"Don Smurfo" is a Season 6 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Jokey Smurf/Don Jokey
- Smurfette
- Don Smurfo (In storybook)
- Brainy Smurf
- Hefty Smurf
- Clumsy Smurf
- Greedy Smurf
- Sassette Smurfling
- Snappy Smurfling
- Gargamel
- Azrael
- Nat Smurfling (Does not speak)
- Slouchy Smurfling (Does not speak)
- Papa Smurf (Mentioned only)
- Unnamed Smurfs
Jokey disguises himself as the storybook character Don Smurfo to charm Smurfette.
Plot Summary[]
Smurfette is reading the book of The Adventures of Don Smurfo to the Smurflings that night, which they all are enjoying the most. But as Smurfette is about to finish reading the storybook, Brainy rudely interrupts by telling the Smurflings to get some sleep, in spite of their protest and thanks Smurfette for the story. As she says "Smurfy dreams" to them, she then tells Brainy that it would be best for him to knock the door before entering a lady's room and tells him that Don Smurfo would never do such an unsmurfy thing to her. But Brainy just laughs and tells her that he is just a "storybook smurf" and walks away, leaving Smurfette to feel slightly insulted. But nonetheless, she contemplates that no smurf would ever be as smurfy and charming as Don Smurfo himself before she went to sleep and has a dream as a damsel in distress tied in a rope above Gargamel's cauldron with the evil wizard as a Grand Inquisitor) and calls for Don Smurfo's help. But as "Don" Gargamel tells her that no one, even Don Smurfo, can save her, Don Smurfo swoops through the open window and sets out a battle to defeat the villain, and helps Smurfette out to safety. She is so happy to be rescued by Don Smurfo, she calls him her hero, much to Gargamel's dismay, leaving him to rant about his failures yet again.
Later, as she wakes up, Smurfette realizes that it was all a dream, but she was rudely interrupted yet again and falls out of her bed, thanks to Greedy's morning call for Breakfast. This leaves her to remark that this was absosmurfily un-charming, as she sets off to Greedy's kitchen where the Smurfs are having breakfast and the place was full, leaving Smurfette to find her place to sit. However, as Hefty got out his chair to remove some crumbs from Brainy's piece of cake, Smurfette thinks that it was smurfy of him to let her sit in it, but then gets knocked out by Hefty as he was about to sit back there! Jokey thinks the situation was so funny and laughs heartily out loud, leaving Smurfette to sulk as Brainy offers to take his bowl to refill his porridge. But as she does so, Clumsy bumps into her and his bowl of porridge falls into her dress! Jokey laughs even more at her dilemma and Greedy moans that it was a terrible mess, to which Smurfette understands, until he licks the porridge out of her dress with his finger! Smurfette has had enough and storms off, while telling her fellow Smurfs to take charming lessons from Don Smurfo himself, leaving them to feel confused; even Clumsy and Brainy, whom the latter says that he was just a silly storybook Smurf. Jokey feels bad for Smurfette and decides to make her feel better with one of his usual present pranks, but even this was then backfired as she angrily calls Jokey the most un-charming Smurf in the whole village and walks away in a huff to return home, leaving him to feel upset.
As dusk draws into night, Smurfette feels so unhappy that yet another un-charming day past by as she is getting ready for her beauty sleep, when a red rose was thrown through her open window. She wonders where it come from, and then she hears a guitar music playing as she went to her open window. Suddenly, she could hardly believe her eyes as she looks down, it was Don Smurfo himself, as he states in a real flesh, playing a song to her. (Unbeknownst to her, it was actually Jokey Smurf in disguise) However, his music playing had wakened the other Smurfs up, and they all went to see where the racket came from, which is by Smurfette's house. When they arrived there, they could hardly believe what they saw as well, as Don Smurfo (Jokey) thought his show time was over and waves goodbye to Smurfette, and then he leaves. Clumsy asks Smurfette who was the Smurf with a funny outfit, to which she answers was the one and only Don Smurfo; much to the Smurfs' surprise and disbelief, as she tells him that he is the most charming, wonderful, and heroic Smurf in the whole world before she closes her window to get her peaceful sleep. However, as the Smurfs are left wondering about Don Smurfo's appearance, Jokey went quietly back to his house and takes off his disguise, while telling himself that he almost had them fooled.
The following day as the Smurfs are having a picnic by the river Smurf, they were all left fuming over Smurfette's fantasies about Don Smurfo's smurfy charming ways and she isn't around with them on a picnic as well, when Sassette points out to them that Smurfette is rowing a boat, with Don Smurfo (Jokey) in it as he picks the pedals of a flower off while chants in an Italian accent "She Smurfs-a me, she Smurfs-a me not". Then the Smurfs waves to persuade Smurfette to join them for a picnic, but she denies their request as she is with Don Smurfo (Jokey), leaving Brainy and Sassette to feel abashed.
Later that day, as Smurfette is about to get a pail of water from the village well, Don Smurfo (Jokey) arrives and kisses her hand as he compliments that her hands are not made for work, which makes her flattered and blushing. Then Hefty arrives to show off his biceps that he comments are much bigger than Don Smurfo, to which Smurfette thought was crude. Soon Clumsy, in his Don Smurfo costume, carrying a flower to her, but then he trips over his cape and falls over Smurfette. Then as they pick themselves up, Brainy arrives in his Don Smurfo costume, which only makes Smurfette laughs and comments that he only makes himself look silly, and then tells her fellow Smurfs that clothes and muscles do not make a Smurf. She also comments that there is only one Don Smurfo, which Hefty response that he is not so great. But she denies his criticism that he is the hero of all the history of Smurfs, and this gives Hefty an idea to make him prove it, by telling her to ask him to bring one of Azrael's whiskers to her, much to his surprise. Brainy agrees with the idea, while telling him that he had some strong doubts that the hero can do it, as Smurfette went on that Don Smurfo can do anything for her. Clumsy asks him if he is really going to do it for Smurfette, which she is happy to say that he can. However, as Don Smurfo is unsure to say anything else, Hefty asks him if a cat got his tongue. Then Smurfette tells him to meet her at the Great Oak tree in the evening, so that he can bring her one of the cat's whiskers, which convinces him enough to reluctantly accepts her request.

Promo for the episode on many DVD releases.
That night, Don Smurfo (Jokey) moans that the game is not funny, as he went inside Gargamel's castle, he could see the wizard was grunting about catching Smurfs in his sleep. So he sneaks through the castle quietly until he sees Azrael, who was also asleep on a chair. So Don Smurfo (Jokey) sneaks up to the cat and tries to jump as high as he could, until at last, he pulled the whisker out of Azrael - which alarms the cat as he saw a Smurf runs for his life, so he jumps out of the chair and sets chase after him. Don Smurfo (Jokey) then realizes that this was not a good idea to do, while trying to outrun Azrael as they both jumps out of the castle window and into the night. Meanwhile at the Great Oak tree, Smurfette hums a song that Don Smurfo sings to her and waits patiently for him to return, whilst thinking of showing Hefty that he is the bravest Smurf in the world. Suddenly she hears a cat meowing angrily, which she recognizes as Azrael and climbs up a tree for safety. Then she could see a bush scrambling and leaves are scattering everywhere, as she hopes that Don Smurfo (Jokey) would ever come and save her, and sure enough he went out of the bush - except he is running for his life instead. Smurfette watches in horror as Don Smurfo (Jokey) and Azrael running around the tree, until she saw that her hero is now by the wall of a log, already cornered by Azrael, who is ready to set a pounce on him while moves his tongue around his mouth for hunger. Then Smurfette realizes that she has got to save him, by grabbing a vine and swings out of the tree branch to save Don Smurfo (Jokey) from being eaten by the cat, and they both falls out of the vine and into the ground - while running to a safer place to catch their breath, as Azrael tries to sort out his head after he bumped in a log. As they got their breath back, Jokey slips out his usual talk instead of an Italian accent he used for his disguise, making Smurfette realizes that it was Jokey all along and she becomes mad at him, as he confesses to her that he is no hero while pull out his Don Smurfo hat. However, as Jokey asks her if she is still mad at him for masquerading her favorite storybook character, Smurfette tells him that after all the charming and romantic thing he did for her, she instead showing her appreciation and forgiveness while calling him "Don Jokey" and kisses him on a cheek. Smurfette also tells him that he really showed her that there is little Don Smurfo in every Smurf, as she walks away happily. Jokey feels so relieved that he really did, while guessing that the joke is on him.
The next day, Jokey is happy that his Don Smurfo business was over as he walks along the village, when he heard a commotion and wonders what is going on. There was Smurfette telling a story to every Smurf of how Don Smurfo rescued her from Azrael and gives her a whisker. Then Sassette asks Smurfette if Don Smurfo is around, only to be told that he is gone off for another adventure, which makes Sassette feels a little lonely. But Smurfette comforts her little friend by telling her that he might be coming back as "a hero's work is never done", which for only Jokey could agree.