Morlock is a human character that appeared in the 1981 Smurfs cartoon show, with his first canonical appearance being in "The Prince And The Hopper". He was the wizard who served Prince Theodore until he decided to take over the kingdom by turning the prince into a frog and turning a frog into the likeness of the prince so that he could marry the prince's fiancée Lady Jasmine. When Smurfette, Sassette, and Poet went to the castle with the real prince, they worked to help the prince restore his true form by getting a kiss from the one who loves him the most, which the prince assumed was Lady Jasmine, so they could stop Morlock's plan. However, as it turned out that Lady Jasmine truly didn't love Prince Theodore, his true form was only restored when Smurfette confessed her love for the prince and kissed him. At that instant, the fake prince was reverted to his original form as a frog when he and Jasmine were about to be united as husband and wife, and Prince Theodore had Morlock stopped at the castle gates and imprisoned.
Morlock made his second and final appearance in "Gargamel's New Job", where he was locked up in the dungeon. He sees Gargamel's replacement and Prince Theodore unaware he is the archenemy and a bigger villain than Morlock. Seeing incompetent Gargamel is in his job and gives Gargamel advice and a spell to help him out. But he was just using him to free him and turn Prince Theodore and everyone else into sheep. Morlock tried to take over the kingdom again, but the Smurfs came there just in time and stopped Morlock and turn Prince Theodore back to normal. Morlock's plan has failed and Prince Theodore arrested Morlock and send him back to the dungeon. Prince Theodore found out Gargamel's true colors and fired him. Gargamel returned back to his hovel and back to hunger and poverty.