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"Squeaky" is a Season 2 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.



Smurfette nurses an injured mouse and takes it as her pet, but she's about to learn something bad about life.

Plot Summary[]

Smurfette is out in the forest, singing the Smurf song while picking flowers, happy with herself and what she has collected so far when she hears a squeaky noise. She looks and sees a small mouse behind some tall grasses, who runs away from her at first until he tires out. Smurfette sees that the mouse is sick, so she picks him up and tells him that Papa Smurf will know how to make him better.

In her house, Smurfette has the mouse lying comfortably in a basket and tells Clumsy to go get Papa Smurf. The village leader comes and examines the mouse, saying that he can't find what is wrong with him, but that he will prepare an herbal broth for him. Smurfette thanks Papa Smurf for his help, and then later in the evening she is feeding the broth to the mouse, hoping that it will make him feel better. She gently swings the basket that the mouse is lying in like a cradle while singing a lullaby to help him sleep. Soon she finds herself getting tired and gently lowers the basket to the floor while she lays on her bed to get some sleep. In the middle of the night, the mouse awakens and climbs onto Smurfette's bed, awakening her and showing that he is all better. Smurfette likes the mouse and the funny noises he makes that she decides to call him Squeaky.

The pet mouse Smurfette finds in the forest
Smurfette & Squeaky
Smurfette just adores her new pet
Squeaky's Grave
Unfortunately, her new pet passes away.
Funeral For Squeaky
Smurfette has a hard time letting go of Squeaky.

The next morning, Hefty is playing fetch with Smurfette's new pet mouse, and Greedy feeds Squeaky a fresh smurfberry. Sloppy tries to feed him one of his rotten smurfberries, and it tastes so awful that the mouse spits it out. Smurfette doesn't like what Sloppy tried to do and then walks off with Squeaky following her. She goes to Papa Smurf's laboratory and tells him that the broth made him well again, though Papa Smurf says that it's Smurfette's love and care that did it. Smurfette now asks if she could keep Squeaky as a pet, and Papa Smurf says that it should be Squeaky's decision and to give him a chance by letting him loose into the forest.

Smurfette and a few other Smurfs gather near the forest to see the little mouse go back into it so that he may find his home again. After making their goodbyes, Hefty tries to comfort Smurfette as they head back to the village, with Smurfette saying that she will be okay. Then Squeaky returns and shows that the home he now has is with Smurfette. She goes to tell Papa Smurf, and he says that she now has a pet of her own. Soon the other Smurfs bring over things to help Squeaky feel right at home in the village: Handy brings over a mouse house, Greedy has baked some mouse muffins, and Sloppy brings over a bag full of garbage, the last of which Smurfette has him deliver someplace far from Squeaky.

By evening, Papa Smurf has his experiment ready to boil and leaves the cauldron over the burner while he goes to sleep. During the night, a bit of wind blows into the laboratory and causes some paper to slip into the burner, which then slowly starts a fire. Squeaky notices the fire and goes inside Smurfette's bedroom to warn her about it. She sees the fire for herself and gets Papa Smurf and every Smurf awake to deal with it. Soon the fire truck is wheeled out, and Papa Smurf gets the hose and sprays down the laboratory. He sees that all his books have been saved and no Smurf was hurt, and Smurfette says it was all because of Squeaky, which makes Papa Smurf feel glad for her new pet. But in their relief, none of the Smurfs notice that Squeaky looks very strained from the ordeal.

By morning, however, Smurfette finds Squeaky by his mouse house unable to wake up. She gets worried and calls for Papa Smurf to take a look at the mouse and puts Squeaky up to his ear. After he hears no breathing, he gives her the heartbreaking news that Squeaky has died, which makes Smurfette sad and react in disbelief. The other Smurfs are also heartbroken that Squeaky died, and out near the forest they hold a funeral service for the mouse, with Papa Smurf trying to comfort Smurfette by telling her that death is a part of life and that all living creatures will die eventually. Smurfette finds no comfort in Papa Smurf's words and so throws her bouquet of flowers on the ground over Squeaky's grave, saying that life is terrible and that she will never be able to love anything again. Hefty watches as Smurfette runs off, seeing how upset she is, and Papa Smurf says that she needs some time alone to work out her sorrow.

Two days later, Papa Smurf and Greedy go to Smurfette's house, seeing that she hasn't eaten anything since Squeaky died, and try to check in on her to see if she is all right. After no response, Papa Smurf and Greedy go into her house and find that her bed is only filled with pillows, so that means that she is gone. They have Harmony summon every Smurf together for Papa Smurf to tell them the letter that Smurfette wrote, saying that she couldn't stand to be around to see losing another friend, and that they must now go out to find her. Tracker is eager to start the search, and so every Smurf follows him as he goes into the forest and picks up Smurfette's scent. He says that her trail leads up to the mountain he is pointing at, and Papa Smurf recognizes it as the Mountain Of Mists.

High on the mountain, Smurfette finds herself cold and miserable. She sees what she first thought was Squeaky, only to remind herself that the mouse isn't him. Then she sees a friendly squirrel, but then she feels like she doesn't want any more friends to give her trouble. As the squirrel runs off, the black shadow of a hawk appears over him, ready to take him as prey. Smurfette intercepts the hawk and tries to scare him off as the squirrel runs for cover, but in luring the hawk away she trips and falls off a precipice, grabbing onto a branch and holding on for dear life. Her cry of help is heard by Tracker as he and the Smurfs are going up the mountain. The branch slowly breaks and Smurfette is about to fall when Tracker shows up tied to a rope and grabs her, with her fellow Smurfs pulling them up to safety.


Promo for the episode on many DVD releases.

Smurfette is glad to see Papa Smurf and her fellow Smurfs again, and they are also glad to see her. Upon her return to the village, she pays a visit to Squeaky's grave, telling the mouse that she will miss him, but that she now has to go on with her life. Sometime later, Jokey presents Smurfette with a "surprise" that Papa Smurf decides to open for her, but instead of exploding, the box contains a baby mouse that will become Smurfette's new pet. She loves the present and thanks her fellow Smurfs for it.


  • This episode is unusual among Smurf stories, in that it deals with an actual death (something normally considered taboo in children's television shows), and of a cute forest animal befriended by the Smurfs.
  • Interestingly, Lucille Bliss, the actress who voiced Smurfette in this series, revealed in an interview that this was her favorite episode.
  • In the syndicated version of the episode, the entire sequence of Squeaky becoming a hero when he alerts the Smurfs that Papa Smurf's laboratory is on fire and feeling tired after all the effort has been edited out.

