"Farmer's Genii" is a Season 6 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Farmer Smurf
- Gourdy (Debut)
- Sassette Smurfling
- Papa Smurf
- Brainy Smurf
- Smurfette
- Handy Smurf
- Clumsy Smurf
- Greedy Smurf
- Lazy Smurf
- Painter Smurf
- Nat Smurfling (Does not speak)
- Snappy Smurfling (Does not speak)
- Slouchy Smurfling (Does not speak)
- Hefty Smurf (Mentioned only)
- Unnamed Smurfs
Farmer finds a little genie in his fields.
Plot Summary[]

Farmer finds a little genie in his garden.
Farmer and Sassette are enjoying a day of working in the fields, with Farmer doing the hoeing and Sassette finding and gathering up ripe melons to put in the wheelbarrow. Sassette enjoys working in Farmer's fields because she says that she can get dirty and nobody can complain about it, which is something that Farmer agrees to. But then comes the dinner bell from Greedy's kitchen, which means it's dinner time and the fun of working in the fields is over. Farmer tells Sassette that the fields will still be there tomorrow as they both head into the village. Over the course of the night, as the Smurfs rest up for the new day, a mysterious gourd plant sprouts up in the middle of the melon field.
The following day, Farmer and Sassette return to the fields to resume their work, passing by Handy and Clumsy as they are working at the dam, when Farmer trips over the gourd plant that has sprouted up overnight. Farmer wonders what a gourd plant is doing in his melon field when it should be with the rutabagas. As he tries to pluck the plant up from the ground, the gourd is separated from the plant, and from within the gourd itself a small genie appears. He calls himself Gourdy, and he says that he has been imprisoned in that plant since his last master was displeased with him. Gourdy is so pleased with Farmer freeing him that he calls him his new master, offering to grant him any wish he desires. Sassette is so excited that Farmer now has a genie that she starts making wishes, but Gourdy tells her that he can only grant wishes to his master. Farmer says that it's nice for Gourdy to do that, be he can't think of anything he wants to wish for.
As Farmer goes to work on his fields with Sassette trailing after him to convince him of what good a genie can do him, Gourdy decides that he's going to serve his new master whether he likes it or not. To grant Farmer's first wish, Gourdy overhears him talking to Sassette about all he really wants -- which are "ripe smurfberries, green vegetables, and large melons" -- and so with a wave of his hands and a "cadodah casabah", the little genie makes one of Farmer's melons so big that it crushes the others in the wheelbarrow. Realizing that he made the melon too big, Gourdy tries to reverse it with "casabah cadodah", and the melon shrinks back to normal size, though Farmer's head is now stuck inside the melon. After Sassette pulls the melon free from Farmer's head, Gourdy pleads with his new master not to send him away, and Farmer simply tells him to stay out of his way.
Sassette and Gourdy watch as Farmer is busy hoeing the fields when his hoe strikes a rock that is stuck in the ground. Gourdy offers to give his master help in removing the rock from the ground, but Farmer refuses it, stating that he would rather pull it up himself. As he struggles with the rock by using a stick as a lever to pry it loose from the ground, Sassette tells Farmer that he wishes he was as strong as Hefty. Farmer agrees that a little more muscle wouldn't hurt, which Gourdy thinks is a wish that his new master wants granted, and so with a "cadodah casabah", Farmer is given enough muscle power to pull the rock up from the ground. In fact, he is given too much muscle power, which results in the rock flying out of the ground and over toward the village dam, knocking loose the plug that Handy had put into the dam to stop up a leak and automatically setting off the new leak detector he invented.
At the end of the day, Farmer goes back home to his Smurf house so he could rest while Sassette takes the gourd they have found and goes to look for the genie. As Farmer steps inside his house, though, he sees that Gourdy has given his master's furnishings an extreme makeover, replacing Farmer's rocking chair with a couch full of soft pillows among other things. While Gourdy tries to get his master to take a load off his feet and enjoy his new surroundings, Sassette tries to convince her fellow Smurfs that Farmer had truly found a genie in his melon fields. Brainy doesn't believe Sassette at first, but then the possibility that she could be telling the truth piques his interest, and so he goes over to Farmer's house to look inside through his window.

Farmer isn't crazy about living in the lap of luxury any more than Smurfette is happy to be a servant.
Farmer tries to get Gourdy to stop fawning him with so much attention when the genie suggests that maybe his new master would want dinner. Farmer does admit that he's feeling rather hungry, and so Gourdy takes it as another wish to grant. With a wave of his hands and a "cadodah casabah", Gourdy makes Smurfette appear in Arabian-style servant clothes and carrying a tray of fruit. Smurfette wonders what she's doing in Farmer's house wearing the funny clothes, and Farmer tries to tell her that he simply said that he was hungry, and Gourdy finishes the answer by saying that's what he granted his master and that she's going to give Farmer his dinner. Smurfette is so displeased with the thought that Farmer had used the genie to fulfill his desires in this fashion that she throws the plate of food into Farmer's face.
Brainy realizes from what he has seen that Farmer truly does have a genie and so he goes to tell the whole village about the news, which catches every Smurf's attention. He then visits Farmer's house with a stack of autographed copies of Brainy's Bedtime Stories, offering them to his fellow Smurf in the hopes that Farmer's genie could grant Brainy whatever he wishes for. Brainy isn't alone, for he is soon followed by Lazy offering his pillow, Painter offering his latest portrait, and Greedy offering a smurfberry fudge torte. They all want to be "Farmer's best friend" because he now has a genie, and though Farmer tries to settle things peaceably, his "new best friends" soon get into an argument over which of them is really his "best friend". Gourdy decides that the best way to settle this argument is to air-lift Farmer's "new best friends" out of the house and leave them soaking in a tub full of laundry.
Brainy and his fellow Smurfs bring this matter of Farmer having a genie to Papa Smurf, saying that he should have a talk with Farmer about it. Papa Smurf says that he will, though he tells his little Smurfs that they shouldn't envy Farmer's good fortune. The village leader is amazed to see how eager Gourdy is to serve and please his new master, as the little genie performs a juggling act to entertain Farmer. However, Farmer feels that he really doesn't want all the attention Gourdy is giving him, though Papa Smurf tries to tell Farmer that he should accept the help that Gourdy is offering him just to make the little genie feel useful. He also tells Farmer that he should be patient with Gourdy even if how he offers to help turns out wrong.
Later on, Farmer is working out in the fields by himself when Sassette asks him where Gourdy is, and Farmer tells her that he left Gourdy at home to clean his house, which is where he hopes the little genie wouldn't get himself into any trouble. But suddenly Smurfette screams as she races into the fields to tell Farmer that his house is haunted, and as he goes inside to look, he sees that Gourdy has the floor mopping, laundry cleaning, and dust beating all done on autopilot. Farmer slips and falls into the tub of laundry where he gets a cleaning until Gourdy shows up and uses his magic to stop the automatic house cleaning. After changing his master's clothes, Gourdy grants Farmer his next wish of having rain over his crops, and so a thunderstorm appears over the village with rain pouring right over Farmer's head. Farmer gets so angry with Gourdy that he wishes that he had never found the gourd that the genie came from, and Gourdy decides to grant his master that wish and disappears from Farmer's sight.
Unfortunately, the rain that Farmer had wished for continues to pour down upon the village, and the river becomes so flooded that Handy has a crew of Smurfs frantically working on the dam to seal it up before it breaks. Brainy warns Papa Smurf that he's got to do something or else the village will be flooded. Papa Smurf says that he's tried every spell and none of them seem to have any effect on the storm, so they would have to evacuate the village. As Brainy goes to sound the alarm, Papa Smurf and Sassette visit Farmer to warn him about the evacuation, and a guilt-stricken Farmer confesses that the storm was his doing and that he now wished that he had never found the gourd that Gourdy came from, which means that he can't make Gourdy undo the wish that he made. Sassette, however, reasons that it's possible that they can find the plant again in Farmer's melon field, and so the three Smurfs rush out to try finding the mysterious gourd plant so they could get Gourdy to stop the rain.
Sure enough, the gourd plant appears with the fruit still on the vine, and as Farmer plucks off the fruit, Gourdy reappears again, feeling that his master wants to forgive him. Farmer tells Gourdy that he wants the rain stopped, and so with a wave of his hands and his magic words, the little genie causes the clouds to suddenly disperse, allowing the sunshine to appear once again. Gourdy is so grateful that his master wants him once again that he offers to do anything that his master desires. Farmer simply tells Gourdy to do only one thing, which is not to do anything for him, and Gourdy responds by jumping into Farmer's arms and telling Farmer that he is the "best master in the whole world". Gourdy then gives Farmer a thank-you kiss on the cheek. Papa Smurf and Sassette watch this scene, with the village leader chuckling and saying that this could be the start of a beautiful friendship.
- This is the episode that introduces the character of Gourdy the genie.
- The episode's name in the title card is incorrectly spelled. Its intended title is "Farmer's Genie".