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"Smurf To The Future!" is a two-part and thirty-second - thirty-third (A|B) episode of Season 2 of the CGI TV series, The Smurfs.



Back in time

When Blossom accidentally causes Smurfette to fall into a barrel of manure, she asks Handy for a machine to travel back in time. However, Blossom and Handy are sent to prehistoric times, where a monkey steals their time cuckoo clock.


Part 1

Handy is in his workshop building a clock while his assistant Diaper Daddy waits for any commands. However, Handy's command of giving him the flask from his shelf makes Diaper Daddy accidentally drop the red potion while picking up the blue potion, causing an explosion. Handy gets mad at the robot for this and snatches the flask from his hand. Just then, Blossom runs into the workshop, telling Handy that what she has just done is extremely embarrassing.

Earlier in the morning, Blossom is out in the forest with Smurfette, who is teaching her how to use a stick in danger. She assigns the task to Blossom, who accidentally ends up scaring Smurfette off the tree they were standing on and Smurfette falls into Farmer's barrel of bear manure. Farmer yells at Smurfette for this while Smurfette simply glares at Blossom, leaving the scared Smurf to run away dropping the stick on Smurfette's head.

Blossom is afraid of Smurfette potentially beating her up if she finds her, making the Smurf wish she could go back in time. This gives Handy an idea to travel back in time and fix her mistake. He ends up creating blueprints and uses his inventions but ends up causing another explosion. However, this makes Handy laugh and he tries for a second time.

Handy uses the final touch on the time machine, which is a magical quartz (which Monkey took from Papa Smurf's lab in exchange for 100 peanuts) and puts it into the time machine. With the machine created, Handy then shows Blossom how it works; the first clock is the present time, the middle clock is the time she wants to go to: the past or the future. Handy gives the machine to Diaper Daddy and tells him he's going back to the morning. The flask will still be intact from earlier, but he cannot drop it. Within a few buttons pressing, Diaper Daddy is transferred into the past. Handy and Blossom see that the time machine has worked, and the damages that previously happen disappear.

Handy jumps for joy at his invention working, but Blossom is annoyed and reminds him that she has a blunder to fix, which kickstarts and argument with Handy until Blossom hears Smurfette calling out for Blossom and she and Handy immediately use the time machine to go back to the past.

The past date of the early morning fails to reach its goal however, and Handy and Blossom are transferred six months into the past, namely the Halloween party of "The Scariest Smurf" when the "monster" terrorized the village. The past Smurfs run away from the "monster" but the past Brainy and another Smurf accidentally make Handy drop the time machine elsewhere in the village. He tells Blossom to split up to find it. The "monster" chases Handy but he is saved by Blossom, who eventually finds the clock and the two meet up with each other to plug the pieces in. The two Smurfs escape before any damage is done, but Blossom accidentally turns the middle clock the wrong way.

The two Smurfs end up traveling even further back in time to when all the Smurfs were babies. Blossom remembers this and finds the little Smurfs cute, but Handy wants to get out of this place. Just then, a baby Smurf steals Handy's time machine, making the Smurf chase him all the way into the workshop. Handy gets the time machine in one piece while he and Blossom put down the baby. Handy is beginning to get frustrated at Blossom, as she is touching several things without knowing how they work. The two Smurfs now travel back to the present.

Handy and Blossom return to the present, evident as Diaper Daddy has the flask. Handy believes the malfunctions were because of the magnetic polarity, but jokes that it was because of the quantum entanglement. Blossom does not find this funny and is more focused on going back to the past as her future is getting dangerously close. Handy turns the clock back to morning. Handy and Blossom come out of the workshop and see that they've gone to the right time. The two run into the forest.

The two Smurfs watch Smurfette and the past Blossom as Handy explains that the Blossom on the tree is the one from the morning and the Blossom right now is the present. Handy warns her that they can't let the Blossom from the past see her or it would ruin the smurf-time continuum. Just then, Handy gets an idea to come up on the tree himself. This causes problems, as he takes the stick from morning Blossom and the two begin fighting until Handy and Smurfette (who tried to help him the last minute) fall into Farmer's bear manure yet again.

Handy walks up to Blossom, but his smell of manure is disgusting and she covers her nose. Handy comes up with another idea to re-smurf time a little further and keep Blossom's double busy while she goes to the lesson in her place. Handy reverses time once more.

Blossom and Handy, who has taken a bath, return to the forest. Just then, they hear the morning Blossom, so Handy tells current Blossom to find Smurfette while he deals with the past one. The past Blossom is met by Handy, who wants to introduce her to the "Butt-Bud 3000" which past Blossom remarks as a chair.

Current Blossom finds Smurfette, ready for her training. Smurfette shows her how to hold the stick, but she is feeling ticklish, which causes her to lose her balance and she and Blossom fall into Farmer's manure once more.

Past Blossom is beginning to get annoyed with Handy and leaves him, saying Smurfette is waiting for her. However, current Blossom arrives, causing past Blossom to faint. Current Blossom is sick of all the time travel and takes the time machine from Handy. They fight over it until the clock turns back and the time machine ends up transferring them out of the time.

Handy and Blossom suddenly arrive at a yellow misty area of the forest until they are caught in a trap. They assume it's Wild's trap, but they meet a prehistoric Smurf. Another prehistoric Smurf shows up, who Blossom recognizes as Brainy and believes it's Carnival Day. It isn't until the prehistoric Smurf's screaming that Blossom realizes they've landed in the Stone Age! While a prehistoric Monkey sees the cuckoo clock and takes it away, the two prehistoric Smurfs glare at Handy and Blossom, who are scared out of their lives.

Part 2

Handy and Blossom are frightened by the prehistoric Smurfs' glaring, with Blossom realizing that they've gone back to the Stone Age!

Handy and Blossom are now tied up, with a prehistoric Hefty carrying them on wood tied up with vines. Handy worries about the time machine, but also does not want to be surrounded by stinky Smurfs for the rest of their lives. The prehistoric Brainy chases a butterfly until he falls. This makes Handy laugh, but Blossom is bothered by his meanness and says though it's hard to believe, these prehistoric Smurfs are their ancestors.

The prehistoric Hefty and Brainy carry the prisoner Smurfs to their "village" which is a large ravine. Prehistoric Hefty slides down the ravine, much to the fright of Handy but the happiness of Blossom. The prehistoric Hefty then calls for the other prehistoric Smurfs, who surround Handy and Blossom and glare at them. They then observe Handy and a prehistoric Jokey shows up to give Handy a present. Handy believes this is a peace offering until it explodes in his face. Though Blossom finds this fun, Handy cannot anymore and promises that he will help the prehistoric Smurfs evolve if they set him free, as he is intelligent. The prehistoric Smurfs laugh at the idea, angering Handy as the prehistoric Brainy says he is smarter, but nobody is smarter than Papa "Gmurf" who introduces himself to the two. He finds Handy's sarsaparilla smell bad but Blossom's manure smell "good". Handy refuses to partake in any of this...

...Which leads to him getting thrown in a cell by his prehistoric counterpart. Though Handy is initially impressed by the padlock, he sees Blossom making herself at home to the prehistoric Smurfs, which annoys him and he tries to break out with his pencil. The prehistoric Hefty finds this and force feeds him a disgusting egg food. Meanwhile, Blossom introduces the prehistoric Vanity to a mirror, which he finds as beautiful.

Handy tries again to escape, this time a success. He passed by Blossom, who is telling the Smurfs about a story called "Smurf White" (who is Smurfette) via using pictures to describe. Blossom describes "Smurf White" being caught by Gargamel. Prehistoric Brainy observes the pictures but eats their pictures. Nearby, Handy ends up rolling away and almost falls to the bottom of the ravine, but he is saved by prehistoric Hefty, who feeds him again with the egg food. Handy is convinced that they're trying to fatten him up for eating.

The prehistoric Smurfs are still enamored with Blossom, but she doesn't have anything more to show them, except perfume, which they repulse and run away. Just then, Blossom hears Handy's calls and he yells at Blossom for running around without a care. When Handy tells her that they're trying to fatten him up to eat, Blossom goes to the prehistoric Hefty, who informs they don't eat other Smurfs, they feed him to "Sharp Teeth". Blossom then worries about this and decides to secretly scare off prehistoric Hefty by spraying perfume and takes off Handy's lock to escape.

Handy and Blossom escape the Gmurf "village" and try to find the prehistoric Monkey who had stolen their cuckoo clock beforehand. They find it, but it turns out the Monkey turned the clock beforehand. Before Handy and Blossom could save it, all three are transported away.

Handy, Blossom, and the monkey all arrive even further back in time. Just then, they see a green lizard, to which the three run away from. Just before they are all eaten, the time machine transports them back to the Stone Age, surrounded by the prehistoric Smurfs again. Papa Gmurf accuses Handy of trying to eat Monkey, so he tells him that he will be eaten by "Sharp Teeth" by the night. Prehistoric Hefty takes Handy back to the cage while Blossom worries as she is blocked by two Gmurfs.

At nightfall, the Gmurfs await Handy's sacrifice to "Sharp Teeth" and awake the beast, which scares Handy. As the other Gmurfs watch and scream, the prehistoric Monkey leaves the cuckoo clock, which catches the attention of Blossom. The beast emerges and out comes a... bunny. Handy is now unscared by the beast until it unleashes a powerful battle cry, which now terrifies Handy. While some Gmurfs hide and the others cheer, Blossom takes the time machine and unleashes a cuckoo bird, which the Gmurfs find as their god. Blossom then runs away until Papa Gmurf accuses her of stealing their bird god. Blossom runs over two Smurfs and to save Handy using Smurfette's lesson as defending herself. Before Handy falls, Blossom saves him and they hold onto the cuckoo clock.

Blossom and Handy then arrive in the future, where a Robot Smurf asks the two which galaxy they want to go to. Blossom finds the robots as interesting, but Handy turns the clock again.

The two Smurfs now are in the sky in the current time and are about to fall to their doom, with Blossom not wanting to ever run away from her problems again. Handy and Blossom crash, where they are found by Wild, who offers them a blueberry and they cheer to see him.

Later, Blossom and Handy mourn the loss of the invention, which broke when Handy fell on it. Handy doesn't mind, saying messing around with time is too dangerous. Just then, Smurfette finally finds Blossom, who starts apologizing for causing her to fall into Farmer's manure. Smurfette says it's completely fine and tells her they can get back to their training. Blossom bids farewell to Handy as he prepares to break his beautiful invention. However, the invention disappears to another place... followed by Blossom telling him an accident she made all over again!


  • This is the fifth half-hour special of the series. The first four are "The Pluffs!", "Smurfy Secrets", "The Smurfs Show", and "Ogre Love".
  • This is the first half-hour special not to feature Gargamel and Azrael in it.
  • This is the first episode to air on the Nick Jr. block, which officially made this series a Nick Jr. show. However, the show returned back to being a Nickelodeon show since "Smurfs On Fire".
  • This is the first episode in the U.S to air in 2023.
  • Smurfette wears her red track suit throughout the entire episode.
  • The large lizard rising up is a reference to a scene from Jurrasic Park. The lizard's scream also uses audio from that movie.
  • The stages of evolution explaining the origins for the Smurf race was previously seen in "Lab Assistant". One of the stages in that episode resembles the prehistoric Smurfs that were seen in this episode.
  • Handy and Blossom travel back in time to "The Scariest Smurf" and "Smurfy Day Care".
    • According to Handy, "The Scariest Smurf" took place six months ago.
      • Also, according to Handy, "Smurfy Day Care" takes place before "The Scariest Smurf".
    • Blossom remembers the events of "Smurfy Day Care", though Handy does not seem to, referencing his absence in that episode.
    • This is one of the few episodes to directly reference events from previous episodes.
  • A prehistoric Smurfette is not seen in this episode. This is because she was created by Gargamel, who had presumably not have been born yet to create her.
    • A prehistoric Baby Smurf also does not appear in this episode. This is because the blue moon presumably did not exist in prehistoric times. Baby, however, may be one of the baby Smurfs in the pen during the flashback to "Smurfy Day Care".
    • A prehistoric Grouchy Smurf additionally did not appear in this episode. This is before he was bitten by the Bzz fly.
      • This is the first half-hour special in which Grouchy does not appear in.
  • Handy shows Blossom his "Butt-Bud 3000" which Blossom says is a chair. Handy had previously mentioned this name in "Smurf Your Seat Belts!".
  • While Handy attempts to escape the cage, Blossom references Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. She tells the Gmurfs about "Smurf White" being taken by seven caterpillars (who reference the dwarfs), but Gargamel (who references the Queen) got her.


  • Blossom should not remember the Halloween event from "The Scariest Smurf", as she was not in that episode.
  • Strangely, when Handy and Blossom travel back in time to "Smurfy Day Care", Storm is missing from it, despite being in the original shot of the baby Smurfs.
  • Handy's pencil reappears behind his ear even though the bunny beast ate it before.