"Smurfette's Green Thumb" is a Season 9 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Smurfette
- Babbling Brook Of Babylon
- Rosie
- Papa Smurf
- Hefty Smurf
- Wild Smurf
- Handy Smurf
- Brainy Smurf
- Clumsy Smurf
- Greedy Smurf
- Painter Smurf
- Baby Smurf
Smurfette is pricked by a living flower at a magic garden and everything she touches becomes a plant.
Plot Summary[]

Smurfette sees a face on the water... but it isn't hers!
The time whirlwind now deposits the Smurfs in another time and place, though this time it's in a place of dusky ruins. Smurfette is in tears, and Hefty thinks it's because she's stuck in a hole that he comes over to pull her out of. However, the real reason she's sad is that they're in another horrid place where there aren't any flowers. Though Wild tries to comfort her with at least one flower he's found, that flower turns out to be wilted, leaving her still feeling sad. Papa Smurf tells her that he will assemble the crystals as fast as he can so they could leave this place.
Smurfette then finds a brook where she could wash her face, imagining how horrible she must look from all the crying. Suddenly the brook talks to her, and Smurfette sees a face on the surface of the waters, introducing itself as the Babbling Brook of Bablyon (pronounced as babble-on), and it hates to see anyone cry. Smurfette tells the brook that she's so sad that she misses her garden, and the brook tells her that there's a garden nearby, which makes Smurfette feel so glad that she thanks the brook and quickly rushes off before the brook could tell her anything more about the garden.
Soon, Smurfette sees a high wall with thorny vines that she could climb up, as well as lot of bees and butterflies up at the top of the wall, indicating that a garden is nearby. She climbs up to the top of the wall and sees that there is indeed a garden, and it's full of talking flowers, which makes her think she is dreaming. The flowers tell Smurfette that this is no dream, and they are very much real. They invite her to come down into the garden so they could see her, and as she considers doing so, a flower blasts a very loud trumpet sound in her ear, causing her to fall down into the garden. One of the flowers says it's simply the trumpet flower sounding off the noonday hour, which is time for their feeding. Smurfette offers to give the flowers a watering, which pleases them so much that they hope she would be staying, but Smurfette tells them that she can't stay in Babylon for long. One of the flowers named Rosie asks her to turn its petals around so it can catch a few more rays, but as Smurfette goes over to do so, Rosie bumps into Smurfette and pricks her thumb, making it look like it was an accident. Smurfette says she has to go back, and one of the flowers named Dandy Lion asks if she will return. Smurfette can only promise that she'll try, but Rosie says she will do more than just try.

It certainly isn't a Green Lantern ring!
Upon her return to the Smurfs' camp, Smurfette helps Greedy by putting a basket of muffins he baked on the table, but after she does that, the muffins end up sprouting stems and leaves. Painter asks Smurfette to hand him a paintbrush, but after she does that, the paintbrush turns into a flower. Smurfette goes over to tell Papa Smurf about the garden of talking flowers, but he is too busy with assembling the crystals to listen to her at that point. He asks her to hand him one of the crystals, but when she does that, the crystal turns into a crystal flower. Papa Smurf wonders how she was able to do that, and Smurfette just says she wasn't sure. The village leader examines her hand, and after unwrapping the bandage around her thumb notices that it is now glowing green.
Smurfette then tells Papa Smurf and the other Smurfs what had happened in the garden, which makes Brainy think she is hallucinating about the talking flowers. But when Smurfette touches Brainy's book with her hand, the flowers that grow from the book are certainly no hallucination. Papa Smurf carefully examines Smurfette's hand and believes that she has caught an iris spyrus, telling her not to touch anything until he can come up with an antidote. Brainy pulls Baby Smurf away from Smurfette when he comes crawling up to her to make sure Smurfette also doesn't touch anybody. Feeling sad that she is now a menace to her fellow Smurfs, Smurfette goes to check out on Papa Smurf is doing on the antidote when her glowing thumb starts pulling her away from the camp and toward the garden she was visiting. Smurfette tries to resist, but the pull of her thumb is too great, and she goes flying in the air toward the garden.
Back at the Smurfs' camp, Papa Smurf mixes up the iris spyrus antidote and tests it on the crystal flower, which then turns back into two crystals. He is glad that the antidote works, but then Wild excitedly comes along and tries to tell the Smurfs that he has seen Smurfette being pulled away by her green thumb. Unfortunately, Brainy couldn't understand anything that Wild is trying to tell him.

Tending talking flowers can be a rather... prickly situation.
Meanwhile, Smurfette is being worked to the bone in the garden, constantly tending to the talking flowers' needs as she gets pulled from one flower to another as their slave, making her realize how selfish they really are. Meanwhile, the other Smurfs have found the vine on the high wall leading to the garden, which Hefty, Wild, and Papa Smurf climb up. Papa Smurf says that he will need to go in there alone, so Hefty and Wild give him a push at the top of the wall so he could enter. Smurfette is glad to see Papa Smurf come to her rescue, but before he could apply the antidote, the flowers control her through her green thumb, pulling her away before Papa Smurf gets caught in some vines and Rosie pricks him in the tail with her thorn. He is then thrown out of the garden, and then gets pulled back up into it before he sprays his tail with the antidote. Brainy says it's going to take being a flower in order to rescue Smurfette from the talking flowers, and that gives Papa Smurf an idea of disguising Brainy as a flower so he could get in close enough.
Soon, Brainy is all painted up and made to look like a flower, and Papa Smurf gives him the atomizer containing the antidote so he could spray Smurfette with it and restore her to normal. He gets catapulted over the high wall and lands right in the ground, making it appear as if he just sprouted up. The other flowers are curious as to what kind of flower he is supposed to be, and Brainy says he's a "sudden sunflower", the type that just sprouts up suddenly. As Brainy tries to list the kind of care his flower type needs, Smurfette thinks the flower sounds like Brainy, but dismisses it as just another of the flower's tricks. However, Brainy just goes on for too long in his self-description, forcing Papa Smurf to hit him in the head with one of Greedy's muffins to remind him of the atomizer. Brainy then remembers what he's supposed to do and looks for the atomizer, but Rosie sees one of Brainy's petals has fallen off and that Brainy isn't a real flower after all.
Brainy suddenly finds the atomizer and pops up from the ground to run quickly away from the flowers that are now out to capture him. Smurfette is glad to see that the flower is really Brainy, but before he could reach the atomizer, one of the flowers grabs him with its vines. Brainy clamps his book onto the flower's vine, causing it to let go, but then another flower blocks Brainy from reaching the atomizer. Smurfette's efforts to reach the atomizer herself have been blocked by her green thumb trying to keep her away from it, until she gets the idea of planting her thumb in the ground long enough to reach the atomizer with her other hand and spraying it on her thumb to restore it to normal.
After kicking one of the flowers in the stem to release its grip on Brainy, both he and Smurfette head for the vine at the high wall and climb up to it to escape the garden, despite the flower's plea for her to stay. Papa Smurf and the others are glad to see Smurfette freed from the control of the talking flowers, and Brainy tries to explain that her escape was all his doing when he loses his balance and falls over the other side of the wall, landing with his face buried in the ground. Hefty humorously says that it's the perfect way to plant a babbling Brainy plant.
- Grandpa, Grouchy, Lazy, Vanity, Jokey, Sassette, Snappy, and Smoogle do not appear in this episode.
- Brainy doubts Smurfette has seen talking flowers, despite seeing her previously deal with a selfish talking plant in "Smurfette's Flower".