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King Symphonium is the king of the seven seas that appeared in the cartoon show episode "Mutiny On The Smurf". He is a recluse who prefers to be left alone in his sea castle with his pet pelican Satchel Mouth and his music as he is an avid lover of music and built a beautiful crystal organ to serve as the ultimate musical instrument that used all the most loveliest sounds he could find.

After hearing Slouchy Smurfling's charming trumpet playing, he desired to add the Smurf orchestra to his organ and had Satchel Mouth capture them. However, Satchel Mouth ends up bringing back Harmony Smurf with the other adult Smurfs and the king is naturally displeased with Harmony's terrible trumpet playing, and is led to believe that there's something wrong with his organ. Later on, the Smurflings arrive on the island and Slouchy makes his way into the organ and begins playing the trumpet as high as possible, much to the king's amusement, but Slouchy plays so high that it shatters the crystal organ to pieces which gives the Smurfs a chance to escape.

King Symphonium seems to be a powerful individual, practically superhuman, as one would expect of the current ruler of the seven seas. His breath is so powerful that it can blow away large ships with ease. He is also a skilled craftsman, able to make a beautiful crystal organ for his personal use. He possesses several crystal balls which he uses to find lovely sounds. He appears to be quite knowledgeable, knowing full well who the Smurfs are despite them never meeting this king.
