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1981 TV Show Icon

"He Who Smurfs Last" is a Season 5 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.



Hefty and Jokey play a trick on Chlorhydris, so she removes the sense of humor from every Smurf in the village. Luckily, Papa Smurf and Baby Smurf are not affected and they can remove the spell with the help of Grouchy, who doesn't even have a sense of humor.

Plot Summary[]

Hefty Joke Prank (He Who Smurfs Last)

On one peaceful day in the Smurf Village, Jokey gives a present to Harmony offscreen and it explodes as Harmony is mad. Just then, he sees Hefty with Smurfette and a big rock to fill the empty rocks in her garden. Jokey goes to Hefty and tells him he can't lift his rock, which Hefty sees as a challenge. As soon as he holds it, however, he ends up floating in the air, revealing it to be a balloon and Toucan pops it. Jokey laughs as Smurfette is concerned if Hefty is alright. Hefty says "pretty funny Jokey" and he goes up to him angry, but he calms him down with something he can rub on his sore muscles. Hefty opens it, revealing as a Gargamel Jack-in-the-Box, scaring Hefty as Jokey and Smurfette laugh. Hefty is about to attack Jokey, but Smurfette calms him down, saying he should have a sense of humor. Hefty notices this and believes that he doesn't have a sense of humor. Smurfette and Jokey say that he does and that he should bring it out more.

Later, Papa Smurf arrives to Smurfette with Baby as both are going to Homnibus so the village leader can show him how much Baby has grown. Smurfette tells him that Jokey has taken Hefty to find a sense of humor, with Papa Smurf saying a healthy sense of humor helps us not to take life too seriously.

In Jokey's house, Jokey tells Hefty that he has to follow everything he says for this new joke, believing it will help Hefty with his sense of humor. He wonders if a riddle will help him with his humor, to which Hefty says he likes riddles. He asks him who is green, has polka-dots, has a funny hat and eats Smurfs. Hefty does not know and Jokey releases a fake monster from his closet, scaring Hefty. After Jokey finishes laughing, he notices Hefty is gone.

Jokey Dumps Paint on Gold (He Who Smurfs Last)

Later, the two are out in the forest where a large rainbow is under a magic pot. Hefty does not think he has humor in himself, but Jokey retaliates, saying he will soon. He tells him that the plan is to make the rocks look like gold. Hefty is confused, but Jokey assures him that this will be funny when a human comes along. Just then, they see Chlorhydris as she is riding in her carriage and tells Reeves to stop as she has found "gold". As soon as she touches it, however, it gets stuck to her hand and Jokey and Hefty laugh. Chlorhydris is mad at them however and they run away.

In Chlorhydris's lab, she is with her pet Toucan as she is creating a potion that can remove all the laughter from somebody. Powder comes out and she releases it into the village, where everybody's laughing emotions disappeared into a magic cloud. Chlorhydris laughs evilly as she is the only who can laugh.

In the village, Papa Smurf is with Baby as prepares to tell his new joke that Homnibus told him to the Smurfs. Just then, he sees Jokey and wants to tell him about his new joke about an ogre, but Jokey is sad and says the ogre can go find another place. Papa Smurf is confused and goes to Smurfette and tells her the joke, but he is cut as Smurfette starts crying for the ogre and how he has no place to go. Papa Smurf is even more confused and goes to Clumsy, who also does not get the joke. Papa Smurf now notices something is wrong.

A bunch of other Smurfs crowd as Papa Smurf learns that Hefty and Jokey and everyone else lost their laughing emotions when Chlorhydris released the magic cloud. He then comes to the conclusion that they have simply lost their sense of humor. As Grouchy remarks that he hates humor, Papa Smurf and Baby are relieved to see that Grouchy is still normal. Papa Smurf notices that Grouchy was immune to the spell as he has no sense of humor to begin with. This means there are only three Smurfs capable of stopping Chlorhydris: himself, Grouchy and...

In Chlorhydris's lab, the third Smurf revealed is Baby as he is the only other one who knows how to laugh. He is playing on Chlorhydris's telescope as Papa Smurf gets him to come down.

Papa, Baby and Grouchy (He Who Smurfs Last)

The three Smurfs see Chlorhydris sleeping, and they quietly see her have a potion as she sleeps. That potion is what can restore all the humor in their society. He uses Baby to get the rose, but the rope snaps and he falls on Chlorhydris without waking her up. The only thing to do is save Baby and run out. As Papa Smurf tries to think of another plan, Baby uses his powers to quietly take the potion out of Chlorhydris's hands. Papa Smurf sees Baby has taken the potion and Papa Smurf tells him he amazes him.

Awkward Smurfs (He Who Smurfs Last)

In the village, Papa Smurf tells everyone that their laughing emotions are still in the potion and releases it around the village. He tells them that if one of them laughs, everything will come back to normal.

None of the Smurfs feel anything and sing their song lifeless. Papa Smurf decides to try to do the banana peel trick, but Handy and Clumsy worry if he's alright. Papa Smurf says this is going to be harder than he thought.

Grouchy Pretends to Laugh (He Who Smurfs Last)Pie in the face (He Who Smurfs Last)Jokey Chuckles (He Who Smurfs Last)Smurfs Laugh (He Who Smurfs Last)

Later, all of the Smurfs have gathered around to witness a play. Before it is starting, Papa Smurf tells Grouchy that if he laughs, they will start laughing as well. He demonstrates the basic laughs to him, but Grouchy cannot laugh either time. Papa Smurf sighs and says he will have to resort to his best jokes. And so, Papa Smurf tries many jokes, including being a clown blowing a streamer. He keeps telling jokes and after Baby's magic powers cause a pie to be thrown at his face, the Smurfs begin laughing again.

The Smurfs are now normal and laughing again as Baby pulls Papa's beard and they keep laughing. Grouchy remarks how he hates normal.


  • This episode can be considered an opposite of "The Last Laugh" from Season 2, with the main differences being Chlorhydris being the villain rather than Gargamel and the curse being no laughter rather than uncontrollable laughing.
  • This is the only season 5 episode not to feature any of the Smurflings.
  • Chlorhydris cast the spell from her castle and didn’t say anything about the Smurf Village in her spell, so Papa Smurf and Baby being at Homnibus’s house should not have protected them.


  • When Papa Smurf first comes back to the village after stealing the potion, one Smurf can be seen wearing Papa's red hat.
  • While the Smurfs awkwardly sing the Smurf song, Greedy is seen with blue pants.
  • Handy appears without any of his accessories on. Clumsy appears in the same scene with his hat being normal.

