Handy Smurf (original French name Schtroumpf Bricoleur) is one of the main characters of the Smurfs comic books, the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show, and the 2021 Smurfs cartoon show.
The Smurfs’ very own Leonardo da Vinci, Handy is a builder and extremely creative inventor. This is the guy you call to fix anything—his ears are always alert to the sound of a dripping faucet, which he’ll repair in a flash. An original thinker, he’s continually mulling over new inventions. He’s an optimist, believing that every problem has a solution, and that he can build it. He loves developing the latest technological innovation, such as a self-driving wheelbarrow or a diaper-changing robot - though all of them remain medieval and "smurfy" in spirit. At times he comes up with an answer to a question nobody asked — like a portable chin rest. The only problem with Handy’s passion is that his contraptions can be so ambitious they’re over-engineered, working very well until they create mayhem.
He is easily identifiable by his navy-blue workman's overalls and a red pencil around on his ear. Handy's overalls were originally green (and occasionally white) and looked slightly different when the outfit was introduced in National Benzole merchandise - though he would be seen with similar green overalls in a 1984 Smurfs trading card collection. Then it was changed to white when the outfit was introduced in the comics, but he would alternate between a normal Smurf outfit and his white overalls between the comic book adaptation of "The Baby Smurf" and "The Clockwork Smurf" and would soon permanently remain with white overalls starting with the comic book story "The Aerosmurf". They were soon changed to the current navy blue sometime during the 1990's. In the 1981 cartoon show and movies, his hat has a visor and a yellow pencil.
Prior to the introduction of Handy's overalls to Smurf merchandise, the only thing that visually separates Handy from the other Smurfs was his tendency to carry around a spanner.
In the 1981 series, Handy has a Wisconsin accent.
Role In The Village
Handy is the one who builds all the houses and tools for the Smurfs. He plays a great part in the village, being one of the most needed Smurfs. Without him, the Smurfs wouldn't know how to fix things the right way.
Handy is often seen building something new in the comics and episodes he appears in.
These inventions include:
- Clockwork Smurf
- Clockwork Smurfette
- Window-Vision
- Smurfomatic picking machine
- Smurfomatic food processing complex
- Weather-Smurfing Machine
- Wheelsmurfer
- The Smurf Clock Tower
- Smurfmobiles
- Telesmurf
- Smurfomatic Smurfolator
- A Diving Smurf Suit
- Smurfmarine
- Smurf-Colored Glasses for Smurfette
- Washing machine (A few times)
- Bull-O-Matic
- Robotic servants
- Diaper Daddy
- Lazy's portable alarm
- Smurfboards
- Smurfway (Hinted in "Smurfy Secrets")
- SmurfoGlider (The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf)
- Smurfie-Talkies (Hinted in The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf)
- Flash-o-Smurf
- Time Machine
- Mostly everything!
Sometimes, though, his inventions either last for one story or are rarely seen.
He is one of the smartest Smurfs and greatly despises Brainy's pestering and Jokey's jokes.
Handy, as Jokey once remarked, is a very fanatical and driven person. He is often inventing something and is so enthusiastic about it that he fails to see how the others think of it.
However, this has put him in a lot of trouble a couple of times. In the comics, when Handy invented a handheld powered drill, he began testing it on almost everything in the village, and in the process he ruined the bucket of the central well, ruined the barbells of Hefty (although Hefty then saw that the iron globes with the added holes could be used as bowling balls, so he didn't mind it that much), sunk Marco's boat when he drilled through the hull, and finally ruined the cake mold that Smurfette was planning to use to make the cake for Papa Smurf's birthday. After the dough was poured in and went right through the mold, the Smurfs were looking very angrily at Jokey, who defended himself with "It wasn't me, you guys, honest!". Handy walked in and asked if Smurfette liked the colander he made from that old cake mold and showcasing proudly how he did it using the handheld power drill he made. Realizing that Handy was the one behind all the mayhem that had been going on in the village, the others chased after him, and at the party, they had attached two wooden beams with shoes attached to the drill bit, turning it into a Handy Smurf butt-kicking machine.
Other instances are shown in the 2021 TV series. In "Diaper Daddy", he invents the titular robot so he didn’t have to change Baby Smurf's diapers, but when the robot goes crazy after a bucket of paint hits his head, Handy does not particularly take responsibility for this.
Without being able to fix or invent things for a certain amount of time, he can go crazy, evidenced in "No Smurf Out!".
Handy is also quite friendly. When a Smurf wants his help, he will immediately start working on that problem with his inventions. Outside of making inventions for his friends, he lets other Smurfs hang around his workshop, which is shown in "The Star Smurf", where he initially lets Harmony play his trumpet until he falls out of his workshop due to the loud music.
Although he is friendly and open-minded, there are times when he would end up saying harsh things to his friends and then regretting it later. For example, in "Clockwork Smurfette" after he kept getting in trouble because of his new creation, Clockwork Smurfette, he told her, "I wish I never made you!", causing her to run out of Papa Smurf's laboratory crying. Quickly, he regrets it and says he didn't mean his harsh words. Also, in "One Good Smurf Deserves Another", when Clumsy kept helping Handy, only to make things worse, he told Clumsy harshly to stop helping him, hurting Clumsy's feelings. This causes glares from the other Smurfs at Handy. He then relents and asks Clumsy for some help.
Handy can be quite smug at times, especially in "Smurf Your Seat Belts!", where he often argues with Storm, and in "Diaper Daddy", makes a sexist comment about changing Baby’s diapers, saying the job should only be for girls. Smurfette is remarkably bothered by this comment.
Relationships With Others
Because Handy invents things that are highly unusual for the Middle Ages, the other Smurfs occasionally think of him as strange. For example, in "Foul Weather Smurf", when he said he's making a machine to change the weather, most of the Smurfs (even Hefty and Smurfette) laughed at him. Though, they were surprised to see that his invention worked. They do know he is a big help and is needed in building and fixing things.
Hefty Smurf
Handy's closest friend is Hefty Smurf. The two are always seen helping each other or hanging out around the village. They watch each other's backs, but sometimes get into fights that just cause trouble. In "Romeo And Smurfette", their friendship is almost ruined when a hypnotized Smurfette manipulates them into fighting, but they reconcile later on. Big evidence of their friendship is seen in episodes like "Smurf The Other Cheek", where they both helped each other out of a small jam, and in the Smurf Special "The Smurfic Games", where Hefty and Handy competed against each other but in the end their friendship saved their lives.
Clockwork Smurf
In the cartoon, Handy has a father-son relationship with his invention, Clockwork Smurf. He considers Clockwork to be one of his most brilliant creations and sees himself like a father to him, as revealed in "The Clockwork Smurf". He often comes to his defense when others (such as Brainy) treat him as nothing more than a machine. Whenever Clockwork suffers any damage or stops functioning as a result, Handy becomes devastated and works hard to fix him. In "Return Of The Clockwork Smurf", Handy is seen sadly cradling his creation in his arms for a moment after he was brought to Smurf Village in critical condition. In "Heart Of Gold", Handy calls himself Clockwork's best friend (as opposed to King Gerard) in an attempt to reason with him after his Heart Of Gold was replaced with a heart of stone.
Clockwork Smurfette
In "Clockwork Smurfette", Handy builds a robot partner for Clockwork after witnessing how lonely he was without King Gerard (who is now in a relationship) nor a girlfriend. With this intention in mind, Handy and Clockwork Smurfette do not have a father-daughter relationship. Unfortunately, this leads to her falling in love with her creator instead (much to Handy's frustration), causing a complicated mess for him and Clockwork before the latter saves her life.
For the first two seasons, Handy had a shy crush on Smurfette. In "Smurf-Colored Glasses", he made glasses for Smurfette that were supposed to make anything she sees beautiful, including him. His invention almost got her in trouble with Gargamel, but in the end she gave him a kiss as thanks for how he saved her. His love for her died though, as his affections shifted toward a mermaid named Marina, whom he saved from dying.
He still might have some feelings for Smurfette, since he entered the Mr. Smurf Contest, which is a contest for the Smurfs who wanted a date with Smurfette, and he was jealous of Wild Smurf with Smurfette in "Wild About Smurfette".
However, in "Diaper Daddy", he says that Smurfette should change Baby's diaper only because she is a girl. Smurfette throws a diaper at Handy's face, disgusted at this remark. Despite this instance, he still cares about her. In both "Who Nose?" and "Ogre Love", Handy is a part of a group of Smurfs that save Smurfette from danger.
Marina and Handy only had three encounters, but it is clear that he loves her greatly, as shown when he vowed to leave the Smurfs and to live a life with her forever. He made two inventions so that he could live underwater with her, but they both ended with him nearly drowning. Handy and Marina soon decided that even though they love each other, they will have to wait until they could find a much easier way to be together.
Greedy Smurf
Another Smurf he's seen frequently with in the 1980s series is Greedy. In "The Smurfwalk Cafe", they both accidentally invent smurf cream (ice cream) with Handy's air conditioner and set up their own cafe. But then they ended up in an argument about who actually came up with the idea and parted. They tried to do their own versions of the dessert but were unsuccessful. When they went to the mountain to get more snow, they got mixed up in a snowball with Greedy buried in the snow. Handy (with the Snowbeast's help) manages to help free Greedy and the two made up.
Clumsy Smurf
Handy is also seen frequently with Clumsy, though he can get frustrated with him. In "One Good Smurf Deserves Another", after Handy saved Clumsy from Gargamel, Clumsy wanted to repay Handy's kindness, accidentally causing trouble for him. Afterwards, Handy harshly told Clumsy to stop helping him and forget what he had done for him, hurting Clumsy's feelings. Seeing the other Smurfs glare at him for that, Handy asks Clumsy to collect wood for him, which Clumsy happily agrees to. Handy and the other Smurfs try to solve this problem by making instances where Handy can pretend to be in danger and Clumsy will save him, but it continuously ends with Handy saving Clumsy instead. The last plan involved Handy being caught by an (unknowingly beforehand) real monster, which Clumsy managed to rescue him from, finally making them even.
In "Flying Ace", Handy agrees to Clumsy's idea of flying and in the end, he lets Clumsy "fly" around his workshop.
Usually, Clumsy's appearances with Handy has him help Handy with something, such as a ladder or a nail, but will end up hurting Handy's hand accidentally.
Brainy Smurf
Handy's relationship with Brainy varies. Like the other Smurfs, he's not above arguing with Brainy or tossing him out of the village, but other times, he can be friendly with Brainy (possibly benefits of doubt). One example in "It's A Smurfy Life", Handy lets Brainy ride the Snow Rover with him (which may not be the best idea, since one would figure Brainy would mess something up), then Brainy pulls the lever handle and they both crash into a tree, ending in them both arguing (and Handy probably wondering what he himself was trying to prove).
In “Good Neighbor Smurf”, Handy was the first to offer letting Brainy stay with him but kicked him out when he ruined his invention. Interestingly, Handy said that "Brainy's never right/Brainy's ideas never work!", but he ended up saying he was right/agreeing with his ideas more than once, though he doesn't seem to admit it.
Handy is friendly towards him at other times, however, often repairs Brainy's smurfway or helps him with any of the inventions Brainy wants to use.

Storm hugs Handy in "Smurf Your Seat Belts!".
Handy has a notable friendship with Storm. In "Smurf Your Seat Belts!", the two bicker throughout the episode, but save each other from Azrael, who is being controlled from an amulet by Gargamel. When the two are safely on the ground, they hug and become allies to each other, even saying the same line "It's already taken care of".
In "Relaxosmurf", Storm asks Handy to repair her bone arrow (though she remarks that he and the other male Smurfs are not always the brightest), and in "An Unsmurfy Friendship", Storm chooses Handy on her smurfball team. In "Gargamel, Queen Of The Prom", they are seen discussing where some of the decorations should be set up for the party.
In The Movies
The Smurfs And The Magic Flute
Handy is seen during the "Just Like Their Names" sequence, exclaiming that he fixed a machine while he sees Clumsy bang his head on several of his tools. He does not have any accessories in this movie.
The Smurfs (2011)
In the 2011 Smurfs movie, Handy is seen working on a bridge in the Smurf Village that Clumsy crosses over, but in doing so he causes the ladder Handy is using to topple, also causing Handy to hang on for dear life. Clumsy offers a passing apology to Handy, but Handy simply says to Clumsy he's the reason that his skills are always needed. He also appears along with the other Smurfs from the village who went through the portal to help defeat Gargamel.
In the end credits, he manages the statue of Smurfette built in the middle of the village.
The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol
Handy appears in The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol as a minor character. He is one of the Smurfs shown opening their gifts (a new hat) and also puts out the Christmas tree fire in the vision the Smurf of Christmas Present (Brainy) shows Grouchy.
The Smurfs 2
Handy makes an appearance in The Smurfs 2. He is one of the Smurfs working on Smurfette's surprise party. However, he notably acts slightly rude towards her, as he tries to avoid her to not cause suspicion. He is also seen later dancing with the rest of the Smurfs at Smurfette's party.
Smurfs: The Lost Village
Handy makes an appearance in the CGI-animated film Smurfs: The Lost Village. He attempts to explain what a Smurfette is but fails. He is later seen dancing with Lily at Smurfette's welcoming back party.
Smurf Videogames
The Smurfs: The TeleTransport Smurf
Handy is one of the playable characters in the PC game The TeleTransport Smurf.
Smurfs & Co. Spellbound 2
In the start of Facebook game Smurfs & Co: Spellbound 2, when most of the Smurfs are turned to stone, Handy is the very first Smurf who un-curse back to normal. It is most likely because you need his help starting to build houses and other items.
The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf
Handy appears in The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf as the inventor of the Smurf-izer and the SmurfoGlider. They also appear in the game.
Smurfs Kart
Handy appears in Smurfs Kart as one of the twelve characters you can play. His special power is bringing out an army of homemade drones to protect him and stuns opponents.
The Smurfs 2: The Prisoner of the Green Stone
Handy acts as one of the main characters of the game and is one of the four playable characters in it. He invents the SmurfoMix and sets off with Storm, Brainy, and Dimwitty to get the magic Green Stone in Gargamel's hovel.
While at the hovel, Handy succeeds in obtaining a piece of the stone. He uses his stone fragment to weaponize the SmurfoMix for Storm to use.
After Brainy, Storm, and Dimwitty have gone on their mission, Handy takes it upon himself to face Stolas. Handy’s battle with the homunculus alternates between direct confrontations and dodging his attacks across the otherworldly expanse. At last, Handy brings him to bay, and over Gargamel’s protests uses the SmurfoMix to free Stolas. Later, he and the other Smurfs celebrate a party with Stolas.
- Handy has ranked as one of the Top 5 Favorite Smurfs, most of the time ranking at Number 3 - often being beaten by Smurfette and Papa Smurf.
- His character was voiced by Michael Bell in the 1981 series, Jeff Foxworthy in the live-action movies, Brett Marnell in The Lost Village movie, and Joshua Rubin in the 2021 series, who also voices Grouchy.
- Handy is seen repairing Brainy's smurfway in some episodes, implying that he made it himself.
- In the first two seasons of the 1981 series, Handy's voice was slightly deeper.
- In his first appearance in "The Hundredth Smurf", the only thing separating Handy from other Smurfs was his wrench.
- In the "non-canonical" Smurf story "The Smurfs And The Magic Flute", Handy doesn't have overalls or a pencil, only a wrench. This is due to the movie being produced years before those elements were added to his design in the cartoon series and comics that followed.
- Handy's good at singing.
- Handy has a hidden freckle, as revealed in "Smurfy Secrets". It is unknown where the freckle is, as he says in the episode that it's on his "smurf".
- As shown in the annual imitate festival, where all Smurfs are required to take over the role of another, Handy tried his hand at taking Baker's place but the cake he made left the eaters spitting it out.
- In the live-action movies, Handy has a southern accent, rather than Clumsy.
- In the live-action movies and The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol, Handy combines elements from both his current comic book appearance (the blue overalls) and his 1981 series appearance (the visored hat).
- In the comics starting from the original French release of "The Baby Smurf" and prior to the events of "The Finance Smurf", Handy occasionally switched between his normal Smurf outfit and white overalls with a red pencil on his ear.
- He, Sassette, Farmer, Grandpa Smurf, and Nat are the only Smurfs to wear overalls though Nat didn't have overalls as an adult and Farmer didn't have one in the 1981 TV series.
- He, Papa, Grandpa, Baby, Smurfette, Brainy, Clumsy, Hefty, Greedy, Grouchy, Lazy, Vanity, Jokey, Painter, Wild, Sassette, Snappy, and Smoogle are the only characters who time traveled during Season 9 with the Time Scrolls.
- He, Jokey, Dreamy, Smurfette, Sassette, Papa Smurf, Clockwork, and Grouchy are the only Smurfs to celebrate their birthdays in an episode of the 1980s series.
- Handy has his name in three episode titles which are "Handy's Sweetheart", "Handy's Kite", and "Handy's Window Vision".
- He represents Pencil From Battle For Dream Island.