King Bullrush is a supporting antagonist of the 1981 Smurfs cartoon show, first appearing in Season 4's "The Pussywillow Pixies".
He is the king of the Wartmongers who is in charge of his people. He resides in Toad Castle where he is constantly entertained by his court jester Slag and fed delicious bowls of slime, though he’ll get furious if his slime is not good enough. He has three Wartmonger hunters -- Slop, Sludge, and Slime -- whose job is to capture the Pussywillow Pixies so that they could serve the king as his slaves.
- His character was voiced by the late Kenneth Mars.
- Bullrush resembles "Mr. Swackhammer" from Space Jam, though it is notable that Bullrush predates Swackhammer by 12 years.