"Say Smurf For The Camera!" is the eighth episode of Season 2 of the CGI TV series, The Smurfs.
- Painter Smurf
- Handy Smurf
- Jokey Smurf
- Baby Smurf
- Gargamel
- Azrael
- Papa Smurf
- Dimwitty Smurf
- Vanity Smurf
- Chef Smurf
- Greedy Smurf
- Grouchy Smurf
- Lazy Smurf (Does not speak)
- Smurfette (Does not speak)
- Hefty Smurf (Does not speak)
- Clumsy Smurf (Does not speak)
- Farmer Smurf (Does not speak)
- Brainy Smurf (Does not speak)
- Harmony Smurf (Does not speak)
- Racing Snail (On a picture)
- Smurfblossom (On a picture)
- Unnamed Smurfs
Handy invents a camera so Painter can make portraits of all the village's inhabitants.
In the village, Painter is painting because of the village's anniversary. However, he is having trouble with Smurfs posing for paintings as none of them cannot stand or pose for very long. As he with Handy, he too can't sit still because he is fixing a stool. He recommends painting him in action, but as Painter leaves his painting, Baby messes it up. Painter takes it away from him, so he ends up crying, with his cries being yells. Painter's painting is ruined, and he gives up. He ends up giving Handy an idea. He rushes out of the workshop to ask Papa Smurf for a magic powder.
The next day, Painter is holding Baby as he holds the brush, Handy shows him his new invention: the Flash-o-Smurf. Handy demonstrates by taking a picture of a butterfly, Painter is happy, but none of them aware about the side effects: turning the subjects petrified. Jokey shows up and believes the petrified butterfly could work as a great joke.
Soon, Painter is trying to take a picture of Vanity but he can't find a good pose. Suddenly, Vanity falls and yells he cut a nail. The pose he is doing works for Painter, and he takes the picture. Vanity is then frozen. Painter wonders what is going on and Jokey takes the flash-o-Smurf away from him. While Painter chases him, Jokey takes pictures of the Smurfs all around the village, whether they want their picture or not.
Papa Smurf sees Brainy frozen and believes he's tricking him, but then he notices the whole village has frozen and figures out Handy took the wrong powder. Before he could finish, Jokey freezes him as well. Painter angrily asks how they will fix this and Jokey assumes he has the antidote.
Later, Handy, who is holding Baby, sees that the village has been frozen and wonders how this happened. Jokey tries pinning the blame on Painter, so they start fighting. Handy tries to stop them, but Baby now has the flash-o-Smurf. Painter and Handy try to get it back from Baby, but he freezes both of them. All that's left is Jokey, who succeeds in avoiding getting his picture taken. Jokey takes the camera from Baby and he starts cry-yelling.
In the forest, Gargamel hears the noise and Azrael attempts to mime it out, but Gargamel cannot pinpoint what he is trying to say. Gargamel hears it again and finally realizes it's the sound of Baby's crying. Gargamel is ungrateful for Azrael attempting to tell him what it is and says they wasted time because of him. In the village, Baby continues to cry while some of the effects of the camera are undone, such as the butterfly as well as Handy's legs and Painter's upper body. Handy tries to run and crashes into walls. While both Baby and Jokey laugh, Painter is upset about Jokey's actions while Jokey is kicked by Handy's leg. Jokey tells them he discovered the antidote, Baby's crying. Just then, they see Gargamel and they run away - or in Painter's case, hopping away.
Gargamel successfully finds the village and captures all the Smurfs, unaware they are all frozen. Painter, who is hiding with the three other Smurfs, tries to take his picture, but there is no more powder. He tells Jokey that he and Handy are going to create a diversion. As Gargamel captures everyone, Painter catches Gargamel's eye and he and Azrael chase him. Gargamel is distracted by Jokey and Baby, who are attempting to hide. They are almost captured, but Painter and Handy use the fire brigade truck to save them. Jokey is given the powder as Gargamel and Azrael come their way. Handy presses the pedal and they drive off. As the two chase them, Jokey puts all the powder in at once. They are cornered by the two, but Jokey uses all of the powder. Baby takes it and it is taken by Gargamel - which becomes a mistake as Baby begins yell-crying, freeing all the Smurfs from being frozen and they run from the basket. Painter finishes it by taking one last picture, freezing Gargamel and Azrael.
At night, Papa Smurf congratulates Painter for the sculptures, but Painter says the models deserve the credit. The models, Gargamel and Azrael, are out in the forest as a nearby bear growls at them!
- Starting from this episode, Painter is voiced by Madeleine Fletcher.
- In the shot where Smurfette and Hefty are frozen, Smurfette can be seen with the book "Smile Your Way To Pure Smurfiness" which was last seen in "Unsmurfable Smile".
- Gargamel says "By the horns of Beelzebub" when he discovers Baby's crying. "Beelzebub" is a name derived from a Philistine god.
- Two notable things can be seen at one point in the episode:
- There is a brief shot where a Smurf is captured by Gargamel. There is a picture near him, which happens to be a picture of Brainy and Blossom that Brainy Pluff drew in "The Pluffs!".
- There is a picture of a flower. This picture of the flower is what Papa Smurf shows to Vanity, Poet, and Dimwitty in "Back To Nature".
- Stills from "Diaper Daddy", "Where's Papa Smurf?", and "Chef Soup" are used as pictures Jokey takes.
- The pan of the village in the beginning repeats footage from "Where's Papa Smurf?".
- The plot resembles and combines that of "Shutterbug Smurfs" and "The Baby Smurf" of the 1980s cartoon show.
- This is the first episode in which Baby is seen standing up. This episode implies that he has been taught how to stand before this season and after Season 1.
- Gargamel's eyebrows change positions from when he is frozen by the edge of the village and when he is out in the forest with Azrael.