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Rajah, similar to the name Sultan for Arabian rulers, is a common name for rulers in India. In the Smurfs (1981 TV series) Season 9 episode "Curried Smurfs", there was a wicked Rajah in ancient India who lived in a palace and had his own private zoo, in which he kept many rare and unusual animals. Gargapuri, an inept cheat posing as a fakir (or holy man), frequently brought him ordinary animals he disguised as rare and special ones to sell them off for a handsome price, but the king always saw through his scams and sent him away empty-handed. Then one day, Gargapuri captured three of the time-travelling Smurfs - Brainy, Greedy, and Smurfette - and presented them to Rajah for reward. This time the king realized what Gargapuri had to offer was genuine, but he paid for them in painted gold bricks. Later, while Wild Smurf and Grandpa Smurf freed the animals in Rajah's zoo, Gargapuri came back to reclaim the Smurfs having discovered the gold bricks were fake. However, Rajah thought that Gargapuri was the one who freed his animals and locked him in a cage, only to end up being locked up in a cage himself along with his guards by the very animals he had so long confined.


In appearance, Rajah is large and imposing, with fierce black eyebrows and beard. He wore a huge red jeweled turban with a blue peacock's plume, a pink shirt, purple cummerbund, gold chain, white necklace, white pants, and a golden robe with a golden pair of slippers.
