"Speak For Yourself, Farmer Smurf" is a Season 3 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Farmer Smurf
- Smurfette
- Grouchy Smurf
- Papa Smurf
- Poet Smurf
- Vanity Smurf
- Handy Smurf
- Gargamel
- Azrael
- Bigmouth
Farmer poses himself as another Smurf to get the amorous attention of Smurfette.
Plot Summary[]
Papa Smurf is with Farmer out in the fields on the first day of spring, commenting that it is that time of year when the hearts of creatures turn to thoughts of love... and marriage, which Farmer adds as he sees two birds on a nearby tree branch snuggling with each other. The two Smurfs almost get run over by a rabbit who passes by them on his way to meet up with a mate of his in order to get married in the morning. Papa Smurf simply wishes for the best of luck to the prospective rabbit couple.
As Farmer is left alone in his fields to tend to his crops, he ponders his situation as a single Smurf, feeling jealous that there will be love and marriage for everyone except him and wondering who would want to marry him, when Smurfette comes by skipping merrily along her way. She greets Farmer with a flower she gives him to pin on his hat, which makes Farmer feel like he wants to say something nice to Smurfette but finds himself tongue-tied. He reasons that it must be that he is in love with her and so decides that he's going to write a poem for her, only to realize that he can't write poetry, so he turns to the one Smurf in the village who can write poetry, Poet Smurf, for his help. Poet says that he would be glad to offer his help, but Farmer tells Poet that it must be their little secret.
With his message to Smurfette written and ready to be delivered, Farmer looks around for a Smurf who can deliver it to her when he sees Grouchy passing by and gets him to be the deliverer, which he reluctantly accepts. He soon shows up at Smurfette's door, where she receives the message and finds herself captivated by the presence of a secret admirer. She gets so excited after reading the message that she writes a reply to her secret admirer, which Grouchy delivers to Farmer for him to read, telling him to meet her beside the Great Oak Tree that night. His excitement over Smurfette wanting to meet him turns to realization that what Smurfette wants to meet is her "secret admirer", so he goes out to find help to make him appear all that Smurfette desires to meet with her "secret admirer". He gets help from two Smurfs this time -- Vanity to teach him all about charm and sophistication, and Handy for a mask that would disguise Farmer's appearance so that Smurfette would never know who her "secret admirer" really is.
Meanwhile, in Gargamel's castle, the evil wizard is frustrated over having the formula for making gold and missing one key ingredient for completing the formula -- six Smurfs. As he ponders where and how he's going to get his six Smurfs, Bigmouth the ogre knocks down Gargamel's door and enters the domicile, looking for something to eat. Gargamel offers to make for the ogre rock stew with slime sauce flavored with Smurf hats, and all the ogre has to do is capture six Smurfs for the evil wizard so he can make a hundred gallons of rock soup with slime sauce flavored with Smurf hats. Bigmouth seems tantalized by the promise of that kind of meal and so takes the cage that the evil wizard gives him so he can capture the six Smurfs for the soup. Gargamel watches the ogre go off into the forest and says to his cat Azrael that Bigmouth is the answer to his prayers.
That night in the Smurf Forest, Vanity hides himself behind the Great Oak while Farmer wears his mask during his meeting with Smurfette, who is curious to find out who her "secret admirer" is and why he's wearing a mask. Without letting on who he really is, Farmer continues to speak the words Vanity gives him to say to Smurfette, which only makes her more attracted to her "secret admirer" and so writes another message that she has Grouchy give to him. Farmer reads her reply and realizes that Smurfette is only in love with a mysterious stranger and so contemplates on revealing who her "secret admirer" really is when Smurfette finds Farmer in the place where she was expecting to meet her "secret admirer". But before Farmer can tell her anything, Bigmouth's hand reaches out and grabs Smurfette to put in his cage while Farmer hides himself. The ogre sees that he needs five more Smurfs so that he can have his rock soup with slime sauce flavored with Smurf hats and thus continues his search.
Soon, there comes a rainstorm, and as four Smurfs are inside Papa Smurf's laboratory playing a game of cards with each other, Papa Smurf looks out his window and wonders if anyone has seen Farmer and Smurfette. None of the Smurfs present with him reply, so Papa Smurf decides to take them into the forest so he can find the two missing Smurfs. While the five Smurfs go off on their search, Farmer runs and cries for help, only to fall into a mud puddle that he somehow can't get himself out of. Bigmouth hears Farmer's cry of help and picks him up out of the mud puddle to put into his cage, trying to count how many more Smurfs he needs to catch for his soup and then deciding that counting Smurfs isn't as important as catching them. Meanwhile, Gargamel has his rock soup with slime sauce ready and brought to a boil in his cooking pot and says to Azrael that all he needs now are six Smurf hats.
As Bigmouth carries his captive Smurfs with him in his cage, Farmer and Smurfette express their regrets of not having enough time to know each other better before they get turned into soup. It is then that Smurfette decides to reveal to Farmer that she's in love with a "secret admirer" who has asked her to marry him, and Farmer is about to reveal the secret of that "secret admirer" when Bigmouth's attention is suddenly turned to a patch of toadstools that he sees are good enough to eat. Farmer tells Bigmouth not to eat the toadstools, and when Bigmouth asks why not, Papa Smurf shows up with his little Smurfs to tell the ogre that one bite of the toadstools could cause him to die. Bigmouth decides not to eat the toadstools and lets the Smurfs he has captured go free because they have warned him about the toadstools.
Gargamel sees from behind a bush that Bigmouth has captured six Smurfs so that the evil wizard could make the rock soup with slime sauce flavored with Smurf hats and comes out to congratulate the ogre and tell him that the soup is ready except for the Smurf hats. Papa Smurf tells Bigmouth that Smurf hats would make the rock soup with slime sauce inedible and says that the recipe calls for the flavoring of two red shoes. Bigmouth sees that Gargamel is wearing two red shoes and so decides to take the evil wizard back to his castle to dunk him in the rock soup with slime sauce so he can enjoy his meal.
Sometime later in the Smurf Village, Farmer is sitting with a squirrel couple telling them about a poem he had written himself called "Love Is..." when Smurfette shows up to bring him a lunch to share, which Farmer says is pretty thoughtful of her. Smurfette is curious to find out what Farmer has written on his piece of paper, and Farmer says it's a poem, but is reluctant to share it with her because she would think it is silly. Smurfette says that she wouldn't, and so that gives Farmer the courage to recite it: "Love is like an onion, sometimes it makes you cry; friendship's like a bunion, it grows as time goes by." Farmer and Smurfette are then shown in silhouette with Smurfette kissing Farmer on the log they're sitting on as the story ends.
- The story has some similarities with Cyrano de Bergerac, with Farmer in the role of the titular character, Smurfette as Cyrano's love interest Roxanne, Papa Smurf as Cyrano's old friend Let Bred, and Grouchy, Vanity, and Handy splitting the role of Christian. The only difference is that in the original story, there is a love triangle, and here in the story, Farmer is all by himself trying to win the heart of Smurfette.
- Throughout the episode, Farmer has four partners: Grouchy, Vanity, Handy, and Poet.
- This is one of the few 1980s episodes (besides season 9 episodes) that does not feature any background Smurfs.