"Mommy's Masterpiece" is the sixth episode of Season 2 of the CGI TV series, The Smurfs.
- Painter Smurf
- Mummy
- Gargamel
- Azrael
- Papa Smurf
- Smurfette
- Lazy Smurf
- Hefty Smurf
- Grouchy Smurf
- Snails
When the other Smurfs bale out of posing for Painter's masterpiece, he finds a new subject in Gargamel's mom.
It is a peaceful night in the Smurf Village - but not for Grouchy, who is rudely waken up by Painter. Hefty, Lazy, and Smurfette have also been woken up earlier by him as the painting Smurf is ready to start his day by making their portraits. The five Smurfs walk into the forest as Painter's muses are heavily tired.
In the early morning, Painter has set up his stills and he is ready to paint... except the Smurfs continue sleeping and Painter blows a horn, waking them up. He then forces them to do poses. The minute he prepares to paint, again do the Smurfs fall asleep and Painter gets the horn again. The sound catches the attention of Mummy, who goes to see what's happening. Painter begins painting and the Smurfs remake their poses. When Smurfette asks how long they have to pose, Painter replies with "One, two, maybe six". Suddenly, they see Mummy and they run away. When Painter believes they are running away because of how long they have to pose, but he turns around and sees Mummy and shrieks. Mummy assures him there's no need to be afraid and she notices he's an artist. Painter says he is and shows her some of his paintings. Mummy is impressed and Painter is flattered someone finally appreciates his art. Mummy asks for him to paint her portrait, saying he'll have a beautiful model for once and she can hold a pose for more than six hours. Painter and Mummy shake hands. Painter is grabbed by Mummy, and they leave. The four Smurfs that had run away notice Painter has been "captured" by Mummy and they go back to the village to warn Papa Smurf.
In Gargamel's hovel, Mummy gives Painter his still and brush back and Painter tells Mummy to take a seat. Just then, Gargamel and Azrael are coming home from the forest to make snail soup. Just then, they see Mummy in the hovel, and she tells them she is getting her picture painted... by Painter - the Smurf - and rush to get him, but they are hit by a freeze ball from Mummy, who orders Gargamel not to attack Painter. Both of them set some ground rules: he and Azrael cannot eat Painter or put him in a potion. When she tries to comply with him, he instead says he will put Painter in his cauldron, so Mummy tells him this is fine until he has to use the bathroom. Gargamel is forced to compromise, and he and Azrael are un-frozen. Mummy orders them in the corner.
Gargamel and Azrael sit in the corner as they glare at Mummy. Painter tells her to show him her greatest smile. After Mummy's smile doesn't work, the artist makes a smile of his own, only for the smile to end up sagging. Painter gives up and offers for her to choose her own pose. None of her poses work out for him until a particular own which captures Painter's eye. As he begins painting, Mummy is eager to see it finished, but Painter shoos her away. She ends up getting bored and falls asleep. Gargamel and Azrael observe this and run after Painter. Azrael leaps over to him and chews him. However, Mummy had suddenly woken up and she hits Gargamel with a pan and hits Azrael until he spits Painter out.
Painter is fine, but sees Azrael had tuna for lunch. Azrael is subsequently chucked out of the hovel and into the forest. Before Mummy gets back to work with Painter, she orders Gargamel back to the corner.
Papa Smurf and Smurfette run to the hovel, with Smurfette worried about what will happen to him. Papa Smurf assures Smurfette it will be okay, and they will make a distraction, but then they see Azrael, who falls near the two Smurfs, and they run into the hovel, where Azrael gets hit by the door due to the mouse hole not being big enough for him.
Papa Smurf and Smurfette see Gargamel, who is in the corner and grabs the two Smurfs as he cackles. Painter tells him he cannot capture them, but Gargamel ignores him, saying the compromise did not include the two Smurfs. Mummy tells Papa Smurf that Painter is her portraitist and Painter says he is her favorite, much to Gargamel's disappointment. Mummy laughs at him and so does Painter, who stops as he sees the glares of the two captured Smurfs. Painter says either Gargamel sets them free or he won't do the portrait. Mummy orders Gargamel to let go of the two Smurfs, but Gargamel refuses and locks them in a cage. Gargamel gulps down the key. Mummy orders him to release them again and once he doesn't, she shakes him, and he spits out the key. Smurfette comments on how Mummy really is a terrible mother.
Mummy tells Gargamel that once the portrait is done, she'll let him have the three Smurfs. Papa Smurf observes this. Mummy lies to Painter by saying when he finishes the painting, she will free him and his friends. Painter is suspicious until Mummy reminds him of the thought of an unfinished portrait. Painter agrees to keep doing the painting, though Gargamel will have to pose alongside her so he can keep an eye on him. Azrael, meanwhile, eats Painter and Mummy makes him spit him out once more, with Painter being tired of this. Mummy locks Azrael in a cage so he wouldn't eat him again.
With Gargamel and Azrael rounded up near him, Painter is about to paint until Papa Smurf tells him Mummy is dangerous. Painter observes Mummy as she hits Gargamel for laughing, potentially giving away the secret. He realizes this and sides with Papa Smurf. He sees the freeze balls and gets an idea. Painter makes the picture, and he is finished. Mummy cannot wait to see it... only to see the picture is of Gargamel kicking Mummy. Gargamel cackles and loves the painting. Mummy gets mad at him and starts chasing him throughout the hovel. Azrael tries to warn them about Painter, who grabs a freeze ball and freezes them. Painter takes the key and frees Papa Smurf and Smurfette. The three escape the hovel while Azrael is still trapped in the cage.
Papa Smurf is thankful for the lucky escape. Painter says "Great art always sets you free" as the three Smurfs laugh.
- This is the fifth episode in the series in which the background Smurfs do not appear. The other episodes are "Pop Out!", "Mirror, Mirror On The Armoire", "Smurfy Mother's Day!", and "A Thief Among Us!".
- Painter's painting uses a 2D design of Gargamel and Mummy.
- Smurfette accidentally says "Gargamel's mom has Smurf Painter!" instead of Painter Smurf. This may have been to cope with the French wording, as Painter is called "Schtroumpf Peintre" in French.