of her boat. Frustrated, Hogatha says to her beloved that she will melt his musical heart if that's the last thing she ever does.

Back in the village, as the rooster crows to wake up the Smurfs in the village to a brand new day, Harmony decides to do the wake-up call one step better and belts out such a tune that it makes one of Painter's works of art fall off its easel right onto the artist's face. Papa Smurf goes outside his laboratory with a crucial experiment he was working on, but then Harmony comes along with his new singing voice which shatters the vial that the formula was in, spilling it on Papa Smurf. Harmony feels sorry for what he did and asks Papa Smurf for a request, and Papa Smurf says he should take his new singing voice out into the forest to practice. Several other Smurfs also express the same opinion, and so Sassette takes Harmony along with Weepy and Clumsy out into the forest, with Weepy saying that some Smurfs just don't appreciate fine music.

Meanwhile, Hogatha shows up flying with her pet vulture at Lizardo's castle with something covered in a cloth, saying that she has brought him a "thrilling trilling surprise". But Lizardo has no interest in wanting to hear anything that she calls "music" and slams the window shut on her, telling her and her bird to buzz off. As Hogatha flies away, she wonders how she could make Lizardo's heart surrender to her when she hears a melodic singing voice from down in the forest. She swoops down and sees that it's a Smurf, particularly Harmony, who is giving a concert to some of his fellow Smurfs which has also attracted the attention of the nearby wildlife who gather to hear his golden voice.

Hogatha suddenly grabs Harmony and takes him back to her castle to properly prepare him for his performance, while Sassette, Weepy, and Clumsy try to follow the witch as she heads for Lizardo's castle with her performer. At the window of his castle, Lizardo hears the most incredible singing voice coming from the cage that Hogatha is carrying and says that he must have that songbird. Hogatha promises that he will have it, but first he must show up at her castle for a date, which he promises that he will. Sassette, Weepy, and Clumsy then follow Hogatha back to her own castle, where she has Harmony in a cage. The three Smurfs enter and tell Harmony that they have come to get him out of there, but Harmony refuses to go with them, saying that he has somebody who adores his voice. The three Smurfs try to tell them that they adore his voice as well, but Hogatha suddenly captures them and puts them in the cage along with Harmony, telling the crooner Smurf that he's going to stay with her forever after the wedding so that Lizardo will never leave her.

Soon, there's a knock on her door, and as Hogatha goes to answer it, Sassette says she only wishes that Harmony wasn't a good singer. That gives Harmony an idea: if he could remove the amulet he was wearing, his own natural singing voice would return. With a bit of help from Clumsy, Harmony's amulet flies off his neck and shatters on the bars of the cage. Lizardo then enters the room with Hogatha, not believing that the most musical singing voice in the world belongs to a Smurf. However, when Hogatha gets Harmony to start singing, his own natural singing voice ends up driving Lizardo toward the door, thinking that it was one of Hogatha's tricks. Hogatha tries to keep Lizardo from leaving by making a chair appear, but Lizardo picks up the chair and tosses it at the cage that the Smurfs are in, knocking it out the window before he storms out of the castle in anger.

Back in the village, Brainy has the chorale singing together again, only this time with Harmony singing along with such skillful direction, despite his tone-deaf performance, that none of the other Smurfs really notice. Papa Smurf watches the performance with Baby Smurf, saying to the little Smurf that sometimes the best music is when all his little Smurfs are singing together.


Crooner Smurf Book

The Turkish cover of the book.

  • Hamilton Camp, the voice of Harmony, was a professional singer and songwriter, so the episode itself is a showcase of the voice actor's musical talent.
  • This is the third and final appearance of Lizardo in the series.
  • A children's book adaption of this episode was released internationally. It is one of few Smurfs Classic books that have not yet been released in the US.

