"Monster Smurfs" is a Season 4 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Tailor Smurf
- Clumsy Smurf
- Brainy Smurf
- Tree stump monster
- Smurfette
- Papa Smurf
- Jokey Smurf
- Hefty Smurf
- Mother Nature
- Poet Smurf
- Painter Smurf
- Greedy Smurf
- Vanity Smurf
- Azrael
- Feathers
- Baby Smurf (Does not speak)
- Grouchy Smurf (Does not speak)
- Harmony Smurf (Does not speak)
- Unnamed Smurfs/Unnamed Monster Smurfs
Tailor and Clumsy's Azrael mask for Spook-A-Smurf Eve isn't the scariest anymore when all the other Smurfs use a spell and turn themselves into monsters.
Plot Summary

Smurfette attracts even the monsters
In the Smurf Village, every Smurf is busy creating costumes for Spook-A-Smurf Eve from various things they have found in the forest. Clumsy says it's his favorite night of the year: dressing up in costumes, telling ghost stories, roasting smurfmallows. Then Jokey pops out of the wagon and also adds his favorite thing to the list: scaring Smurfs.
Brainy interrupts their activity with a smug speech to his fellow Smurfs about how he's going to win the award for the scariest costume. Tailor in the meantime shows Clumsy a costume he's made for two Smurfs to wear, which is an Azrael costume so real it almost made Clumsy think the cat lost its head. All Tailor needs is a partner to hold up "his end of the deal".
While most of the Smurfs are busy trying to practice their scary boos, Brainy decides it's the perfect time for him to create his scary costume in Papa Smurf's laboratory. Hefty sees Brainy heading off somewhere and wonders what he's up to. But despite all the boos, Smurfette can only boo-hoo because she sees that their costumes are not the least bit scary. Then Azrael comes on the scene and scares the Smurfs away, only to reveal that "Azrael" is really Tailor and Clumsy. Impressed by the realness of the costume, Hefty invites Tailor to sneak up on Brainy and give him a scare.
In Papa Smurf's laboratory, Brainy is sprinkling magic dust on himself and reciting magic words in order to transform himself into something. He first says, "Root of stinkweed, scent of lily, turn me into something silly."... and he turns into a flower. He next says, "Crumb of pancake, hair of bunny, turn me into something funny."... and he turns into Smurfette! He gives it a third try with "Dust of crystal, pit of berry, turn me into something scary!"
The Smurfs are giggling as the Azrael impersonators are at the door to the laboratory, ready to give Brainy a scare... when something much scarier emerges from the laboratory, and it is wearing a Smurf hat and glasses! The Smurfs make a run for it, even Tailor and Clumsy, as the monster laughs, saying that he has the scariest costume. Then the other Smurfs realize that the monster is really Brainy, and more than that, he used magic to transform himself into a monster.
Smurfette accused Brainy of cheating, as did Hefty, and said that Papa Smurf wouldn't like it if he found out what Brainy did. The other Smurfs were all considering disqualifying Brainy from the contest, but Brainy offers the suggestion of turning them all into monsters. As they consider this offer, one of the Smurfs asks Brainy about the possibility of not changing back. Brainy shows them that they can change back by sprinkling the magic dust on himself, restoring his original appearance.
Meanwhile, Papa Smurf sees that Mother Nature is dressed up in a costume when she greets him at the door to her house. She invites him in to show the village leader the surprise she intends to give the Smurfs for Spook-A-Smurf Eve, which Papa Smurf sees, saying that it is amazing. Back in the village, the Smurfs are lining up to get all changed into monsters. Out in the forest, lightning causes a tree stump with a mushroom on it to come alive and start wandering.
The transformed Smurfs go out into the forest to find Tailor and Clumsy, whom when they find are surprised that they came up with really scary costumes. Painter tells them that they are not costumes, but rather they were changed into monsters. They are so eager to return to the village and get the party started, they pay no attention to the tree stump monster that has just joined them. Tailor simply snorts, saying that being changed into monsters isn't all that smurfy.
In the village, Hefty blindfolds the tree stump monster and gives him a pin so he can play Pin The Tail On The Dragon with the picture of a dragon. The monster instead ends up sticking the pin into Clumsy's behind. Smurfette laughs and says that he needs a bit more practice. The tree stump monster sees Smurfette and finds himself falling in love with her at first sight. Smurfette invites the monster to roast smurfmallows with her as they sit around the fire and listen to Poet tell a ghost story. During the telling of the ghost story, Smurfette notices that the tree stump monster got scared and offers some comfort. Then Poet in his story directs the other Smurfs to look up into the sky, and soon they see a scary glowing face coming down upon them. They run for cover, only for the scary face to be revealed as Papa Smurf making a landing with Feathers while carrying a jack-o-lantern. He laughs as she says that Papa Smurf gets to spook a Smurf once in a while.
Then, the village leader looks around and realizes that his little Smurfs have all been changed into monsters. He suspects that Brainy is behind this and scolds his apprentice and all the other Smurfs for playing with magic. He has them go to his laboratory where he will change them back to normal Smurfs. As the Smurfs go through the line to get magic dust sprinkled on to change back to their real forms, Smurfette is busy guessing who the tree stump monster really is, but as she's gone through the whole list of Smurfs that she knows, she's eager to have him be changed back to find out.
With Smurfette and the tree stump monster the last two in line, she has him go first, but Papa Smurf is surprised to find this monster can't change back into a Smurf. Then Smurfette changes back, and it is revealed that the tree stump monster is a real monster! Every Smurf makes a run for it as the tree stump monster grabs Smurfette and heads off into the forest with her. Tailor sees the monster and has Clumsy follow him into the forest after Smurfette while still wearing the Azrael costume. Papa Smurf tells the other Smurfs that they need to bring torches and rope, as he also plans to go after the monster.
Out in the forest, the tree stump monster is actually more afraid of Smurfette and hides himself on a high ledge. She knows that the monster is lonely and afraid and she is willing to help him, saying that Papa Smurf is good at solving problems. However, the real Azrael has found Smurfette, whom she first mistakes for Tailor and Clumsy until he bares his claws at her. Seeing Smurfette in danger, the tree stump monster comes down from the ledge to give the cat a good scare, causing him to run for his life.
The other Smurfs then find Smurfette with the monster, ready to protect her from him, when Smurfette tells the others that the monster really doesn't want to be a monster. Papa Smurf suggests that she would take the monster back to the village and wait for Mother Nature to arrive in the morning to present the prize.
Upon her arrival, Mother Nature presents her award for the scariest costume to Tailor and Clumsy for their impersonation of Azrael, which makes the other Smurfs cheer. Then Mother Nature tends to the tree stump monster's predicament, realizing that it was her lightning that changed the tree stump into a monster, by calling upon the lightning to change him into a flourishing tree. Seeing how happy the former monster is now that he is made a tree, Papa Smurf says they will take care of him all his life, and Smurfette says he will never be lonely.
- A similar titled story appears in the Marvel Comics' Smurfs limited series, where Papa Smurf uses his magic on one of Jokey's surprises; this turns several other Smurfs into monsters, in order to have Jokey sign a pact to stop playing pranks. Jokey agrees and, surprisingly, upholds his promise... until the quiet life becomes insufferably dull for his fellow Smurfs. Realizing they actually miss Jokey's pranks, Papa Smurf declares their pact null and void. Then he smiles, as Jokey promptly brings him an exploding surprise.
- Tailor, Clumsy, and Papa Smurf are the only Smurfs to not turn into monsters.
- Despite being presumably centered around Halloween, the Smurfs aren't shown celebrating Jokey's birthday.