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"Harmony Steals The Show" is a Season 3 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.



Harmony signs a contract with a ghost in exchange for getting a written symphony, but when he plays it for the Smurfs, he's forced to perform in a ghost bar.

Plot Summary[]

The Smurfs spend an evening at the Smurf Theater listening to Poet Smurf's recital, and the Smurfs give him such an applause, it makes Harmony imagine the getting the same response from his fellow Smurfs. He then announces that he's going to write the greatest symphony, and that he's going to have it ready by the following night for the whole orchestra to play. Papa Smurf warns Harmony that one day isn't enough time to compose an entire symphony, but Harmony is very certain that he will be as great a composer as he is a musician -- something that makes Papa Smurf block his ears in disbelief as he and the other Smurfs are forced to listen to Harmony play from his horn.

Sign The Contract

Harmony is about to sign his life away for a symphony he didn't even write.

Meanwhile, out in the forest within the chasm of a mountain, a place called the Fly-By-Night Fright Club is busy entertaining spirits. However, one of the acts put on by Ghostwriter the show master, a dancing act by the Cross-bone Sisters, has the patrons revolting, demanding to see "live entertainment" instead of the same spirit and skeleton acts they've seen for enough lifetimes. Ghostwriter promises one of the departing spirits that he will "liven things up" at the club. The spirit tells Ghostwriter that he'd better or else they'll take their business elsewhere.

As Ghostwriter goes out into the forest to try looking for a new act, Harmony is having difficulty trying to write more than a few notes for his symphony as he has to deal with distractions such as birds singing outside his window. He decides to go out into the forest to see if he can come up with any inspiration, but soon he just shrugs his shoulders and says he would do anything just to compose a great symphony. Ghostwriter overhears this and appears unto Harmony to introduce himself, taking him inside his club to try out what few notes the village musician has written so far. The entertainer says it's not bad for a start, but then he makes more notes appear on the sheets, which turns out to be an entire completed symphony. Ghostwriter offers it to Harmony, saying he could put his name on it as long as he signs the contract. Eager to use the completed work as his own, Harmony signs his name on the contract that materializes, thanking Ghostwriter for the help and asking if there's a way to repay him. All Ghostwriter says to that is that he will find a way before Harmony departs from the club.

Back in the Smurf Village, Harmony summons the other Smurfs to the announcement that he has completed his symphony and it's all ready to play, which makes the other Smurfs cheer. Poet asks Harmony how he was able to come up with it so fast, and all Harmony could say is that it came to him in a flash out in the forest, which makes Papa Smurf wonder. That night, the rest of the Smurfs gather at the Smurf Theater as Harmony conducts the village orchestra in the playing of the symphony, which ends with a round of applause that Harmony bows to in acceptance before he disappears before every Smurf's eyes. As they all wonder where Harmony went, Ghostwriter appears and announces that he was ghostwritten Harmony's symphony in exchange for him being the spectral entertainer's live act. He shows the Smurfs a vision of Harmony forced to play a grand piano while crying out for help before the vision and Ghostwriter disappear.

Poet tells Papa Smurf where Harmony got his symphony, and from that Papa Smurf tells his little Smurfs that they're going to search every part of the forest until they find where he went. As they make their search, Brainy wonders why Papa Smurf had them bring all their musical instruments along. And then when they reach a mountain with a hollowed chasm, they could hear the off-key sounds of Harmony's horn, which means that he must be inside the mountain. Papa Smurf goes up into the chasm and enters the club to talk to Ghostwriter about getting Harmony back. Ghostwriter shows Papa Smurf the contract that Harmony had signed and says that he won't set the Smurf musician free. Papa Smurf then demands to have a trial for the life of Harmony Smurf, which Ghostwriter obliges by turning the club into a courtroom, with a hooded specter as the presiding judge and a jury of twelve spirits who were all once great musicians.

As the court case begins, Ghostwriter makes his case that he has written an original symphony that Harmony Smurf had claimed was his own, to which Harmony confessed was true. The jury claimed Harmony was guilty, and so the judge calls forth the bailiff to take Harmony away. Papa Smurf calls to make a counterargument that the original symphony should be played before the judge and jury to back up Ghostwriter's claim of originality. Ghostwriter objects to the motion, claiming that it would be a waste of time, but the judge allows it, and so Papa Smurf brings the other Smurfs into the courtroom to play out the entire symphony. As they play, various members of the jury recognize parts of the symphony as something they have written themselves. As it turns out, Ghostwriter's "original symphony" had consisted of other people's works and thus he was plagiarizing. The judge deems Ghostwriter guilty of perjury and has him taken away while Harmony Smurf is released into Papa Smurf's custody. He rushes into Papa Smurf's arms, tearfully happy that the village leader and all his other fellow Smurfs have come to his rescue.

Back in the village, though, Harmony hides himself inside his house, ashamed to have made the Smurfs believe he has written a great symphony that he himself hasn't written. The other Smurfs fear that Harmony may never play music again, but Papa Smurf then tells them his plan. They all call for Harmony to come out and play his own music, which makes him wonder about their sincerity. Papa Smurf assures Harmony of that, saying that his music is worth a thousand symphonies because he wrote it himself. Harmony feels inspired to break out his horn and play some of his own music, which as usual makes the other Smurfs block their ears and groan.


  • The iTunes edition of this episode carries the syndicated Smurfs Adventures repackaging of this episode, as opposed to the rest of the episodes, which remain uncut and use the original Season 3 intro sequence and credits.
  • The scene of Vanity and the other Smurfs cheering is re-used from "The Smurfette", but Clumsy is notably edited out.

