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Not to be confused with either Yellow Painter Smurf or Blue Painter Smurf.

Painter Smurf (original French name Schtroumpf Peintre) is one of the main characters of the Smurfs comic books and Smurfs 1981 cartoon show, who has appeared on the show throughout its entire run. He is a supporting character in the 2021 Smurfs cartoon show and also appears as a minor character in the 1961 Smurfs cartoon show.


He is the village artist who usually creates portraits in paint, though he occasionally works in sculpture -- a skill that is mostly handled by Sculptor in the comic books, although they are separate characters in the 2021 TV series.

In the 1981 TV series, he speaks with a French accent and is identified by his berry-red artist's jacket and a pitch-black bow tie (lighter or navy blue in some promotional art) around his neck. In the early comics, the 1961 series, the Romeo and Smurfette episode of the 1981 series (possibly), and the CGI film, nothing visually sets Painter apart from the other Smurfs besides his use of a paintbrush and palette. In "Tick Tock Smurfs" and some promotional art, Painter carries his paintbrush on his ear, much like Handy and his pencil.

Painter reappears in the 2021 TV series, wearing a simple red coat with paint splatters on some of it. Rather than a French accent, Painter in Season 1 of the 2021 series speaks with an Italian accent. This version of Painter has a considerably smaller role compared to the comics and the 1981 TV series, though in Season 2, he gets several focus episodes.


Painter is very temperamental and protective of his masteurpiesas (phonetically "master pizzas"), whether it's from commentary by his fellow Smurfs or from those who wish to ruin his work. Painter usually disagrees with these opinions verbally at first, but if he feels particularly angry, he is known to slam the painting in question over the offender's head or ruin it another way.

Painter has a mischievous side, which is seen in "Brainy Gets Ghosted!". He is one of the Smurfs involved with pranking Brainy after he annoys him and Chef for controlling his paintings for a big event that Papa Smurf is supposed to perform at.

He gets very distraught when he lacks inspiration, often looking around to find something new to inspire him. If Painter is painting at the time, he can take this frustration out on his current attempt at a piece, regardless of how good it may look to another Smurf.

Painter is also overdramatic, even attempting to leave the village forever when he felt that his art didn't capture life (and thus was "useless") in "Every Picture Smurfs A Story". After Papa Smurf is visited by Smurfette in a panic following this, he calmly tells her not to worry, as this has happened before, and he'll be back soon. Painter shows his dramatic side through his body language as well, often making exaggerated motions or poses.

Painter also has trouble abandoning his art at times, which was the main reason he had once painted a picture of Gargamel's mom in Gargamel's hovel in "Mommy's Masterpiece" and did not leave until Papa Smurf tells him about how dangerous Mummy can be.

Speech Pattern

In the 1981 cartoon show, Painter speaks English and French, frequently using basic or well-known French phrases in conversation and exclamations with a running gag twist, such as "Sacre blue-green!" and "Escar-Go-Go!". He also often says words of French origin randomly for comedic effect or otherwise, such as exclaiming "Cul-de-sac!" or "Mal de mer!".

Painter's accent sometimes causes misunderstandings for his fellow Smurfs, such as when he appears to call Clumsy a "fuel" (with the 'e' as in 'egg') instead of a fool in "Painter And Poet". In the same episode, he also calls a fried egg a "fred" egg, resulting in some confusion on the part of Poet, who he was arguing with at the time. Painter also pronounces the word frog as "froog".

When angry, Painter tends to stutter by repeating one word as he's thinking of an insult to use (i.e., "You--you--you turkey!", "This--this--this mishmash!").

Relationships With Others

Painter does not seem to have any particular Smurf best friend, but they all care about him and consider him a friend.

In the village, there is often someone wanting a portrait from Painter or agreeing to pose for one. His biggest fan in this sense is Vanity, as he's always looking for anything that (nicely) captures his likeness other than mirrors. However, this does lead to moments where Vanity frustrates Painter by overworking him or suggesting himself as a better subject than what the artist is already painting.

Usually, the Smurfs either love Painter's pieces or don't understand his artistic visions at all. In "Painter And Poet", his Smurf renditions of famous paintings receive nothing but confusion and criticism from onlookers. Seeing as no one appears to appreciate their art, he and Poet plan to run away together, the two sailing away on a boat in search of a far-off land before a whirlwind occurs and strands them on an island. While they are gone, Painter and Poet have a few heated arguments, but later on the duo work together to defeat Gargamel and save their fellow Smurfs from his clutches. Poet even compliments him on a painting that tricked the evil wizard and Azrael, calling it his "greatest masterpiece ever".

Painter also has a friendship with the color sprite, Spectra.

Uh oh! Very Smurfy Non-canon warning: This article or section contains non-canonical information that is not considered to be an official part of the Smurfs Franco-Belgian comic book series, the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show series, or the 2021 Smurfs cartoon show series, and should not be considered part of the overall storyline of any of those media universes.

In The Movies

The Smurfs (2011)

In the 2011 Smurfs movie, Painter is first seen in the early part of the film working on an ice sculpture which Clumsy slices in half with the ladder that he carries on the runaway wheelbarrow that he rides, with the ice chippings falling upon Chef's pizzas. In the end credits, he is shown displaying his latest work, "The Battle Of Belvedere", which is the Smurfs' battle with Gargamel at Belvedere Castle.

Uh oh! Very Smurfy Non-canon warning: Non-canonical information ends here.


See Painter Smurf/Appearances.


  • Before Season 3 of the 1980s cartoon show, Painter's voice and appearance changed in various episodes; though he mostly stayed the same in the previous seasons, there are some exceptions:
    • His first appearance in "The Hundredth Smurf" presents his appearance as identical to Handy (who shows up in another scene as himself), but without the pencil. He also speaks in a deep voice, similar to Grouchy's, and without the French accent. His voice in that episode is provided by Michael Bell, who voiced Grouchy.
      • In fact, both Smurfs are identified as Handy in the German dub, making it somewhat confusing.
    • In "The Sky Is Smurfing! The Sky Is Smurfing!", he appears with a white coat and a normal hat and a voice performed by Frank Welker (the voice of Hefty).
    • In "Sleepwalking Smurfs", his accent is more exaggerated and higher.
    • In "Smurf Me No Flowers", Painter wears a blue jacket with a red tie.
  • His voice in the 1981 TV series was provided by Bill Callaway, who also voiced Clumsy. In the 2021 series, his voice was provided by Lawrence Sheldon in the first season. His voice in Season 2 is provided by Madeleine Fletcher. This voice is very different from his voice in the previous season and sounds similar to Timid and Glee-Go.
  • Painter's voice serves as the inspiration for that of Dora Goblin in the 1992 Super Sentai show, Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger. Coincidentally, Painter's voice actor, Bill Callaway, voiced him in the English-dubbed version of said show.
  • In the French dub for the 1981 TV series, Painter is portrayed with an Italian accent which would later be carried on to the character in Season 1 of the 2021 TV series.
  • Painter does the illustrations for the Daily Smurf newspaper, as told by Reporter in "Fake News".
  • He, Papa, Grandpa, Baby, Smurfette, Brainy, Clumsy, Hefty, Handy, Greedy, Grouchy, Lazy, Vanity, Jokey, Wild, Sassette, Snappy, and Smoogle are the only characters who time-traveled during Season 9 with the Time Scrolls.
  • In the official script for "Gargamel's Dummy", Painter's accent is written out in his dialogue. ('zee' = the, 'zat' = that, 'artiste' = artist, etc.)
  • Painter has his name in two episode titles which are "Painter And Poet" and "Painter's Egg-Cellent Adventure".