"Hefty's Rival" is a Season 7 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Hefty Smurf
- Wild Smurf
- Chitter
- Papa Smurf
- Snappy Smurfling
- Sassette Smurfling
- Slouchy Smurfling
- Greedy Smurf
- Baby Smurf
- Poet Smurf
- Bog Goblin
- Smurfette (Mentioned only)
- Farmer Smurf (Mentioned only)
- Unnamed Smurfs
Hefty gets jealous of Wild who proves himself as a great athlete.
Plot Summary[]

Hefty gets passed up by Wild in the forest.
One day during Wild's visit to the Smurf Village, he with his squirrel friend Chitter are watching the other Smurfs playing smurfball with each other. Slouchy is watching Snappy and Sassette argue over whose team Hefty is going to play on, with Sassette complaining that Hefty is always on Snappy's team and Slouchy saying that Hefty's team always wins. Snappy says that Hefty can't help being the greatest smurfball player ever as he watches Hefty pass by the Smurflings, spinning a smurfball around on his finger. He then offers Wild Smurf to play on Sassette's team, though Slouchy comments that Wild has never even seen a smurfball before. Indeed, as Wild Smurf picks up a smurfball, he tries to get a taste of the ball and then spits out the taste.
Hefty comes over to Wild and pats him roughly on the back, saying that he will show his fellow Smurf how to play smurfball, but suddenly Hefty sees Wild showing off how skilled he is at balancing himself on a smurfball. The three Smurflings are amazed while Hefty looks at Wild with some disgust, with Slouchy commenting that maybe having Wild on his and Sassette's team wouldn't be so bad after all. After the game starts, Sassette and Slouchy see that Wild is really racking up the points scoring more goals than Hefty's team, and even though Hefty does his best to try keeping Wild from scoring another goal, Wild goes in circles around Hefty, making him so dizzy that he couldn't stand long enough to keep Wild from making the goal. Snappy tells Hefty that he finally has some competition, but all Hefty could say to Wild's performance is that it was just beginner's luck.
Later on, Hefty goes out into the forest to offer help to Greedy in picking smurfberries and finds out that the village cook has all the help he needs with Wild and Chitter picking smurfberries for him. He returns to the village and passes by the Smurflings' playhouse, where Snappy is busy watching over Baby Smurf and asks his fellow Smurfling if he's ready for his morning jog. Snappy refuses, saying that Wild promised to show him his "smurfobatic tricks", and indeed Wild is seen making such flips and hand walks that amaze Snappy and Baby, but only make Hefty want to show that he could do the same thing. However, Hefty's attempt to out-stunt Wild only leaves him stumbling and Snappy saying that maybe he should let Wild show him how to do those tricks. Hefty picks himself up from the ground and snorts at the thought of Wild teaching him anything.
Hefty walks around muttering what's so great about Wild, which attracts Papa Smurf's attention as he sees on Hefty's face that something must be troubling him. As Hefty tries to explain his predicament, Poet suddenly bursts on the scene with a poem he just completed, and at first when Poet recites it, Hefty thinks the poem must be talking about him, but by the end it is revealed that it is really talking about Wild. Poet asks Hefty what he thinks of the poem, and Hefty just walks off in great disgust, not saying much of a word. Poet asks Papa Smurf what's wrong with Hefty, and Papa Smurf believes that Hefty has a case of "envy-itis".
Later on, Papa Smurf calls Hefty into his laboratory for an important mission: to gather a grumbleberry from the south side of Mount Snowpeak to complete his experiment. He requires a Smurf with superior strength and agility to complete the mission, and Hefty offers to be that Smurf who will get the job done. However, Papa Smurf isn't going to send Hefty there by himself, as he tells his little Smurf that he's going to help Wild. Hefty tries to object to the necessity of bringing Wild Smurf along, but Papa Smurf purposely misinterprets Hefty's objections as enthusiasm and sends him on his way. As Hefty leaves the laboratory expressing his real feelings of having to do any important mission with Wild tagging along, Papa Smurf says to himself that he hopes that his plan works.
Out in the forest, Hefty tells Wild that he's only letting his fellow Smurf come along because Papa Smurf said so and warns him to keep up because he's not going to wait for him, though as he sees Wild and Chitter get the jump on Hefty by swinging ahead on vines, Hefty tells Wild to wait up. Soon they reach the bog, and Wild looks a little scared, though Hefty tries to assure Wild that there's nothing to be afraid of. Then something suddenly comes out from behind the grass, but it only turns out to be Chitter playing a joke on Hefty. The tattooed Smurf then sees something else stirring behind another clump of grass and thinks it's another prank Wild and Chitter are pulling on him, but it turns out to be a Bog Goblins that leaps out and chases after Hefty. Wild saves Hefty by bending over a sunflower and using it to catapult the bog goblin away, but Hefty simply says to Wild that he could have saved himself if he had more time and walks off.
Back in the village, Papa Smurf talks to Snappy about Hefty's jealousy, saying that he feels that he's been neglected by every Smurf. Snappy says that no Smurf had ever meant to make Hefty feel bad and blames himself for doing so. Papa Smurf understands how Snappy feels, saying that it's important to make time for all our friends, and that Hefty and Wild are probably doing just fine together.
Meanwhile, Hefty finds himself caught in a net trap and having to rely on Wild to help him get loose. Wild sees the knot on the tree branch that the rope holding the net is tied to and loosens it, causing Hefty to fall to the ground, though not without getting "a knot" in his head. Later on, as the two Smurfs make camp, Wild and Chitter cover themselves over with leaves while Hefty sets up a tent and gathers up firewood. Wild sees Hefty coming with the firewood and tries to warn him to watch where he's going, but Hefty doesn't understand what Wild is trying to say and ends up tripping over the rope holding up the tent, knocking it down. Hefty sees that he now needs to rough it and refuses to have any help from Chitter in trying to stay warm. His attempt to start a fire by rubbing two sticks together proves to be useless as Wild accomplishes the same thing with little effort. This makes Hefty so upset that he decides to go on by himself and find Papa Smurf's grumbleberry without any more help from anybody.
Later on, at Mount Snowpeak, Hefty sees that he is reaching the end of his journey with the grumbleberry plant spotted on the edge of a precipice, saying that he's glad to have left Wild behind because it would have been too tough for him. However, Hefty doesn't see that Wild and Chitter have been burrowing through the snow, trying to reach the same destination. Hefty tries to reach for the grumbleberry, but it is dangling right over the precipice, making it too dangerous for him to just pull off the vine. Suddenly Wild and Chitter show up, and Wild is ready to pull the grumbleberry off the vine when Hefty tries to warn Wild, only to see his fellow Smurf and his squirrel friend fall off the precipice. Hefty sees Wild's hand as he has fallen into a cave and goes over to pull the rocks away from the cave to free him. Wild is so grateful for Hefty's rescue that he kisses him on the cheek, which makes Hefty feel like he should have gotten a handshake instead.
But then, Hefty's concerns turn toward Chitter, as he wonders where the squirrel is. They both see him dangling from the edge of the precipice, trying to hold on for dear life. Wild tries to go over to save Chitter, but Hefty keeps Wild from doing so, saying that it could be dangerous and that he has a better plan. He constructs a sled for himself and Wild to ride on, and soon they make a leap into the sky riding the sled as a glider to reach Chitter and to land safely back on the ground, where the three of them rode the rest of the way back down Mount Snowpeak. Hefty is glad to see Wild appreciating his fellow Smurf's help and ends up calling him "partner".
Back in the village, Papa Smurf is glad to see that, though Hefty and Wild didn't get the grumbleberry that was asked for, they have both found a friendship on their adventure together. Snappy is proud to have both Hefty and Wild as two great Smurfs that he can admire, and Hefty promises that from now on he will teach Wild everything that he knows. However, when Hefty tries to do one of Wild's tricks and fails, he says that he's got some things he needs to learn as well.
- Hefty's heart tattoos can be seen on both arms at the same time in this episode.
- When Hefty tries to start the fire with sticks, his tail is missing.