The Gypsy Girls are characters who appear in the 1980s cartoon episode, "Soothsayer Smurfette". They are twin sisters who are also Gypsies.
They are first seen near the beginning, jumping rope while singing a rhyming chant in unison about the enchanted, doll-sized, gypsy dress that includes whether it should be red or blue. Gargamel and Azrael are wandering through the forest as the former tries to figure out how to capture six of the Smurfs. When he hears the girls singing about the dress, this gives Gargamel the idea to seek and ask a fortune teller.
The Gypsy Girls are shown once more later on at night when they and several other Gypsies hear from the fortune teller, Matilda the Gypsy Lady, announce that her doll's enchanted red dress has been stolen. The twin with the ponytail exclaims, "The doll of Majorca!", before the twin with the curly hair inquires, "But who would do such a thing?". When Matilda mentions it was a "blue something" rather than what she thought was a blue rat, the twins look at each other quizzically, not quite sure what to think.
Physical Appearances[]
Although both the Gypsy Girls are svelte, have back hair, and tan skin, they have different hairstyles and wear different colored clothes. One twin wears her hair in a ponytail and has micro bangs as well as upward curved, side bangs. She wears a red do-rag with matching vest and ankle-length, pleated dress, the vest's V-neck is light fuchsia pink; gold pearl earrings; a mostly light blue tunic with puffed, short sleeves, a purple collar with a matching hemline of the tunic, and she goes barefoot. The other twin has curly hair with upward curved, side bangs. She wears a periwinkle blue sahariane with a light fuchsia pink streak at the bottom. Most of her ankle-length, pleated dress is also light fuchsia pink, as are her flats, while the jagged collar, waist sash, and hemline of her dress are also periwinkle blue.