"Papa's Worry Warts" is a Season 4 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Papa Smurf
- Wartless
- Hunters
- Slop
- Sludge
- Slime
- Brainy Smurf
- Clumsy Smurf
- Pussywillow Pixies
- King Bullrush
- Wartmongers
- Handy Smurf
- Painter Smurf
- Harmony Smurf
- Greedy Smurf
- Bigmouth (Mentioned only)
- Baby Smurf (Mentioned only)
- Hefty Smurf (Mentioned only)
- Farmer Smurf (Mentioned only)
- Unnamed Smurfs
Papa gets worrywarts that make him worry about everything.
Plot Summary[]

Hunters mocking Wartless
It is a beautiful day in Pussywillow Hollow, and the Pussywillow Pixies arise from their slumber inside the flowers that they sleep in just before they start hearing Slop, Sludge, and Slime, the three Wartmonger hunters that go out to search for the pixies. They march in cadence until Sludge stops and sniffs the air, noticing the scent of the Pussywillow Pixies nearby. Slop and Slime are ready and able to find and capture the pixies, but they are soon joined by a young Wartmonger named Wartless, who is so eager to help the older Wartmongers hunt down the pixies. Sludge tells Wartless not to join them, and when Wartless asks why, the other two Wartmongers tell the young one that he is "totally wartless" (read as "totally worthless"), which they laugh at before the three hunters move on without him. Wartless feels so sad to be left out, he says that he may not have warts, but he is not "totally wartless".
In the Smurf Village, Papa Smurf stretches and yawns in his laboratory, saying that he has been up all night mixing dangerous chemicals, and he is prepared to get some rest when he hears a knock on his door. It is Handy, who says that he has a problem with his smurfomatic pie maker, and to demonstrate the problem, he has the invention bake up a fresh smurfberry pie, but then suddenly the pie gets flung into Papa Smurf's face. Then suddenly, two other Smurfs show up, telling Papa Smurf that Bigmouth is in the smurfberry patch again, who are then joined by Painter and Brainy, with Painter saying that Brainy has insulted his latest masteurpiesa, and Brainy trying to say that red foxes aren't actually red but more of a burnt brown. Then Clumsy shows up and says that Baby Smurf won't stop crying, and Harmony shows up to say that the dam is about to break. Papa Smurf is beset with so many problems to handle at the same time that he doesn't know which problem to deal with first until he assigns some Smurfs to handle the problems that he thinks need the most attention. As the Smurfs scurry off to handle their assigned tasks, Papa Smurf notices that warts have broken out on his body, which he recognizes as worry warts, and begins to say "Oh, worry, worry, worry!".
At Toad Castle, Sludge, Slop, and Slime stand before King Bullrush in his throne room to deal with his ranting about their not being to able to catch the Pussywillow Pixies when Wartless stands before the king to tell him that he is able to catch the pixies. King Bullrush looks down upon the young wartless Wartmonger and laughs at him, as does the rest of the Wartmongers in the court. Wartless just simply stands there with his arms folded and glares at the others for daring to laugh at him.
In the Smurf Village, Brainy looks through Papa Smurf's books and finds something about worry warts mentioned in one of them, saying that a Smurf who is faced with too many worries will sometimes break out in worry warts, and the symptoms of worry warts include the inability to make decisions -- which is shown when Clumsy brings Papa Smurf a meal and he couldn't decide whether to eat the smurfberries or the muffins first. Brainy finds from the book that the only way to cure worry warts is to recite a special incantation while rubbing the horn of a Wartmonger, the mention of which makes Brainy gasp in horror. With the other Smurfs busy with working on the dam, Brainy tells Clumsy it is up to them to find Papa Smurf a Wartmonger that he can transfer his worry warts to, and so he leads the two Smurfs out of Papa Smurf's house toward Pussywillow Hollow... if only Papa Smurf could decide which side of the bed he wants to get out of first!
In Pussywillow Hollow, Lilac and Holly pause at the idea of helping the Smurfs capture a Wartmonger, but Elderberry and Pansy point out that the Smurfs have helped them in the past, and so they agree to help Brainy, Clumsy, and Papa Smurf. As Elderberry begins to discuss the plan for capturing a Wartmonger, Wartless goes out to set up his own trap for capturing one of the Pussywillow Pixies. With their plan ready, the Smurfs wait on top of a cliff with a big lily blossom filled with honey that they are ready to drop on a Wartmonger who will chase after Bramble, Pansy, and Lilac, who taunt Slop, Sludge, and Slime to come after them. Brainy and Clumsy were told by Elderberry to wait for her signal to drop the lily blossom, but they end up waiting too long and instead drop the blossom on top of Elderberry, missing the Wartmongers entirely.
Wartless waits behind a rock with his trap ready to catch a Pussywillow Pixie when three of them fly past the trap while still being chased by Slop, Sludge, and Slime, who get caught in the trap instead. Wartless gets upset that his trap didn't work and chases after one of the pixies with a lasso, but as Pansy is knocked down by a plant she didn't look out for, she knocks over Wartless and has him caught in his own lasso. Bramble and Lilac join their sister and see that she has caught a Wartmonger, and soon Wartless is brought to the other Pixies and the three Smurfs, where Papa Smurf recites the incantation while rubbing Wartless' horn. Instantly, Papa Smurf is cured as all his warts are now transferred onto Wartless, who is then released and set free to join the other Wartmongers while Papa Smurf thanks his little Smurfs for helping him.
Wartless is so excited that he now has warts that he shows his new appearance to the three Wartmonger hunters he has freed from his own trap. Sludge is so excited to see that Wartless has become a true Wartmonger, warts and all, that they take him back to the castle to share in a glass of beetle juice while they sing the Wartmonger song together, thus ending the story.