"Hefty Sees A Serpent" is a Season 9 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Hefty Smurf
- The Loch Monster
- Angus McGarg
- Furgy
- Dingus McDoohey
- Two Scottish Fishermen
- Brainy Smurf
- Smurfette
- Handy Smurf
- Greedy Smurf
- Papa Smurf
- Clumsy Smurf
- Lazy Smurf
- Smoogle
- Sassette Smurfling (Title card only)
- Jokey Smurf (Mentioned only)
- Gargamel (Mentioned only)
- Other Smurfs
No one believes Hefty that he has seen a serpent in the Scotland Lake except for the evil Angus McGarg.
Plot Summary[]

"The Loch monster" isn't all that monstrous with Hefty.
As the sound of bagpipes is playing at the beginning of the story, the time whirlwind appears and dumps the time-traveling Smurfs and their time crystals in a very foggy place, with the male Smurfs wearing kilts and Smurfette wearing a plaid skirt. The fog is so thick that Handy couldn't see where he's going. Greedy sticks a finger into the fog and tastes it, then says that he wishes that it tastes like Smurf soup. Papa Smurf grabs another Smurf heading straight toward a time crystal and pulls him away, warning his little Smurfs to be careful walking in the fog or else they could trample over the time crystals. Of course, Brainy is too busy throwing his two cents in to even bother watching where he was going and runs straight into Hefty, causing the both of them to fall straight into the lake.
Hefty raises his head out of the water, then turns around and sees what appears to be a sea serpent in the water. He asks Brainy what it is, but Brainy doesn't have his glasses over his eyes to see anything but what's in front of him very clearly, so he simply answers that it must be a lake. Then the sea serpent lowers his head back into the water when Hefty turns around again, only to rise back up and give the two Smurfs a ride upon his head to drop them back safely on dry ground. Hefty tries to get Brainy to see the sea serpent, but Brainy again couldn't see anything without his glasses being over his eyes, and by the time the Smurfs get to where Hefty and Brainy are, the serpent is gone, and Hefty is left unable to convince anyone that he actually saw a sea serpent, as even Papa Smurf laughs at the very mention of the creature. Hefty is very certain that he did see a sea serpent and is determined to prove it to the others.
The following day, the Smurfs are all busy working on building a camp for them to stay in, but besides Lazy, Hefty looks a bit too tired to work. He tells Greedy that he's been staying up all night watching the lake, and Smurfette says that it must be because of that sea serpent, which again she laughs at. Greedy says that all the talking about the sea is making him hungry, so he decides that they should all have a picnic, which makes the other Smurfs cheer. As Greedy goes to make a stew and "potatoes a la Smurf", Handy makes a wise crack about not forgetting to bring food for Hefty's sea serpent.
Meanwhile, out in the lake, a Scottish man who looks like Gargamel is doing some fishing and pulls up a catch of fresh fish in his net, which he intends to use as bait to catch the sea monster. As he turns his back to get his equipment for catching the sea monster, the very same creature pops up in front of the ship's bow and empties the net of fish into his mouth, leaving the fisherman and his cat all wet with a spray of lake water. Immediately afterwards, another boat pulls up with three other Scottish fishermen, the eldest of them named Dingus McDoohey, who make fun of their colleague Angus McGarg's claim of a sea monster in the lake, even going so far as to dump a barrel of fresh fish over his head. After the other boat leaves, Angus raises up a fish in his hand and swears that he's going to prove to the others that there's a sea monster in the lake if that's the last thing he ever does.
Hefty walks along the lake to find evidence that he did see a sea serpent when he notices an imprint on the shore of the lake which looks like it was made with the sea serpent's tail. He feels ecstatic that he finally has proof to show the doubting Smurfs, but his exploration doesn't go unnoticed as Angus McGarg's cat Fergy spots Hefty walking around on the shore. His master also sees the Smurf and claims that it must be one of "the wee people". Picking up a net, Angus tries to scoop up Hefty, but Hefty notices what Angus is trying to do and avoids the net, jumping into the water to avoid any further attempts. Soon the sea serpent raises his head to pick up Hefty, and then the monster darts away, leaving Angus' boat high upon a rock and its owner fretting and fuming at his would-be catches that got away from him.
Hefty enjoys a workout while riding around the lake with the sea serpent, but upon returning to land he hears the other Smurfs nearby enjoying their picnic together. Hefty tries to direct their attention to the sea serpent who just brought him back to shore, but again the serpent disappears, and Hefty is left as a laughingstock to the other Smurfs. Meanwhile, Angus McGarg is busy loading up on small traps with which he intends to catch "the wee ones", but as he encounters the three men from the other boat again, Angus finds himself being laughed at when he tells them about one of "the wee ones" he saw.
Undeterred, Angus McGarg goes out by the lake again and sets up the traps to catch "the wee ones" and then plays his bagpipe to lure them straight to him. The Smurfs who are at this point playing leapfrog except for Hefty hear the squealing sound of the music and try to hop to safety, only to find themselves being chased after by Angus' cat and headed straight into the traps. Hefty, who managed to escape being captured, sees Angus walking off with his "catch of the day" that he's going to show and prove to the doubting villagers. Realizing that there's no time for him to get any help, Hefty decides to follow after Angus.
After shoving right off on his boat with Fergy as his only crew mate, Angus tells the Smurfs that he's going to use them as bait for "the Loch monster". Brainy becomes the first Smurf to be put on a hook as Angus casts his fishing line over the water, waiting for the monster to show up. As Angus busies himself with trying to get the monster's attention, Hefty has already stowed on board the boat and is now trying to get the captured Smurfs out of their cages when Fergy catches what Hefty is attempting to do. Hefty runs away and dives off the ship before the cat can get his paws on the Smurf, but as Brainy tries to comfort himself with the thought that there's no such thing as a sea serpent, the creature pops his head up right in front of Brainy. Then Angus raises up Brainy and drops a net on the creature, ecstatic that he now has the sea monster right where he wants him. Hefty sees that the serpent is unable to free himself from the net, so he dives underwater to break the twining of the net so that the monster could escape. Soon the Smurfs see for themselves the sea serpent as he rises out of the water once again and grabs the mooring line of Angus' boat to give the fisherman a ride across the lake that he'll never forget, dashing Angus' boat upon the rocks and setting the Smurfs that he had captured free. As the Smurfs climb on board the sea serpent and get a ride back to the shore, Angus McGarg and his cat are left sitting on a piece of wreckage, getting visited upon by the three fishermen who again laugh at their unfortunate colleague and his outlandish claims which has only left him with a wrecked fishing boat.
After reaching land, Greedy has baked a cake for the sea serpent as a small token of their appreciation for rescuing them. Smurfette asks Hefty if he'll ever forgive them for doubting him, and Brainy butts in and says that Hefty will forgive them since, according to his logic, it's a lake and not a sea, so it can't be a sea serpent. A few Smurfs decide they'd rather not hear Brainy's explanation and give him a hurl toward the lake, which causes the sea serpent to volley Brainy back to shore and have him land in Greedy's stew pot. Hefty mocks Brainy by saying "What sea serpent?" as the other Smurfs also laugh at him.
- This is the first of two episodes that take place in Scotland, the other being "Phantom Bagpiper".
- It is possible that Angus McGarg's reference to the Smurfs as being the legendary "wee ones" may be similar to that of "the blue men of the Minch", or storm kelpies from Scottish mythology. They could also be similar to small mythical beings in the same mythology called Brownies.
- Grandpa, Grouchy, Vanity, Jokey, Painter, Wild, Sassette, and Snappy do not appear in this episode, though Sassette appears on the title card and Jokey is mentioned.
- This episode marks the final appearance of Lazy.