The Smurfs CGI Film Universe is the universe where the Smurfs reboot film series from Sony Pictures takes place, beginning with the release of the Smurfs: The Lost Village movie in 2017. This continuity is the basis for the official comic book adaptations of the film, and by some extension, the 2021 Smurfs TV series.
Notable Elements[]
- A group of Smurfs known as the Smurf Girls exist in a hidden village.
- Gargamel wants the Smurfs so he can extract their Smurf essence from them and become the most powerful sorcerer in the world.
- Gargamel regards Smurfette as his "daughter".
- Gargamel has a pet bird named Monty whom he uses to chase after the Smurfs.
- Gargamel's castle exists on a rock island that is only accessible through a rope bridge.
- Smurfberries in this universe are blue.
- Papa Smurf regards Smurfette as his daughter, and his love interest is Smurfwillow.
- Despite Sassette, Wild, and Nanny being absent in the film, they exist in this universe as they appeared in artwork for Smurfs Bubble Story - the video game which promoted the film.
- Unlike previous entries of the franchise, Smurfette would now take on the role and general personality traits of Dabbler, seeking a purpose in life and trying her hand at everything but never sticking with anything for very long. This central part of her personality would be included in mainline entries of the franchise onwards (most notably the 2021 TV series).
- While the universe borrowed elements from the comic book series, it is notably mixed with some elements that were exclusive for the 1981 TV series which was not adapted from the comic books.
- Clumsy has a southern accent similar to his 1981 TV series counterpart.
- In a similar fashion to his 1981 TV series counterpart, Nosey is often scolded by the Smurfs when his curiosity gets the best of him. Unlike his 1981 TV series version, he does not cause any problems for the other Smurfs.
- Like her 1981 TV series counterpart, Smurfette was blue as an "un-Smurf" and portrayed as a spy serving for Gargamel in the beginning of the film and was changed to a Smurf through magic.
- The fuzzles from the 1981 TV series make an appearance in Smurfs Bubble Story.
Characters That Originated From This Universe[]
- Gullible Smurf
- Laundry Smurf
- Loser Smurf
- Paranoid Smurf
- Patient Smurf
- Policeman Smurf
- Smurfblossom
- Smurfclover
- Smurfdaisy
- Smurfhazel
- Smurfholly
- Smurfjade
- Smurflily
- Smurfmeadow
- Smurfmelody
- Smurfpetal
- Smurfstorm
- Smurfwillow
- Table-Eating Smurf
- Therapist Smurf
- Winner Smurf
Presentations That Are Part Of This Universe[]
Media Universes | |
Smurfs Comic Book Universe (Smurfs 2021 Animated Universe) • Smurfs 1961 Animated Universe • Smurfs 1981 Animated Universe • Smurfs Live-Action Film Universe • Smurfs CGI Film Universe |