"Smurfette's Gift" is a Season 6 episode from the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show.
- Smurfette
- Imp
- Papa Smurf
- Farmer Smurf
- Vanity Smurf
- Greedy Smurf
- Sassette Smurfling
- Slouchy Smurfling
- Snappy Smurfling
- Nat Smurfling
- Puppy
- Clumsy Smurf
- Brainy Smurf
- Painter Smurf
- Handy Smurf (Cameo)
- Hefty Smurf (Cameo)
- Grouchy Smurf (Cameo)
- Miner Smurf (Cameo)
- Lazy Smurf (Cameo)
- Tailor Smurf (Cameo)
- Unnamed Smurfs
Smurfette goes snooping for her birthday presents every year, so the Smurfs hide her presents into a cave. Soon, Smurfette finds out and goes to the cave, but an Imp captures her.
Plot Summary[]
In Smurfette's house, Smurfette counts two more days until her birthday and wonders what the Smurfs have gotten her. She wonders if she should go snooping for her presents, since she is number one when it comes to snooping.
In the morning, Farmer is impressed with the new toy frog that Sassette will give Smurfette, but he wonders where she is going to hide it. Sassette tells him under her hat, which Vanity is impressed with. Sassette then jumps out due to the frog's power of jumping inside her hat. Farmer laughs and says she'll have to do better to outsmart Smurfette. Greedy follows up with how Smurfette always finds her gifts before her birthday. Sassette comes back and says this year, things will be different.
Later, Sassette summons several other Smurfs in the forest, where Clumsy asks what she is doing up in a tree. She tells him that this is the plan for the Snoop Proof Smurfette Alarm System, to which the other Smurfs react with joy. First, she demonstrates Slouchy, who is by the village well. If Smurfette comes in his direction, he will caw like a crow. By Greedy's dinner bell is Snappy, who will howl like a wolf when she comes at his direction. By the village square is Nat, who will yell like a whippoorwill. Lastly, Sassette herself will bark like a dog if Smurfette comes her way. Everyone likes this idea, and Vanity says they will have plenty of time to hide her gifts.
Soon, Smurfette tries snooping again and looks around the village. Slouchy caws and Painter start running in a panic. He hides his painting of hers in his house. Snappy starts howling and Greedy eats the gingerbread cookie meant for her. Smurfette looks in his window and wonders what Greedy is making, but he is talking with his mouth full, so she leaves. Then, Sassette starts barking and Brainy hides his animatronic version of himself. When Smurfette comes to his house, Brainy is reading a book while talking out loud, so Smurfette leaves again and goes to another part of the village, which is where Nat is. Nat yells and Smurfette sees him and asks what he is doing. Nat backs it up with practicing his bird calls. Smurfette notices that something is going on. Later in the nighttime, Slouchy is in disbelief that Smurfette is still trying to look for her gifts. The Smurflings stay up on the tree all night.
In the morning, several Smurfs have gathered together and are talking about how Smurfette is still looking for gifts. Nat then tells them that he and Sassette have found a cave, so they could hide her presents in there. All of the Smurfs agree to this. Meanwhile, an Imp has come out of his cave, smelling the fresh spring air. Just then, he hears several Smurfs bring their presents in his cave and calls them "unusual creatures". When they leave, the Imp takes several of the gifts because he believes they are treasures.
In the village, Smurfette is confused as she hasn't had a single present despite snooping for two days. She decides to find out what Brainy is giving her. She is relieved to see that he is not home. Then, she finds a map of the cave that the Smurfs have put their presents in. She takes it and leaves, not knowing the troubles she will get when coming there.
Meanwhile, the Imp is treasuring all of his gold and newfound presents. Then, he hears Smurfette coming and wondering where the gifts are. He notices her beautiful golden hair. He approaches her and she asks if he seen any presents here. He tells her to look behind the boulder. When she goes there, however, the Imp pulls a lever, and she ends up falling into his trap. She tries to leave, but the Imp sees her as treasure.
Later, Greedy is wondering why Smurfette has not shown up for breakfast - her birthday breakfast, as Snappy adds. Brainy comes and asks what happened to his map, as he was planning to make his animatronic, but he found his map missing. The other Smurfs tell him that Smurfette's got it, so Papa Smurf leads a rescue team to get her back.
In the cage, Smurfette is crying as she is missing her birthday due to her capturing. The Imp offers her one of her own presents, but she does not care because her friends are not there to celebrate it. Just then, Smurfette hears Papa Smurf as he is coming to get her. Smurfette is relieved, but the Imp does not want the Smurfs to get her, so he takes the presents and Smurfette and puts her and the presents in a bowl. He pushes the bowl into the water and paddles his way into another part of the cave. Papa Smurf brings Brainy and Snappy with them while some other Smurfs stay behind.
The Imp continues to paddle throughout the cave with Smurfette and the presents on it with Papa Smurf, Brainy, and Snappy following. Papa Smurf says that they do not want their treasure, only Smurfette. Suddenly, she and the Imp crash into a rock. While the Imp saves himself and his presents, Smurfette is starting to drown in water, but the Imp saves her in hopes of getting her as well. The three other Smurfs come to see if Smurfette is alright, and she is fine. The Imp starts to climb, and he is now on the top of a cliff. The cliff breaks and the Imp is about to fall into the water. Papa Smurf wants to save him, but the Imp is afraid he will lose all of his treasure. Papa tells him to drop it, as it is not important. Through reluctantance, the Imp gives it up and he is successfully saved by Papa Smurf.
Later, Smurfette is opening her well-deserved gifts and tells them she loves them all, as do the Smurfs. The Imp is confused on why someone would want to give someone a present instead of keeping it for themselves. Smurfette tells him people do this because it feels "smurfy". She then asks if anyone has ever given him a present. He says no, so she gives him the Brainy animatronic. The Imp decides to give it a try one day, with Brainy reacting with offense. The Imp decides to give Smurfette a real present: anything from his treasure chest. Smurfette is flattered but does not want any and says he should give the treasures back to their rightful owners. The Imp is afraid to give them back, so she tells him to give it to her and every other Smurf. Smurfette then kisses the Imp's nose and the Smurfs cheer.
- In the episode "Smurf-Colored Glasses", Smurfette was 1 year old of her creation magic. Later in the episode "Queen Smurfette", she was already 5 years old after her creation of Gargamel, and finally, Smurfette is 6 years old of her creation. Chronologically, Smurfette is older than Sassette. Sassette would be almost 5 years old. But physically in human years, there would be a difference of 7 or 11 years if Smurfette have been between 15-20 years old, then Sassette have been between 7-11 years old.
- Smurfette doesn’t have a birthday. Previously the anniversary of her becoming a Smurf was called Smurfette Day in "Smurf-Colored Glasses",
- When Papa Smurf says, "the rest of you wait here until we return", Sassette is seen but was not there when Papa Smurf and the crew were first shown in the cave.
- When the Smurfs are bringing their gifts to the cave, the bottom of Sassette's overalls are white.
- When Papa Smurf looks at Brainy's map, Handy's overalls are missing.