Michael is the leprechaun that the Smurfs have encountered in their forest, with his first appearance being in "How To Smurf A Rainbow". He came out to set a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow that the Smurfs were creating on Rainbow Day when the Smurfs created an incomplete rainbow due to the lack of yellow used in the spell to create the yellow in the rainbow. Michael offered the use of his gold in the rainbow to complete the rainbow, knowing that he will able to retrieve it at the other end. He also appeared in the episode "The Little Orange Horse With The Gold Shoes" as he helped the Smurfs find and rescue Smurfette, using his special shoes that can walk on any solid surface, including rainbows. He appeared again in "Blue Eyes Returns". He made his final appearance in "Smurfily Ever After" as one of the many guests at Woody and Laconia's wedding. He was mentioned in "He Who Smurfs Last" by Jokey.