Magic is the power to use spells to cause supernatural alterations in the world. Magic is used by various characters to wield supernatural powers which can be used for both good and evil. Some practitioners of magic such as sorcerers and witches use their power for evil though not all do that.
Magic can be used through magic wands or by being inherently magical, such as in the case of genies or dragons. Those beings can cause magical alterations by sheer will. Sorcerers have to study spell books and other books of witchcraft to obtain and control their powers, or else they could cause dangerous effects. For this reason, Papa Smurf restricts access to his laboratory to just himself and Brainy, whom in the cartoon show he trains as his apprentice, and even Brainy is restricted in his access to Papa Smurf's books.
Certain magic powers have an addictive quality to them, such as with Allura's magic orb.
This should not be confused with the performance art of stage magic.