Sassette's Tooth Fairy (most commonly referred to in-universe as the Tooth Fairy) is a character who only appeared in the 1980s cartoon show episode "Sassette's Tooth". Her job seems to involve collecting baby teeth that have fallen from the mouths of children and exchanging them for special prizes while they sleep with their teeth under their pillows. She is armed with a magic wand in the shape of a toothbrush which she says only works for real Tooth Fairies.
In the episode, the Tooth Fairy was on her way to visit Sassette when she lost one of her baby teeth, but she got captured in Gargamel's spider web trap which he set up for the Smurfs and held her captive in his castle while he disguised himself as the Tooth Fairy in order to chase after and catch the Smurfs. Scruple, who was left behind to keep watch over the Tooth Fairy, decided to use her for fairy wings instead of bat wings for one of his experiments, only for his plan to soon be foiled by the Smurfs when they came into Gargamel's lair to rescue her. After she was given back the wand she had dropped, the Tooth Fairy helped the Smurfs get rid of Gargamel from the village by causing him to fly into his own spider web trap. After he was gone, the Tooth Fairy rewarded Sassette with a special medal and told the boy Smurflings that they would soon see her, and after she left, the boy Smurflings also felt one of their teeth wiggling.