"Don Smurfo's Uninvited Guests" is a Season 8 episode from the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show.
- Brainy Smurf
- Nanny Smurf
- Snappy Smurfling
- Don Smurfo
- Smoogle
- Papa Smurf
- Smurfette
- Sassette Smurfling
- Painter Smurf
- Dragon
- Three-Headed Ogre
- Malagarg
- Azrella
- Don Smurfo's Golden Eagle
- Bookworm
- Homnibus (Mentioned only)
Brainy, Nanny, and Snappy get stuck in Don Smurfo's storybook and they will disappear after the last page.
Plot Summary[]
On a rainy day, as Nanny reads a Don Smurfo story to Sassette, Snappy, and Smoogle in the Smurflings' playhouse, Snappy pretends to be a hero like the storybook character fighting off against the monster Smoogle. Brainy enters, convinced everyone wants to hear about yet another one of his books, but everyone is uninterested at his books and Nanny asks if he would like to join them reading a Don Smurfo story instead. He refuses, but when Nanny tells him that she's fond of the storybook hero, he offers to introduce him to Nanny, telling about how close he was to Don Smurfo when he came out of the book. Nanny and Smoogle laugh to this, but Sassette and Snappy tell them that Don Smurfo really came out of the book once, wondering if they could try to do it again. Brainy says that he knows where the Don Smurfo formula is, and Nanny is excited about meeting Don Smurfo.
Brainy, dressed in a magician hat and coat, holds two formulas in Papa Smurf's lab - pink for bringing Don Smurfo out and purple for sending him back - but he is not sure if it isn't the other way around. Suddenly, Papa Smurf, Smurfette, and Painter return from Homnibus, surprising Brainy, who throws both formulas into the air, accidentally spilling himself, Nanny, and Snappy and teleporting them into the storybook.

The hero loses focus due to an unexpected arrival
They arrive in the moment where Don Smurfo fights off against a dragon in the story. The hero notices them and is really surprised, losing focus of his fight and almost gets burned by the dragon's fire. Don Smurfo runs around the dragon, who rolls around his head to keep an eye on the Smurf hero, until his neck is all wrapped around itself and falls down, and Don Smurfo victoriously stands next to the dragon. Snappy and Nanny step to him with admiration, and Snappy presents Nanny to him while also explaining how they got here, with Brainy having no idea how to get out of the book.
In the real world, Smurfette is disappointed that she wasn't able to come along while Papa Smurf explains that Snappy, Nanny, and Brainy will be trapped inside forever if they don't get them out before the last page. Back in the book, Don Smurfo and his three visitors walk through the cellars where the hero is supposed to beat the three headed ogre. Snappy and Nanny offer to help Don Smurfo fight the ogre, but he says it's too dangerous, when the ogre's hand suddenly grabs them all. Painter, who observes how the new story goes, wonders if there is any way to help them, and Papa Smurf gets an idea to make Painter's colors magical so he'll be able to paint them out of trouble while he works on the counter spell. While ogre holds the Smurfs in the book, Don Smurfo says that this has never happened when he was working solo. When the three heads wonder how to fairly share four Smurfs, Painter paints a bag on each head and a door for them to get out, helping them escape. Out in the open, they almost fall into the river, but are saved by Don Smurfo's golden eagle.

The final destination - Malagarg's castle
The eagle drops them at the final destination - evil wizard Malagarg's castle. They sneak inside, where Don Smurfo warns them to watch out for the wizard's cat Azrella. The cat attacks them and Don Smurfo is ready to fight, but Painter saves them by painting a cage for the cat, to which the hero complains about. Snappy says that there is still Malagarg to beat, and the wizard shows up that very moment, some pages too soon according to Don Smurfo. Don Smurfo jumps onto the wizard's foot, and they make a run, except for Brainy, who relays on Painter's help. Nanny saves Brainy just before Malagarg snatches him, but eventually gets them both. Don Smurfo tells Snappy to run while he goes to the rescue, but is also captured, and Malagarg throws all three into his soup.
Smurfette, watching this happen in the book, turns to Painter for help, but unfortunately Painter has ran out of paint. Papa Smurf still isn't done with the counter spell, but Smurfette is sure Don Smurfo will still be able to save them. Don Smurfo is desperate for ending his great career in a stew, so Nanny tries to comfort him, but Malagarg is ready to eat them. Suddenly, the castle starts shaking and Snappy enters on a bookworm. Malagarg and Azrella hide from the bookworm, releasing Don Smurfo, Nanny, and Brainy. The four Smurfs escape, with the bookworm leaving just after them, and Don Smurfo thanks Snappy and tells him that he's a true hero. Malagarg runs after them when they suddenly arrive to the end of Don Smurfo's world - the last page. Malagarg is ready to get them, but outside the book, Papa Smurf tells Painter to dip his brush in the potion he has prepared and paint the Smurfs off the page. Painter removes them from the book, much to Malagarg's surprise, and brings them to the real world safe and sound. Don Smurfo fears he's stuck outside his book again, but Papa Smurf's counter spell is ready, so Don Smurfo says goodbye to Snappy, Nanny, and even Brainy, before Papa Smurf returns him where he belongs - to his storybook.
Don Smurfo: "Nice going, Brainy. And how do you plan to get out of here?"
Brainy: "I'm open for suggestions."
- -Don Smurfo and Brainy after Snappy explains the situation
- Malagarg and Azrella are Don Smurfo's versions of Gargamel and Azrael.
- Brainy, Snappy, and Sassette mention the events of "Return Of Don Smurfo".
- It is worth noting that despite how much Painter did in this episode, nobody seems to be thankful to him.