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1981 TV Show Icon

"Mud Wrestling Smurfs" is a Season 5 episode from the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show.



The Wartmongers drain the river to make mud. The Smurfs enter their land to stop them, but Clumsy must wrestle in a mud wrestling fight with a Wartmonger so the others can carry out the plan.

Plot Summary[]

Outside of the ongoing Mud Wrestling match, the hunters blame Slime for forgetting their tickets to the biggest event of the year, especially since it's their day off and they have nothing to do. Just then, Wartless shows up, asking if the Hunters need tickets. The Hunters try to act tough, saying that they have too many parties to go to actually experience the wrestling. Wartless says it's a shame, as he has gotten three extra tickets - which excites Sludge until Slop covers his mouth. Slop then claims that they have front row seats and steals the tickets, lying to Wartless that they consider him an honorary Hunter, making Wartless happy.

Meanwhile in the village, a group of Smurfs watch Clumsy take on Hefty in a game of arm wrestling. However, Clumsy continues losing, but continues to be determined.

At the wrestling match, King Bullrush's jester Slag reveals the two competitors: The Mad Mudmasher, and the second, the Wartmonger from New Croak City, The Horrible Hunk Hopper! The Wartmongers are ready for some action while a Wartmonger serves King Bullrush a slime pop. The Wartmongers then start chanting for mud and it begins to pour on Slag. King Bullrush enjoys the wrestling as the Mad Mudmasher begins to destroy the Horrible Hunk Hopper and throws him elsewhere on the arena. Up from the roof, a group of Wartmongers pump the mud as mud continues being plopped down.

Meanwhile, several Smurfs are playing smurfball, but Clumsy is having trouble as they don't kick the ball to him, usually just Hefty. Papa Smurf then calls for a timeout, asking Hefty to kick the ball to Clumsy once in a while. Hefty is reluctant, however, as every time Clumsy kicks the ball, they lose it in the water. Through reluctant on Papa Smurf's wishes, Hefty gives in and gives Clumsy the ball. When Clumsy kicks it, the worst happens - the smurfball falls into the water.

Papa Smurf, Clumsy, Hefty, Smurfette, and Sassette walk to where the smurfball while Clumsy is upset that this happens all the time. Papa Smurf encourages Clumsy by saying it's better to kick at a distance than to win sometimes. Papa Smurf then realizes that the water is notably lower than before. He says they must return to the village and get a raft to see what the problem is. Hefty is more concerned about the smurfball than anything, but Papa Smurf says it has to wait.

Papa Smurf, Smurfette, Hefty, and Clumsy go the source of the problem as they see much more rocks than they're supposed to, and that the river is getting lower and lower. Smurfette worries that the Wartmongers are causing it, while Papa Smurf explains that the river empties into Toad River, which floats past Croak Castle.

At Croak Castle, Slag informs King Bullrush that the Mad Mudmasher has mashed every wrestler around the place. King Bullrush throws a fit and says he just wants to see him mash them up while creating mud puddles in his bath. He demands for more mashing and threatens to get the Mad Mudmasher to mash Slag up.

The Smurfs arrive at Croak Castle, where they find the problem, though they wonder why they are using so much mud. Just then, Sassette shows up out of the picnic basket, revealing herself, but Papa Smurf is upset that she didn't ask him and tells him not to call him "Pappy". Sassette then begs to come, though Papa Smurf has no choice.

Elsewhere, the Hunters, Slag, and Wartless are around while the Hunters sing their song while searching for new wrestlers. They see that there are no good wrestlers around. The Smurfs follow the mud trail to see where it heads.

With no more wrestlers, the Wartmongers ponder at what to do, especially fearing that King Bullrush will destroy them. Slag than sees the five Smurfs who are trying not to make any noise. Slag sees this as a perfect opportunity not to come back empty-handed.

The Wartmongers show King Bullrush their captured Smurfs, but he is unimpressed and calls them "Worms". This irritates Hefty as he takes out the Hunters threatens King Bullrush. The king laughs and sees that they've got a new mud wrestler.

As Hefty practices his 5,000+ push-ups, the Smurfs are in a cage. As Clumsy asks if Hefty will win, Papa Smurf says Hefty can't win or lose, as the Wartmongers will still be at the match, and they need plenty of time for his plan of getting out to work. Hefty continues to attack a plush doll of the Mad Mudmasher. However, Sludge ends up accidentally injuring Hefty by causing a bunch of rocks to tumble down, one of which lands on Hefty's foot.

The Smurfs in the cell take an injured Hefty as Papa Smurf examines that he'll be fine, but he can't fight anymore. Clumsy asks if Papa Smurf will wrestle, but he says not he, or Smurfette, or little Sassette will fight - but Clumsy. The Smurf worries about this, but Papa Smurf says that he has the potential to wrestle.

Clumsy finds himself in the arena as the Wartmongers are ready for some action. Slag wants a good clean match... except the Mad Mudmasher is beating Clumsy up. Clumsy loses confidence but is reminded in his mind that Papa Smurf said to "Smurf a distance". The caged Smurfs find themselves in a rut as Papa Smurf can't seem to get the lock open. Sassette gives him one of her berets and it turns out it works. The door is opened, and the Smurfs quietly escape.

Clumsy continues to get beaten while the Smurfs make their way to the mud source. Hefty puts the mud source to a lower level, forcing the Wartmongers to speed the work up. There is too much mud, however, and the roof ends up exploding. The amount of mud will help Clumsy escape. As the Wartmongers cheer, they see the mud explode as it ends up flooding the castle. King Bullrush sees no problem with this. Clumsy returns and finds Hefty's smurfball.

As the Smurfs return on the raft, Hefty congratulates Clumsy for his achievement and decides to give him his smurfball. Clumsy ends up falling off of the raft and smiles. Papa Smurf simply sighs and rolls his eyes.


  • Brainy is not seen in this episode.
    • This is one of the only two episodes of the 1981 TV series where Clumsy is the main character and his best friend Brainy doesn't appear. The other is "Clumsy's Cloud".
  • Sassette is the only Smurfling to appear in this episode.
  • This episode has the entire soundtrack was in 2x higher than usual in pitch octave.
  • The scene where Hefty and Clumsy arm wrestle is cut from syndication airings.
  • The Hunters sing a variation of their song in this episode.
  • The Wartmonger mud wrester is called the Horrible Hunk Hopper, a parody of famed professional wrestler Hulk Hogan.

