"Head Over Hogatha" is a Season 6 episode from the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show.
- Hogatha
- Gargamel
- Sassette Smurfling
- Grandpa Smurf
- Cupid
- Scruple
- Azrael
- Papa Smurf
- Smurfette
- Painter Smurf
- Greedy Smurf
- Brainy Smurf
- Clumsy Smurf
- Slouchy Smurfling
- Snappy Smurfling (Cameo)
- Lizardo (Mentioned only)
- Mummy (Mentioned only)
- Unnamed Smurfs
Cupid's arrow hits Hogatha and she falls in love with Gargamel.
Plot Summary
Smurfette merrily skips through the village on Valentine's Day, singing the Smurf song and handing Painter a heart-topped flower as she sees him at work painting a portrait of Grandpa Smurf on a heart-shaped canvas. She also sees Greedy working on a very big Valentine's Day cake and gives him her best greetings for the day. Meanwhile, Papa Smurf and Sassette pass by Grandpa Smurf who is singing the Smurf song while carving out a heart with an arrow pierced through it from a block of wood. Sassette notices that Grandpa Smurf seems so happy, and Papa Smurf says that this Valentine's Day is very special to him because it's first one he has celebrated in over 500 years.

Painter likes his Valentine's Day flower!
This inspires the young Smurfling to go find something special to give to Grandpa Smurf on Valentine's Day, so she goes to visit Brainy for his advice on the perfect gift for the elderly Smurf. Brainy offers Sassette one of his own written books on love, but Sassette doesn't think that book or any of Brainy's books are good enough for Grandpa. Brainy then asks Sassette what she is really looking for, and Sassette says she doesn't know, but she'll know it when she sees it. Brainy scoffs at this, saying that Sassette might as well go look under every rock. Sassette takes it as a literal suggestion and thanks Brainy for the idea before Brainy decides to join her.
Out in the forest, Grandpa has Slouchy with him as he looks around with a telescope, hoping to catch a glimpse of Cupid as he does his work of spreading love through the world. He sees evidence of the work with birds, porcupines, snakes, and rabbits all in couples, which to Grandpa means that love is in the air.
Elsewhere in the forest, Hogatha is busy gathering things for her lover Lizardo while her pet vulture watches her and reacts in disgust to the mention of the ingredients she is gathering. While she is thinking about her upcoming date, Cupid appears on a tree branch and sees a human couple sitting with each other on a log in the forest. He sees them as the perfect target for his love arrow to pierce so that they will fall in love, but just as he is ready to launch the arrow, he gets startled by Grandpa and Slouchy suddenly finding him, causing him to misfire the arrow and have it rebound off several trees before heading in the direction of Hogatha. It pierces her in the behind, which makes her angry at first before feelings of love overtake her. Grandpa Smurf sees that Hogatha under the influence of Cupid's love arrow will fall in love with the first person she sees and tells Slouchy that they should return to the village immediately because the last person he wants Hogatha to fall in love with is him. Slouchy is eager to get back to the village as well.
Meanwhile, Gargamel is testing out his new invention, the Smurf Allergic Sniffer, which he uses attached to his nose to find where the Smurfs may be hiding. Azrael and Scruple reluctantly follow after him as he enters a bush and finds himself smelling something really awful, only to discover that the scent is coming from Hogatha. Even worse is that Hogatha is looking at Gargamel with eyes of love and just can't stop kissing him, which Scruple finds particularly amusing, saying that this must be the case of "love at first fright". Even back at the hovel, Gargamel can't get the lovestruck Hogatha off his back as she expresses her desire to marry him. Gargamel asks Hogatha what she could possibly give him that would make him ever marry her, and when she mentions Smurfs, he decides to take her up on that, sending her to go after the Smurfs while he prepares for their arrival. Scruple asks his master if he intends to stay in the hovel once he marries Hogatha, and Gargamel tells his pupil that he has no intention of ever marrying anyone.
Out in the forest, Hogatha is carrying a sack with her, ready to capture Smurfs with it in order to prove her love for Gargamel when she hears a few Smurfs already in the forest talking to each other. It is Brainy and Sassette, who are still looking for the perfect Valentine's Day gift for Grandpa, with Brainy complaining that Sassette has rejected every single suggestion he has made. He now wants to know what exactly it is they are looking for, and Sassette says that it is the "absolute super-smurfy" gift in the whole world. Hogatha decides to give those Smurfs a hand and so turns herself into a staff that is just lying in plain view for the little Smurfling to see. Sassette sees it and says it's the perfect gift for Grandpa Smurf, taking it back to the village with her while Brainy follows after her, feeling a bit uncertain about the gift she found.
At the Valentine's Day party in the village, as every Smurf is giving Grandpa Smurf and each other their presents, Sassette gives the elderly Smurf the staff she found, which Grandpa sees is a very sturdy walking stick. Papa Smurf asks Sassette where she found it, and she said that it was right under her nose in the forest. But before more can be said on the subject, the staff transforms itself back into Hogatha's true form, and the Smurfs try to run for safety as the witch gathers them up in her sack while singing "Here Comes The Bride".
Back in Gargamel's lair, the evil wizard is dancing with anticipated joy over the Smurfs he will soon get when Hogatha bursts through the door with her sack of collected Smurfs. However, Hogatha is not willing to turn over the Smurfs to her beloved until they get married first. Gargamel says he will give her what she wants but suggests that she might want a change in clothes if she wants to be married. Hogatha decides that she will go home and find something appropriate for the wedding, but when Gargamel sees that she is taking the sack of Smurfs along with her, he acts like he's hurt with the thought that she doesn't trust him. Hogatha then has a change of heart and hands the sack over to Gargamel for him to take care of.
With Hogatha gone, Gargamel proceeds to take the captured Smurfs and use them to make gold, but just as he is about to give Grandpa Smurf a bath in his formula, Hogatha arrives wearing what she calls a wedding dress, saying that it is time to get married. Gargamel finally tells Hogatha that he is not her lover and forcibly ejects her from his hovel, which outside she sees that her heart has been broken. This makes the witch so mad that Gargamel has played her for a fool that she goes back inside and torments him by zapping him with her magical powers. Sassette wonders why Hogatha is so mean to Gargamel, and Papa Smurf says that when Gargamel broke her heart, Cupid's love spell on her was broken. Out in the forest, Cupid watches from a tree branch as Gargamel hides from the wrath of a scorned Hogatha, commenting that love is so fickle before giving Gargamel a shot from his love arrow.
Back in the Smurf Village, after the captured Smurfs have returned safely home, Sassette apologizes for the trouble she has caused by looking for the perfect gift for Grandpa Smurf. Grandpa dismisses it, saying that the best gift she has given him was the gift of love. Papa Smurf says that the effort she has put into looking for the perfect gift proves that she does love Grandpa Smurf, which to her means that it's the thought that counts. She is now thinking of what she might give to Gargamel for next year's Valentine's Day present, while out in the forest, Hogatha is running as fast as she can to keep away from a lovesick Gargamel.
- Nat is the only Smurfling not to appear in this episode.
- The Valentine's Day gift-giving is devoid of romance, as the male Smurfs give each other gifts and Sassette gives a gift to Grandpa.