"Kow-Tow, We Won't Bow" is a Season 5 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Smurfette
- Nat Smurfling
- Snappy Smurfling
- Slouchy Smurfling
- Sassette Smurfling
- King Bullrush
- Wartmongers
- Slag the Jester
- Ooze
- Bildge
- Hunters
- Slop
- Sludge
- Slime
- Puppy
- Papa Smurf
- Flutterby
- Pussywillow Pixies (Dream sequence)
- Brainy Smurf (Does not speak)
- Handy Smurf (Does not speak)
- Hefty Smurf (Does not speak)
- Grouchy Smurf (Does not speak)
- Baby Smurf (Mentioned only)
- Mother Nature (Mentioned only)
On an expedition with Smurfette, the Smurflings get captured by the Wartmongers and are locked in a tower, so Smurfette leads a group of Wartmonger mutineers into the King Bullrush's castle to save them.
Plot Summary[]
Early in the morning, Sassette rushes into Smurfette's house, informing her that Papa Smurf wants her to lead an expedition. This excites Smurfette and she jumps out of bed. Sassette also tells her that he is waiting at the Village Square. While Smurfette has gotten ready to experience a dangerous mission, though Sassette tries to tell her that it's not what she thinks it is. As Smurfette leaves her house in a rush, Sassette ponders about being as fast as Smurfette when she grows up.
At the Village Square, the other Smurflings pout, as they do not want to go on an expedition. Papa Smurf tries to cheer them up, but Smurfette arrives just in time. Papa Smurf tells her that there's no expedition, just a nature hike. This upsets Smurfette, who wanted something more important to do, but Papa Smurf says that taking care of the Smurflings is important. She follows him as he tells her to get some water goers by the well. As they are gone, the Smurflings are mad that they always need someone to watch them. Nat in particular protests about how he knows more about nature than Smurfette does. Sassette defends Smurfette, saying that she knows every flower there is. Nat retaliates by saying that she only defends Smurfette because she's a girl and so is she, but Sassette retaliates against this by saying Mother Nature is too.
While in the forest with Puppy joining them, Smurfette tells the Smurflings about the various flowers that she names and the resources of nature. While Puppy is following, however, he finds a bug and chases it, knocking Smurfette and the Smurflings (except Slouchy) over and runs toward Toad River. Puppy jumps into the river and proceeds to run after the bug. Smurfette goes after Puppy and leaves the water goers in the Smurflings' care. The Smurflings watch Smurfette swim but see that she can't do this alone, prompting for them to follow her.
The Smurflings find themselves in a pickle as they can't swim. Slouchy gets the idea to use one of his strings to tie to one of the nearby tree branches on the other side, though they also have a problem bringing it to the other side. Nat calls one of his butterfly friends to carry the string to the branch and the butterfly successfully ties it. They then pull the branch to their side and get safely across. Elsewhere, Smurfette runs after Puppy, now losing sight of him.
Nearby, the Hunters - Slop, Sludge, and Slime contemplate about their lack of success hunting the Pussywillow Pixies. However, they see the Smurflings nearby as they crash into the pond. Though Nat, Snappy, and Sassette escape, Slouchy doesn't move fast enough and is caught by the Hunters via one of their capturing bubbles. The others then follow suite.
The Hunters sing their Wartmonger song as they then walk back to the castle with their capture Smurflings. At the castle, King Bullrush is enraged that the Hunters continue to bring them Smurfs time and time again and believes he is surrounded by idiots. He accuses of the Smurflings spying on them until Snappy protests that they aren't and Sassette says this was all just a simple accident. King Bullrush is enraged at this comment until his jester Slag informs him that they could just put them into the Terrible Tower, which is filled with crocodiles.
The Smurflings are later locked into the Terrible Tower, with crocodiles centering them. Slouchy than gets an idea involving more string, with Sassette following on it by saying they could get Nat down to talk to the crocodiles. Nat tries to protest but finds himself talking to them. However, the crocodile doesn't want to hear him and bites the string as Nat tries to get back up into the tower. He gets into the tower before the string breaks. With the Smurflings on the tower again, Sassette sees a poster of King Bullrush and gets an idea.
Smurfette finds the water goers and concludes that the Smurflings left without her. Just then, she comes across Flutterby, Nat's pet, but the butterfly is unable to even answer Smurfette. He instead goes to where the Smurflings are while Smurfette follows him.
Smurfette and Flutterby arrive at Croak Castle, where Smurfette discovers that the Wartmongers have them. She disguises herself as a Wartmonger but then when a Wartmonger guard sees Flutterby and wants to eat him, but Smurfette throws a bag of slop onto the guard's face.
In King Bullrush's castle, Slag informs the king that the guards have been accused of disrespecting the king by blowing raspberries while the king was giving his daily speech. King Bullrush sees this as a good opportunity to throw them into the dungeon. The next violator comes from Smurfette, who threw slop at the guard. Smurfette reveals herself as a Smurf. King Bullrush and the jester are shocked to see another one. The two Wartmongers discuss what they should do. While Slag suggests putting her in the tower, the king sees that this is what she wants and decides to put her in the dungeon.
Smurfette is in the dungeon wondering how to get out but sees that there's an open cell and takes her disguise off to put it on the cell's hook. Smurfette escapes and tries to find the Smurflings.
King Bullrush is in his room sleeping, dreaming of chasing the Pussywillow Pixies. While the Hunters are unable to run after them, King Bullrush decides to transform into "The Flying Creep of Creepy Deepy Swamp" and flies after the pixies. As the pixies are unable to be outran, the Burners inadvertently end up putting King Bullrush in a bubble, causing him to fall down.
Meanwhile, Smurfette finds herself trapped in a dead end, as a Wartmonger is guarding the cell and the bars are too thick. Smurfette continues to walk until she falls from a ramp. She finds another cell. Though she screams, the Wartmongers nearby introduce themselves as Ooze and Blidge, respectively, and they remember her from when she hit slop from a guard. Smurfette apologizes for that but explains that it was because they were about to eat Flutterby. The two Wartmongers say they really could use her for "the cause", which they explain is a rebellious group of Wartmongers that disrespected the king. Smurfette says she'll help them if they help her rescue the Smurflings. Members of "The Cause" break free and see Smurfette. Though they are disapproving of her, Ooze defends her and says she can help them. They then go with them to search for the Smurflings.
Meanwhile, the Hunters enjoy a meal of Beetlejuice, enjoying their life in the army. Just then, they hear that the rebels have escaped as they panic and crash into each other. A fireball that was prepared with a cannon ends up crashing into King Bullrush's house, where his bed catches on fire. He begins screaming as the rebels and Smurfette run back, with their attempt to take the Smurflings failed.
Smurfette begins to lead the rebels, with the group members openly expressing what they hate about Bullrush: his speeches and forcibly bowing down. Smurfette recommends for them not to bow down. The rebels agree to this recommendation and Smurfette also says for every Wartmonger peasants to go along with them.
King Bullrush asks Slag if they have caught the rebels yet, but Slag says they have escaped. None of King Bullrush's questions get good answers until Slag informs him that it's time for him to deliver his speech. Though worried at first, King Bullrush hears the nice things Slag says about him and wonders what a kingdom would be without a king.
King Bullrush watches his Wartmongers and at first believes that they are working hard - until he sees the rebels, peasants, and Smurfette. The king is upset as the rebels and peasants begin to chant "Kow-Tow, we won't bow!" continuously. King Bullrush finds that the only plan is to give in. Slag reveals that they no longer have to bow, but courtesy. The Wartmongers cheer at this, but Smurfette is still dissatisfied and thinks they haven't won anything, but the Wartmongers thank her for not having to bow anymore. Smurfette asks them if they can save the Smurflings now, but their lack of cooperation forces Smurfette into searching for the Smurflings herself. The Wartmongers continue to courtesy.
The Smurflings have now made a King Bullrush kite, ready to bring the kite in the air. They manage to make the kite pass the crocodiles and the wind ends up propelling it. Just then, they hear King Bullrush and the Smurflings climb up the kite. However, King Bullrush sees the kite and jumps onto it, making him too heavy and breaking the kite. King Bullrush has fainted as the Smurflings jump to Smurfette. The Smurfs are all ready to leave, but the Wartmongers stop them for violating the biggest rule of the kingdom: stomping on the king. The Wartmongers prepare to feed them into the crocodiles, the Smurflings and Smurfette scream for help. This catches the attention of Puppy, who runs to the scream.
The Smurfs continue to be exiled to the crocodiles, and to make matters worse, Nat has trouble understanding crocodiles. As the Wartmonger guards celebrate nearby, Puppy runs over them. The Hunters try to help King Bullrush back up on his feet, but Puppy hits them and the other Wartmongers. The Smurflings and Smurfette cheer for Puppy's arrival and escape the castle.
Later, the Smurfs ride on Puppy back to the village. Nearby, Papa Smurf is with a group of Smurfs, where Papa Smurf says that they were worried about the Smurfs. Smurfette tries to explain, but the Smurflings say it was the best nature hike ever and cheer for Smurfette, with Snappy saying they should do it again tomorrow, a thought shared by the other Smurflings.
- This episode does not feature background Smurfs.
- "Kowtow" is a word of Chinese origin referring to kneeling on the ground and touching one’s head to the ground as a sign of submission as part of court protocol.
- When Smurfette picks up the water goers that the Smurflings left behind, her hat turns yellow for a split second.