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Dupuis is a Belgian publisher established by Jean Dupuis in 1922. It is the founder of the Belgian magazine Spirou and Risque-Tout. It has an important role of Peyo’s comic-creating life as it published most of the Johan and Peewit, Smurfs comics in the early age. Also, it produces Smurfs figurines since 1959 until 1966. It once owned an animation company called TVA Dupuis, which was famous for producing the Smurfs 1961 series; it currently owns an animation company called Dupuis Audiovisuel which is known for producing the Smurfs 2021 series.

List of Peyo's production works by Dupuis[]

Johan and Peewit[]

  1. Le chatiment de Basenhau (Basenhau's Punishment)
  2. Le maitre de Roucybeuf (The Master of Roucybeuf)
  3. Le lutin du Bois aux Roches (The Goblin of Rocky Wood)
  4. La pierre de lune (The Moonstone)
  5. Le serment des Vikings (The Vikings' Pledge)
  6. La source des dieux (The Source of the Gods)
  7. La flèche noire (The Black Arrow)
  8. Le Sire de Montrésor (The Earl of Montrésor)
  9. La flûte à six trous (The Flute with Six Holes)
  10. La guerre des sept fontaines (The War of the Seven Springs)
  11. L’anneau des Castellac (The Castellac Ring)
  12. Le pays maudit (The Cursed Country)
  13. Le sortilège de Maltrochu (The Sorcery of Maltrochu)

Since 1967, all the Johan and Peewit comic books were changed to another publisher, Le Lombard for publishing.


Long stories

  1. Les Schtroumpfs noirs (The Black Smurfs)
  2. Le Schtroumpfissime (King Smurf)
  3. La Schtroumpfette (The Smurfette)
  4. L'Œuf et les Schtroumpfs (The Egg and the Smurfs)
  5. Les Schtroumpfs et le Cracoucass (The Smurfs and the Howlibird)
  6. Le Cosmoschtroumpf (The Astro Smurf)
  7. L'Apprenti Schtroumpf (The Smurf Apprentice)
  8. Schtroumpf Vert et Vert Schtroumpf (Green Smurf VS. Smurf Green)
  9. La Soupe aux Schtroumpfs (The Soup with Smurfs)
  10. Les Schtroumpfs Olympiques (The Olympic Smurfs)
  11. Le Bébé Schtroumpf (The Baby Smurf)
  12. Les P'tits Schtroumpfs (The Little Smurfs)

Since 1990, all the Smurfs long comic stories were changed to another publisher, Le Lombard for publishing.

Other Smurfs comic books

Benny Breakiron[]

  1. Les Taxis Rouges (The Red Taxis)
  2. Madame Adolphine (Madame Adolfine)
  3. Les Douze Travaux de Benoît Brisefer (The Twelve Trials Of Benny Breakiron)
  4. Tonton Placide (Uncle Placid)
  5. Le Cirque Bodoni (The Bodoni Circus)
  6. Lady d'Olphine
  7. Le Fétiche (The Fétiche)

Since 1978, all the Benny Breakiron books were published by another publisher, Le Lombard.


  1. Ça, c'est Poussy (That's Pussy)
  2. Faut Pas Poussy (Don't do that, Pussy!)
  3. Poussy Poussa (Pussy Carries On)

Jack And Célestin[]

  1. Vous êtes trop bon! (You Are Too Good!)
  2. Casse-tête-chinois (Chinese Puzzle)
  3. Le Chinois est rancunier (The Revenge Of The Chinese)
  4. Sur la piste du scorpion (Scorpion On Track)