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"Greedy And The Porridge Pot" is a Season 3 episode from the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show.



Greedy receives a magic porridge pot from a fairy after saving her life, but thanks to Brainy, the whole village gets flooded by the porridge.

Plot Summary[]

Greedy With Porridge Pot

Greedy sees the magic porridge pot in action.

Inside a cottage, an old woman laments that there is no food left and that she and her family will have to become beggars or starve. And then she gets a knock on her door, and she goes to see that somebody has left a basket of fruits and vegetables for them to eat. As the woman rejoices, a female fairy watches from the bushes, glad to have done a good deed, and then goes off into the forest to do another.

In the Smurf Village, Papa Smurf summons every Smurf together to tell them that the Feast Of Plenty will take place the following day, which Greedy says is his favorite holiday, since that is the time when every Smurf prepares food of their own to share with everybody. Smurfette is so excited that she asks her fellow Smurfs what they plan to make for the Feast Of Plenty. Farmer, Painter, and Jokey tell Smurfette their intended food items. Greedy, however, is going out into the forest to gather the secret ingredients for his food item, so he tells her that she'll see.

Out in the forest, the female fairy flies along humming merrily when she notices somebody left a bucket of berries behind. She goes over to pick it up, only to get caught in a trap laid out for an unsuspecting passerby her size. Then Greedy comes along, talking about how his pickle wheat Smurf cake will be the hit of the Feast, when he hears the fairy's cry for help and sees her in one of Gargamel's traps. The fairy introduces herself as Gunilda the good fairy, and after Greedy releases her from the trap, she offers to grant him one wish to thank him. After Gunilda says that her specialty is feeding the hungry, she gives him a tiny pot that she calls a magic porridge pot, which afterward with her magic wand makes it bigger. She tells Greedy that if he's ever hungry, all he has to say is, "little magic porridge pot, make some porridge nice and hot", and as Greedy watches, the pot automatically fills itself with nice hot delicious porridge, which she says the pot will make as much as he needs. Then Gunilda says that when Greedy is through, all he has to say is "little magic porridge pot, no more porridge, thanks a lot," and Greedy sees that it's empty. He is so amazed by the magic porridge pot; he couldn't wait to show it to his fellow Smurfs.

Upon Greedy's return, as the Smurfs set up decorations for the feast, he gathers the Smurfs around a table to show what the magic porridge pot can do, and they are also amazed when they see the porridge form in the pot and also taste how good it is. He decides to leave it for everybody to have as much as they want while he goes to do his baking for the feast. Later on, though, Smurfette appears at his kitchen with the pot, saying that it's now disrupting the feast preparations. And as Greedy could see, a line has formed to the door of his kitchen, with his fellow Smurfs all wanting to have a bowl of the delicious porridge from the magic pot.

Much later, Greedy is pulling his Smurf cakes out of the oven, feeling relieved that he got his baking done after serving his fellow Smurfs porridge all day. Then a knock on his door causes his Smurf cakes to fall flat on the baking tray. It is Brainy, who is trying to ask if he could have a serving of porridge, to which Greedy says no and to come back tomorrow. Greatly disappointed, Brainy goes home and complains well into the night about Greedy not sharing his magic porridge pot with others. Then Brainy has an idea: he would paint a pot that he has black and swap it out with Greedy's magic porridge pot so that he would be in charge of the porridge distribution. After swapping the pots in Greedy's kitchen, Brainy uses the magic words to make the porridge appear in the pot, and the pot makes it.

In the morning, Greedy decides to have some breakfast before the feast and goes over to the pot on his table, thinking it's the magic porridge pot, and recites the magic words, but nothing happens. He looks inside the pot to find out what's wrong and finds himself with his head stuck in the pot, unable to see where he's going and inadvertently walking out of the village until he falls into the river.

With Brainy now satisfied with his fill of porridge for breakfast, he tries to get the porridge pot to stop making porridge, but nothing he says works, and the pot keeps producing more porridge. He tries to block the pot with a dish, but the porridge erupts from the pot and fills up his entire house until it pours out of the windows and from his door. Brainy goes to warn Papa Smurf about the overflowing magic porridge pot, saying that they need to find Greedy because he is the only one who knows how to stop it from producing more porridge.

As Papa Smurf looks out his window, he sees that the entire village is flooded with porridge. Smurfette is trapped on a stool calling for help, Grouchy is futilely bailing out his house, and Lazy is in his bed sleeping as he floats out of his house. Papa Smurf tells Brainy that they should evacuate the village and that he should get Baby Smurf. But as Brainy goes to get Baby Smurf, he thinks about his memoirs and goes to rescue them instead, passing along the duty to getting Baby to Jokey, who then passes it to Painter, who in turn passes it to Clumsy, who then wonders what a "bebe" is. Meanwhile, Baby Smurf is floating in his cradle down a river of porridge until he climbs onto a tree branch.

Safe on high ground, Smurfette says to her fellow Smurfs that they have to find Baby Smurf. Hefty sees Baby's cradle floating downstream, until it hits a log and sinks, which they fear is the last they'll see of Baby. As Hefty and Handy dive in to rescue the infant and the other Smurfs on the shore mourn and weep, Baby appears safe on a high branch over them. They soon take notice, and Hefty climbs up the tree to get Baby Smurf down.

Out in the forest, Gunilda hears Greedy cry for help and flies over to the river, where she pulls him out of the whirlpool and gets the pot off his head. She asks Greedy if she could have the magic porridge pot back so she could give it to some poor children in a nearby village. He tells Gunilda that the magic pot doesn't work anymore, but she sees that the pot he has isn't the pot she gave him. At that moment, Smurfette and a few other Smurfs show up to tell Greedy that the porridge pot is flooding the entire village. Immediately he goes and rides a log rowed by Papa Smurf into Brainy's house, where he recites the magic words that causes the pot to stop making porridge, and soon the porridge stops pouring out.

Gunilda arrives at the village to get her magic pot, apologizing for all the trouble it has caused, but saying that it will be put to good use at the orphanage. After Gunilda leaves, Greedy laments that the Feast Of Plenty is now ruined, but Clumsy says at least they have plenty of porridge, with Smurfette adding "thanks to Brainy". Everybody looks at Brainy, making him feel rather nervous and ready to hightail it out of there, until Papa Smurf scolds him, telling him it was wrong to take Greedy's pot and to also start something he doesn't know how to finish. He then hands Brainy a shovel and tells him to clean up the village -- a seemingly daunting task, as there is so much porridge to clean up. Fortunately, Greedy offers to help, saying that he hasn't had his breakfast yet.


  • The iTunes edition of this episode carries the syndicated Smurfs Adventures repackaging of this episode, as opposed to the rest of the episodes, which remain uncut and use the original Season 3 intro sequence and credits.
  • This episode shares some similarities to the fairytale of The Magic Porridge Pot.


  • When Gunilda says "Little magic porridge pot, no more porridge, thanks a lot", the porridge disappears completely but when Greedy says it at Brainy's house, none of the porridge disappears.
    • Also, Greedy acts shocked and surprised that the porridge stopped despite knowing it would when he met Gunilda.
  • When Gunilda saves Greedy, a bit of the paint turns blue, then when it cuts to both of them, it's black again, but when Smurfette, Harmony, and Jokey finds Greedy, all of the paint turns blue.
  • Papa Smurf disappears when he, Greedy, and two other Smurfs enter Brainy's house.
  • Brainy's tail turns white for a brief second when he says "But I told Jokey to do it".

