"Legendary Smurfs" is a Season 7 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Slouchy Smurfling
- Gargamel
- Scruple
- Nat Smurfling
- Snappy Smurfling
- Sassette Smurfling
- Anton
- Keswick
- Papa Smurf
- Azrael
Slouchy hides some of his old things instead of throwing them away. Meanwhile, Gargamel tries to prove two wizards that the Smurfs exist.
Plot Summary[]
On a rainy day, the Smurflings are busy cleaning up their playhouse. Sassette mentions that she even doesn't mind cleaning up the playhouse on such a day. Snappy and Nat are also enjoying the activity, while Slouchy is looking at his overpacked closet which looks like it's ready to explode. Nat asks Slouchy why he isn't putting his stuff away like the others, and opens Slouchy's closet, causing a lot of things to fall onto those two. Nat asks him about all that stuff and Slouchy tells him they're his "smurfy mementos", like his first Smurf hat. The other Smurflings tell him to put out his old things to make some space for new, which makes Slouchy unhappy.
Papa Smurf is mixing something in his laboratory while he explains Slouchy his problem, called "packrat-itis". He opens his closet, and Slouchy's things fall from it. He tells Slouchy that even forest animals throw things out, giving Slouchy an idea.
Out in the forest, Gargamel is checking out his traps and traps his nose into one of it. Scruple comments that his nose is the only thing he'll catch this day, but then they both hear a sound of a trap. Gargamel goes through the bushes and catches two wizards trapped by his traps into his net. After Gargamel frees them they tell him they are looking for some legendary small creatures, which Gargamel already knows that they mean Smurfs. They says they are finding the proof that Smurfs exist and they offer Gargamel gold if he shows them Smurfs. After hearing that, Gargamel introduces himself and takes the wizards away to talk.
Meanwhile, Slouchy stops at the tree stump with a bag and thinks that hole in this stump will be nice for storing the old stuff and hides his bag inside. Then Gargamel comes and sees him. Gargamel jump to grab the little Smurfling, but Slouchy escapes from him. Then Gargamel finds Slouchy's bag and takes it to show it to the wizards.
In Gargamel's castle, the two wizards are amazed of the stolen Smurf stuff. Then they give some money to Gargamel and say that they want to see the Smurfs' village. Gargamel is worried because he doesn't know the location of village, but luckily, Scruple has a plan and takes Gargamel out of the castle.
In the night, the fake Smurfs' village is seen and Gargamel praises Scruple, who is along with Azrael still bringing firewood, for his idea. Scruple isn't very happy that he must work on his brilliant idea, but Gargamel says he's doing that because he wants gold too. In the Smurflings' house, Slouchy gets up from his bed and grabs another bag of his old things, but the other Smurflings are awake too and they follow Slouchy into the forest. Slouchy walks into the tree stump, realizing that Gargamel took his other bag. Then he turns around and looks to the angry faces of Sassatte, Nat, and Snappy. The Smurfling start angrily talking with Slouchy, but then they all hear a sound of a hammer. They go to find out what's going on and they see the Smurfs' village built by Scruple. Then they hide again when Gargamel returns with two wizards. Gargamel shows the fake village and amazes the wizards again. Anton, one of the wizards, even finds Slouchy with his hand lens and Slouchy runs away, facing himself with Azrael. Slouchy runs away and Azrael follows him, bounces the wizards to get stuck in one of the fake houses and trips Gargamel who is after the other Smurflings. Gargamel destroys one of the houses while the Smurflings run back to the village. Unfortunately for them, the wizards didn't even see the Smurfs but they offer him a bag of gold if they saw a Smurf. Then Gargamel takes Scruple away and says they'll return with a real-life Smurf.

"Scruple Smurf"
Back in the Smurfs' village, the Smurflings tell their adventure to Papa Smurf. Papa says that if the wizards believe Gargamel's stories, their forest will be soon full of Smurf hunters, so they decide to make Gargamel unable to prove that the Smurfs really exist.
Anton and Keswick, the two wizards, are still watching the fake houses, saying that they're built primitive and fascinating. Then Gargamel comes with a big Smurf (Scruple in disguise). They start looking closely to that "Smurf" and Scruple yells at them. The wizards say that the "Smurf" is much larger than they think, but they keep believing to Gargamel and give him a bag of gold. The Smurflings and Papa Smurf are watching them from a bush, and they think they're too late because the wizards are planning to bring more people into the forest. They realize the trouble and runs into the action with Slouchy in the lead.
First, Papa Smurf and Slouchy make Azrael meowing and Gargamel knows that the Smurfs are responsible for that. He starts running while holding Scruple, while the Smurfs are running away from Azrael. The wizards run after Gargamel because they still didn't see a Smurf. The Smurfs go across the river by a log, but Azrael stops in front of the river. Gargamel runs after them while still holding Scruple and finally Azrael too, but they are too heavy and the log breaks, causing them to fall into the water. Then the wizards, who still didn't get a chance to see the little blue creatures, finds out that Scruple isn't a real Smurf and starts thinking that they were tricked and the Smurfs don't exist after all. Gargamel and Scruple try to run away with a bag of gold but the wizards strike them with magic that take them to the air and get back their gold. Scruple asks them to put him and Gargamel down and they fall down on the ground. Then all Gargamel, Scruple, and Azrael could say that they hate Smurfs.
In the Smurflings' playhouse, Slouchy tells the others that he's sorry for his actions. Then Papa Smurf says that it was also Gargamel that almost bring humans into the forest and Slouchy finds out that Gargamel cured his "packrat-itis" and that he don't miss his stuff anymore. Then Snappy comes with a piece of Gargamel's fake village, saying it's a great memento and Papa Smurf slaps his forehead, thinking now Snappy gets a "packrat-itis".
- No background Smurfs appear in this episode.