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1981 TV Show Icon

"No Reflection on Vanity" is a Season 9 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.



In Antarctica, a penguin takes Vanity's mirror, so Vanity tries to find his reflection in everything.

Plot Summary[]

Welcome to the South Pole (No Reflection on Vanity)

The Smurfs' coldest landing yet

The time whirlwind appears in Antarctica, and the Smurfs land into the snowy ground. Grandpa Smurf discovers a pole and realizes that they've landed on the South Pole. Vanity looks at himself in the mirror and sees that he's still beautiful as ever when a penguin appears in his mirror. Vanity is surprised and jumps over, throwing his mirror high into the air. The penguin tries to catch it, but lands on it and starts sliding on it down a snowy hill. Vanity runs after him, followed by Smurfette, only to see the penguin fall into the cold sea. He is desperate for losing his mirror and says that he now won't be able to look at himself anymore.

While the Smurfs are making igloos, Vanity is staring at Greedy's soup where he could almost see himself. Greedy comes to mix the soup, but it's frozen so he must use a hammer to break the ice on it. Vanity is disappointed because he can't see himself in the soup anymore, so Greedy proposes him to try getting a reflection in the ocean.

Sea Reflection (No Reflection on Vanity)

Not as good as Vanity wanted it to be.

Vanity discovers that the sea is too wavy to make a good reflection. Suddenly, the penguin shows up from the water, and Vanity runs from him. He bumps into Brainy and they roll on the snow until they become a shape of a snowman, while the penguin runs past them. Vanity apologizes to Brainy, who tries to give him a self-help book he wrote just for him. Not listening to Brainy, Vanity suddenly notices his reflection in Brainy's glasses. The penguin disturbs him again, rolling down the hill into them and bumping them into the snow, while Brainy's glasses land on his head. Vanity goes to get the glasses in which he was able to see himself, and the glasses suddenly fly off penguin's head and onto him, and due to them he now thinks he sees the penguin's father, so he runs to warn Brainy while also returning him his glasses.

Back among the other Smurfs, Papa Smurf is to resemble the time crystals while the other Smurfs are freezing. Vanity notices Baby Smurf's rattle and discovers he can see himself in the rattle and takes it from Baby, so Baby starts crying. Smurfette angrily retrieves the rattle from Vanity's hands and returns it to Baby. Smurfette scolds Vanity for his obsession with trying to look at himself and Papa Smurf agrees with her, while Vanity notices how shiny the time crystals are.

Shiny Crystals (No Reflection on Vanity)

Vanity is walking around with one of the time crystals that he has taken and walks into an ice cave, where he sees many reflections of himself in the ice crystals all over the cave. Amazed, he throws away the time crystal and enjoys his reflections.

Meanwhile, Baby is playing with the penguin as they're throwing Baby's rattle to each other. The penguin makes a long throw and Baby walks back to catch it but falls of a cliff into the cold sea. The penguin jumps into the water to save him.

Papa Smurf is counting the Smurfs when the penguin arrives with the frozen Baby Smurf. Handy quickly saves Baby from the ice, while Greedy thanks the penguin. When Handy pulls Baby out of the ice, they find out that the little Smurfling must be sick. Papa Smurf adds the last crystal to get them from this cold place, but notices that one crystal is still missing while Handy notices Vanity is also missing, making Papa Smurf wonder.

Vanity's Mistake (No Reflection on Vanity)

Vanity's obsession with himself has made a real mess once again.

Vanity is still in the cave when he hears the others searching for him, so he grabs a crystal he thinks is the time crystal, but the cave almost collapses as he takes an ice crystal instead. He gets out and gives the crystal to Papa Smurf and apologizes while the icy ground starts breaking, so the Smurfs run back to the igloos.

Papa adds the ice crystal but gets shocked along with all the other Smurfs who try to pull him away, while the ice crystal melts. They all angrily turn to Vanity and Grandpa says they should immediately return to the cave.

In the cave, every crystal looks the same and the cave is starting to collapse. Handy gets an idea and takes Brainy's glasses, so he will melt any ice crystal with the sunray that shines into the cave using the lens of Brainy's glasses, despite Brainy not agreeing to this. They must act quickly as Baby Smurf's state is worse every minute. Brainy is now tripping over the other Smurfs without his glasses, so Smoogle leads him away following Papa Smurf's orders. Outside the cave, they come across the penguin, and Smoogle gives Brainy's hand to the penguin and returns to the cave, much to Brainy's horror. Inside the cave, Smoogle trips over and bumps into Grandpa and when they get up, Smoogle has the time crystal in his mouth. Everyone cheers but the cave starts to collapse, so they rush out. The ground breaks and Brainy almost falls into the water, but luckily Grandpa saves him. Unfortunately, Vanity was left on the other side and floats in the sea separated from the land. He refuses to swim, when the penguin shows up and safely brings him over the water to the others. Vanity is now thankful to the penguin, who waves to him.

Vanity and the Penguin (No Reflection on Vanity)

Back at the igloos, Handy uses Brainy's lens to warm Baby Smurf, who now feels better. Papa Smurf is almost done with the crystals, when the penguin shows up once again. Grandpa finds Vanity crying into a cup because he wants to gather enough tears to see himself in them. The penguin steps up to a sad Vanity and hands him his mirror he has pulled out of the sea. Vanity is delighted and hugs the penguin. Before they depart, Vanity looks at himself once again with the penguin joining him.


Vanity: "Oh, sorry Brainy, I just..."
Brainy: "Calm down, Vanity! I've got the solution to your problem right here!"
Vanity: "Oh, you found another mirror?"
Brainy: "Better than that! I've written a scintillating self-help book for you called Coping with Catastrophe the Brainy Smurf Way!"
Vanity: (Notices his reflection in Brainy's glasses) "Oh, it's me, it's me!"
Brainy: "Of course it's you, that's why I wrote it!"

-Brainy trying to promote his book to Vanity

Handy: "Give me your glasses, Brainy!"
Brainy: "Why is every Smurf and a family of penguins after my glasses? I absosmurfly refuse to... Hey!"

-Brainy to Handy who wants to borrow his glasses


  • Clumsy, Hefty, Grouchy, Lazy, Jokey, Painter, Wild, Sassette, and Snappy do not appear in this episode.
  • Vanity breaks the fourth wall while saying that he had to borrow a time crystal from Papa Smurf.
    • Grandpa Smurf also breaks the fourth wall after the penguin arrives with a frozen Baby Smurf.

