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"Smurf, Yes Smurf!" is the seventh episode of Season 2 of the CGI TV series, The Smurfs.



While Papa Smurf is away, Brainy uses a potion to get the village to obey his every whim.


Near the end of the Smurf Village, Brainy helps Papa Smurf with his backpack so he could head off to his convention. Papa Smurf thanks him and tells him not to mess things up while he's away and not to let anyone near his laboratory. Brainy says he can always count on him and that the Smurfs always listen to him. Papa Smurf bids Brainy farewell as the latter imagines himself with a crown.

Back in the village, it is a hot day, and everyone covers themselves with big leaves. Brainy comes in and sees it is time for "inspection". However, his attempt to get Greedy to stop eating fails and when he forces Hefty to stop exercising, Hefty simply kicks Brainy away. Brainy falls into a barrel near Harmony, who plays his trumpet. Brainy orders him to stop as it is too hot, but Harmony only tells him to get a sarsaparilla shake. Brainy doesn't listen and tells him to stop playing because Papa Smurf appointed him in charge. Harmony blows a raspberry at him and continues playing it. Brainy yells at him, but his yelling is interrupted by Vanity, who rides on a smurfboard. He orders Vanity to stop, but he says no. Brainy chases after him, but is stopped by Jokey, who gives him one of his boxes, but Brainy refuses, saying it's too hot. Jokey instead gives the box to Farmer, who is annoyed at this and tells Brainy he needs to get a little more respect. Brainy wishes there was a spell for this and gets an idea.

In Papa Smurf's lab, Brainy tells the audience "It's okay to break a rule to make sure the other Smurfs follow the rules" and successfully finds an obedience potion. He uses its ingredients, and the potion has been created.

Brainy first decides to test it on Vanity, who is still smurfboarding. Brainy offers him a "sarsaparilla" drink, but Vanity does not want his bribe. He instead says it's good for the complexion and that he is turning purple. Vanity takes the drink and suddenly gets hypnotized. Brainy commands him to get rid of the smurfboard and he listens to him. Brainy's plan is going perfectly and then he goes to Harmony, who is hypnotized to throw away his trumpet. This also happens to Jokey, who is told to get rid of his present. He goes to use it on Hefty, but the drink has already run out and he is kicked away again for recommending staying hydrated but not actually give him anything.

Later, Brainy is in the lab again as he creates more of the potion, wanting every Smurf to respect and obey him. He goes to Chef and tries to get him to put his potion in his soup. Chef refuses as it looks and smells terrible. Jokey and Vanity, who are still hypnotized, say it's wrong to criticize "the boss", to which Chef laughs at. Brainy orders Jokey and Vanity to make Chef take his potion. The two grab him by the arms and he drinks it. Chef is now hypnotized and Brainy commands for him to put the potion into everyone's soup.

At lunchtime, Chef serves everyone the potion-tainted soup. Everyone drinks it and Smurfette says the soup has a little "aftertaste". Hefty jokingly asks Chef if he had put his socks in the soup and everyone laughs. Brainy tells him to be quiet. Hefty is about to pummel Brainy, but they all get hypnotized. They are all forced back to work, and they obey.

Later, Brainy goes around on his smurfway to inspect all the going-ons in the Smurf Village. He tells Painter to paint another coat on the house he is painting, Smurfette to pick up the leaves, Lazy to sweep up the dust, and Baby to put away his toys. Brainy rewards himself by having Jokey fan him, Vanity giving him a drink, and Chef give him muffins. He orders all three of them back to work. Just then, Hefty arrives to read Brainy the village's book of rules. The three Smurfs come back as Jokey asks him what they should do now. Brainy tells them to pick some berries so he could relax.

In the Smurf Forest, Vanity, Jokey, and Chef go to pick some berries, but they suddenly get interrupted by Bigmouth, who wants to eat them. He unknowingly claps, bringing them back to him. They go into Bigmouth's hand, and he is happy that they are polite. Farmer sees all of this happening and tries to get back to the village, though his snail is too slow.

While Hefty continues reading the rule book, Farmer informs Brainy that the Smurfs that he sent to pick berries got taken by Bigmouth. Brainy fears this because he will be in big trouble with Papa Smurf. Hefty offers to go with Brainy to rescue them, so Brainy accepts, but is too afraid, so he tells Hefty to go first. Brainy takes the potion just in case.

In Bigmouth's house, Vanity, Jokey, and Chef prepare to put themselves in the sandwich. Bigmouth tries to speak, but he keeps getting cut off by the arguments of the three. As the three yell at each other, Bigmouth stops them, saying arguing is not good for him and he wants to eat the Smurfs nice and tender. The three Smurfs stop arguing and obey.

Brainy and Hefty go to his house to find that the three Smurfs are about to get eaten. Hefty tries to attack Bigmouth, but Bigmouth claps his hands again and Hefty gets in the sandwich, much to Brainy's annoyance. He commands them to get out of the sandwich and they listen, but they also listen to Bigmouth's pleads and get back in the sandwich. Bigmouth sees Brainy and he starts chasing him around the house. As he runs, he remembers he has the potion and when he is picked up by Bigmouth, he uses it on him. He first commands to put him down, then he commands for the sandwich full of the four Smurfs, and lastly, he commands to tidy up Gargamel's hovel.

In the forest, the five Smurfs happily walk back to the village... where Papa Smurf and a couple other Smurfs are there, and he yells at Brainy for hypnotizing the Smurfs. He puts a reverse spell back on all four Smurfs. They are mad at Brainy and when he tries to clap at them again, he earns himself a kick into the village.

In Gargamel's hovel, the evil wizard tells Azrael that as soon as he finds the correct spell, he will turn the Smurfs into his slaves, and he cackles. Just then, he hears the door and when he goes to open it, he ends up getting kicked by Bigmouth, who goes into the hovel and uses Azrael as a mop for his cleaning. Gargamel remarks how he hates the Smurfs and falls down from his shelf.


  • The footage of Hefty kicking Brainy is reused twice, while the footage of Brainy getting kicked after the Smurfs are un-hypnotized is reused from "Bringing Up Smurfy".
  • This episode has a similar premise to the 1980s episode, "The Answer Smurf".
  • The title is a reference to the phrase of "Sir, yes sir!" which is a military tradition that is used as a sign of respect and obedience to a superior officer.
  • Smurfette comments on how the soup potion has "aftertaste". She had also said something similar in "Smurfy Day Care", though she said "aftersmurf".
  • Brainy "breaks the fourth wall" in this episode.
  • Vanity's helmet has a picture of a unicorn on it.
  • The tune that the Smurfs sing when they are free from Bigmouth in the English version resembles "I Don't Know, But I've Been Told", which is a sergeant song.


  • When Vanity first appears riding on a smurfboard, he has his flower on the left side of his hat. When he says "Look where you're going! You almost smurfed my flower!", the flower is suddenly on the right side.