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"Painter's Egg-Cellent Adventure" is a Season 9 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.



Painter must get a magic chicken in Russia to start laying painted eggs again.

Plot Summary[]

It is within a mountainous region of the world called Russia where the whirlwind of time emerges and dumps the time-traveling Smurfs, now dressed in clothes from that particular region. As Brainy looks around to find his glasses, and Painter pulls his paint pallet off Brainy's behind, Papa Smurf looks around and says that they have arrived at the steppes of the Eastern plains. Clumsy, who falls down from a slope and lands on Brainy, says that "the last step's a doozy". Painter says that wherever they are, it's the perfect place for his latest masteurpiesa, which unfortunately doesn't impress Brainy, as he says that all Painter's masteurpiesas look alike. Clumsy, Papa Smurf, and Smurfette try to be as encouraging as they can in regard to their critiquing Painter's artwork, with Smurfette saying that it looks "interesting." Painter seems insulted that all he can get from his fellow Smurfs is that his work is "interesting" and so heads off down the mountain with his pallet and paintbrush in order to find some inspiration that would teach his paintbrush to sing. Brainy says that Painter should teach his paintbrush to paint, but that comment earns him a pallet full of paint in his face.

Down in the village below in the valley, a group of humans are having a festival with music and dancing while the Czardin and the Princess are sitting on their thrones watching, with the Princess wondering where the village's artist Ivan Ivanovitch is. The young artist soon arrives with his chicken Kiev, kneeling down and kissing the Princess' hand in respect. The Czardin asks Ivan if he has a little gift for him, and Ivan presents the royal with a special gilded case. However, this presentation doesn't go unnoticed by a certain someone vaguely resembling Gargamel with a beard, who uses a telescope to see the presentation taking place. He is upset that the Czardin is taking gifts from that "puny painter" while he, Gargovich, used to be the favorite wizard of the Czardin and his daughter, and that they used to accept gifts from him. In his fury, Gargovich spins the mounted telescope around, which repeatedly hits his cat who is sitting on the parapet of the wizard's tower. Ivan opens the case and reveals that inside is a glittering painted egg, which makes the crowd as well as the royals gasp in wonder and amazement at the sight. The Czardin takes the egg into his hand, and the Princess spritzes it with an atomizer to verify the claim that its colors do not run or wear off. The Princess tells Ivan that his village will be rewarded, which makes the people cheer loudly.

It is at this moment that Painter arrives at the outskirts of the village, hearing its people speak praises about "the world's greatest painter". Curious to find out, Painter enters into the village, looking from behind a barrel to see people gathering around a large balance at the amount of food awarded to the villagers by the royal family. He takes a look at the painted egg that the Czardin is holding in his hand and is impressed by the artful skill that went into its design. At that moment, though, Gargovich decides to strike at Ivan with his magic cane, hoping to remove Ivan's artistic talent, and so he switches his telescope with the cane and aims it straight at Ivan while the Princess is standing with him, ready to give him a kiss. The magic bolt strikes Ivan the instant she moves out of the way after the kiss, making him feel so electrified that he ends up passing out for a short time. He revives to hear the Czardin say that he wants Ivan to paint him another egg and that he and the Princess will return to the village for it the following morning. Ivan, eager to impress the royals, heads off to his house to "paint" another egg for the Czardin as the royals ride off in their carriage.

Egg Ritual (Painter's Egg-Cellent Adventure)

Painter observes Kiev laying the colored egg.

Painter decides to follow Ivan so he can find out for himself how the village artist paints his eggs. Climbing up to one of the windows in the thatched roof of Ivan's house, Painter discovers that Ivan is actually a musician who uses his accordion to make his chicken dance, and during the dance, the chicken acts so strangely that she ends up laying a painted egg. Painter is so impressed by seeing a magic chicken that could lay painted eggs that he decides to go tell his fellow Smurfs about it.

Back in the mountains, Papa Smurf is working on a new arrangement for the time crystals when Painter interrupts him with news that he has witnessed a magic chicken laying a painted egg. This makes the new arrangement collapse, and this also makes Papa Smurf a little upset. He tells Painter that the news sounds "interesting" (which he amends to "inspiring), but that he must go back to putting the time crystals together. Smurfette overhears the news, and Painter invites her to come along so he can prove that what he saw was true. Smurfette reluctantly decides to go along with Painter back to the village.

The following morning, Gargovich wakes up in his bed and flings his pet cat off his blanket so he could reach into his bag and pull out something that he hopes would impress the Czardin and the Princess, a wind-up wizard doll that can walk and talk, although it requires a few wind-ups to get the doll to do everything it does. Impressed by his own work, he goes to the window and finds that the Czardin and the Princess has already arrived in the village, so Gargovich grabs his sack and heads out the door, shutting the door on his own cat and turning him into a cat pancake.

In the village square, Ivan presents the Czardin and the Princess with the painted egg he had created, which impresses all the people, and even Smurfette is impressed by the sight of the egg's design. At that moment, Gargovich arrives with his sack and is disappointed that the magic bolt that was supposed to remove Ivan's artistic talent has failed. Seeing a bee that has landed on a nearby flower, Gargovich aims his magic cane towards it and fires a bolt, causing the bee to go crazy and sting the royal carriage's steeds in their behinds, in turn causing the horses to go crazy and causing the painted egg to fly out of the Princess' hands and fall to the ground, shattering in pieces. The Princess, who falls out of the carriage and lands in Ivan's arms, sees the broken egg, but isn't disappointed, telling Ivan that they will just have to come back tomorrow for another painted egg. Ivan tells the royals that he will get to work on creating another egg before the Czardin and the Princess ride off in their carriage.

Hiding in a barrel to keep themselves out of sight, Gargovich and his cat watch and listen as Ivan and his chicken walk towards them, with Ivan telling his chicken that she has her work cut out for her to pop out another painted egg by morning. Gargovich overhears this and decides that he's going to permanently pluck that chicken's magic egg-laying power out of her. Aiming his magic cane through a hole in the barrel, Gargovich fires a bolt at the chicken and soon the chicken goes limp. Inside Ivan's house, the musician puts his chicken through her paces again to make her dance and pop out another painted egg as Painter and Smurfette watch through the upper window, but then something goes wrong: at the point where the chicken is supposed to lay a painted egg, all that comes out is a regular white egg. Ivan realizes that without his chicken being able to lay painted eggs, everything in the village is lost. This makes the chicken cry, and this also makes Painter cry, as he realizes that talent of the magic chicken is now lost and that he no longer has any inspiration to create any new masteurpiesas. Smurfette also feels sad due to the sudden change of fortunes in Ivan's situation.

Painter wishes there was something they could do to help, but then Painter suddenly slips and falls from his perch on the windowsill and falls straight toward the burning hearth below. Suddenly, Ivan's chicken comes to the rescue and saves Painter from a fiery fate, although it ends up giving her toasted tail feathers. Ivan finds Painter and grabs him, calling him a troll and telling him to stay away from his magic chicken. Painter tells Ivan that he's not responsible for bewitching the chicken, and Smurfette joins in telling Ivan that they are Smurfs, that they do not seek to harm humans or chickens. Ivan says there's only one way to help his magic chicken now, and Smurfette offers Ivan somebody who can give her that help.

Soon, Papa Smurf shows up with Brainy and gives Ivan's chicken a physical examination to see what is wrong. After having the chicken jump up and down, Papa Smurf comes to the conclusion (as the exhausted chicken falls on top of Brainy) that the chicken must be under an evil spell. Ivan asks Papa Smurf if he could help break the spell, and Papa Smurf says that he will need some Smurfs that will gather the special herbs that he needs to create the counter-spell. Hefty chooses to volunteer, and so also does Clumsy, which makes the other Smurfs cheer. Ivan asks about the Czardin and the Princess, who will be expecting their painted egg by morning. Painter says that he will create the painted egg, that this is the challenge that he has waited for, to put his talents to the test.

Papa Smurf leads a group of Smurfs out into the mountains to find the ingredients for his counter-spell. After having searched all night, the village leader has found the last ingredient: an Oopsy-Daisy from which he needs a few petals. However, their discovery of the last discovery takes place near Gargovich's tower, and as the wizard's cat is resting on a windowsill, he is awakened by their presence and thus jumps off the sill and goes over to his master to awaken him. Gargovich is upset when his cat jumps on him, telling him that he better have a good reason for waking him up. He soon sees that the Smurfs are stacked up together to gather petals from his Oopsy-Daisies and then aims the business end of his magic cane straight towards them, asking them what they are doing with his flowers. Clumsy says that they are trying to help a poor chicken who's under an evil spell. Gargovich mentions Ivan's chicken being the one who's under the spell, and after the Smurf stack collapses, Gargovich uses his magic cane to turn three of the Smurfs into little blue eggs. Clumsy, the only Smurf not affected by Gargovich's evil spell, sees what has happened to Papa Smurf and two of his friends and decides to run off and get some help.

Back at Ivan's house, Handy has constructed a mechanism that would allow Painter to paint multiple eggs at the same time by having a mechanical arm copy the Painter's paintbrush strokes onto multiple eggs. As Smurfette watches, pleased to see Painter at work doing what he loves doing, the village artist eventually becomes "egg-xausted" but is glad to have finished his work. Ivan takes up the eggs and, seeing how wonderfully painted they are, is glad that they have been finished on time so that he could present them to the Czardin. As he rushes out the door to meet the royals, Gargovich is already there greeting them, with the Czardin upset at Ivan not being there right upon their arrival, asking the wizard if he's certain that Ivan is not coming. Gargovich confirms this and then proceeds to present them with his wind-up wizard doll, which ends up repulsing the Princess. Then Ivan shows up, bumping the evil wizard out of the way as he presents the Princess with his three painted eggs, saying that it took him a little longer than usual. The Czardin is impressed by the sight, saying that these are the most "egg-squisite" eggs yet, causing the crowd to cheer and causing Gargovich to fume and assume that Ivan must have another magic chicken. Picking himself up from the puddle he had fallen into, the wizard decides that he's going to fix that chicken as well.

Meanwhile, Painter, Handy, and Smurfette are watching through a window as Ivan is hailed by the villagers as "the world's greatest painter", with Painter feeling elated as if the cheers were meant for him. Smurfette tells Painter to take a bow because he's earned the praise. However, Gargovich overhears Handy saying that Painter painted the eggs so that the Czardin would never know the difference and angrily fires his magic cane toward them, blowing out a portion of the windowsill in the process. After chasing those three Smurfs away, Gargovich decides to "send in the clouds" and aims the magic cane towards the sky, creating a dark storm cloud over a perfectly clear sky over the village, causing rain to pour down and wash away the paint on Ivan's painted eggs, causing Ivan to be revealed as a fake artist. The Czardin throws the eggs away and tells his guards to seize Ivan, while Painter, Handy, and Smurfette watch as the eggs land on the ground and break, with Painter upset that his work was all for nothing. Then Clumsy shows up and tells the three Smurfs that an evil wizard has turned Papa Smurf and some other Smurfs into eggs.

Sometime later, as Gargovich returns to his lair feeling glad that he has ruined Ivan's day, the evil wizard's cat smells the air around him and detects Smurfs. Then Gargovich also sees four normal Smurfs on the table standing next to the three Smurfs-turned-eggs, unaware that those "normal Smurfs" are actually painted stand-ins. The wizard aims his magic cane towards the stand-ins and blasts a magic bolt towards them, disintegrating them on the spot. While Gargovich then discovers that he has been duped, the four actual Smurfs watch from the rafters and then jump down on top of the wizard at the same time, pushing his hat down over his eyes and causing him to struggle with getting the hat off his head, while Clumsy lands on the cat's head and knocks him out. The four Smurfs now have the magic cane, but as Smurfette wonders how it even works, Gargovich and his cat approach them, and soon a magic bolt comes out of the cane aimed at the two villains, turning them both into eggs. The four Smurfs now take the magic cane on top of the table and use it to turn Papa Smurf and two of their friends back to normal. Papa Smurf is happy to see his other little Smurfs again, but Painter says they must now rescue Ivan from what would be his "Czarry fate".

Meanwhile, Ivan and his chicken are held in a cage, waiting for the decision of the Czardin to be delivered as the village's leader asks whether they should fry to chicken. The Czardin says not to fry the chicken but to boil her, because it is lower in calories. Ivan watches tearfully as the guards take his chicken away to be boiled to death, saying the whole thing is all his fault, but then he notices that the Smurfs are now stacked together with Painter at the top of the stack, working on picking the lock to Ivan's cage and telling the young teen that the evil spell cast on the chicken is now broken. But soon the Smurfs are discovered by one of the guards and presented before the royals, with the Princess impressed by the sight of the Smurfs. Papa Smurf tells the Czardin to let Ivan go and he will produce the exquisite egg that he so desired.

After the guard releases Ivan upon the Princess' orders, the Smurfs present decide to improvise the music that would get the chicken to dance, and so as Ivan and the chicken dance to the Smurfs' improvised tune, the chicken eventually begins to act strange to the point where she gets stuck between the thrones of the royals, but nonetheless she produces the painted egg that makes the Princess ask Ivan why he never told anybody that he had a magic chicken that laid painted eggs all along. He told the Princess that if the people found out about the chicken, then somebody might steal her from him, and Ivan couldn't let that happen because the chicken was the only family he had. The Czardin decides at the point to adopt the young teen as his heir, with the Princess rewarding Ivan with another kiss. They turn to see where Ivan's little blue friends are now, but they have disappeared, with Ivan wondering where they even came from so he could thank them.

Back in the mountains, as Papa Smurf finishes his next arrangement of the time crystals so they could continue their journey through time back to their own time, the village leader tells Painter that this experience has helped prove to Painter that he is a wonderful artist. Smurfette feels sorry that Painter never got to keep one of those painted eggs, but as the whirlwind of time emerges, Painter shows Smurfette a keepsake egg that Ivan's chicken had produced for him as a souvenir.


