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"Stuck On Smurfs" is a Season 5 episode from the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show.



Gargamel casts a spell on Clumsy that now everyone who touches him gets stuck on him.

Plot Summary

In the Smurf Village, Papa Smurf is sitting back relaxing and soaking in a nice hot tub of soapy water when he gets visited by a group of his little Smurfs all playing "follow the leader" as Jokey leads them hopping into Papa Smurf's house. The village leader appreciates what they're doing but tells them that he wants to have some time alone for himself, so Jokey leads them hopping out of the house through the window. Papa Smurf goes back to trying to relax when Harmony pays him a visit to show something he discovered in his practicing music, causing the soap to slip out of Papa Smurf's hands when the village musician gives a live demonstration.

Out in the forest, Gargamel is with his cat Azrael testing out something he has created for getting rid of the Smurfs: tornado pellets. He spits out one through a hollow bamboo shoot toward a smurfberry bush and watches as a tornado instantly forms to carry the bush away. With the tornado pellets, Gargamel says that he will tear the Smurfs to shreds. Then he hears them coming into the forest, so he hides with his cat behind a bush and wait for them to get closer as they walk on their hands, wondering where Clumsy went. Vanity says that Clumsy took a wrong turn at the Great Oak, which makes Brainy say Clumsy will never be a good leader because he isn't even a great follower.

Then suddenly, Gargamel emerges from the bush, which makes the hand-walking Smurfs get on their feet and run as fast as they can to escape. The evil wizard uses a tornado pellet to capture the Smurfs and send them spinning out of control to their doom, until Hefty clutches onto a tree branch and tells the other Smurfs to grab onto him. Soon the Smurfs escape the tornado as it moves toward Gargamel and gives him a spin along with his cat until they escape by grabbing onto a tree branch. The Smurfs laugh at Gargamel's predicament as he curses them and says he will get them someday. They respond by saying Gargamel will never catch them because they can overcome any obstacle just by sticking together.

As the Smurfs head back to the village, Gargamel is inspired by their words of "sticking together" and decides to come up with a formula that will make the Smurfs literally stick together. Soon with his formula complete, he tells Azrael that all he needs to do is sprinkle it on one single Smurf and the Smurfs will stick to each other forever, laughing at the thought of a bunch of stickied-up Smurfs.

Back in the village, Papa Smurf tries to catch up on his reading the village newspaper while relaxing in the bathtub when Greedy calls him outside for an emergency. He shows up wearing a towel only to find the village cook wondering which of the two desserts he will eat first, and then deciding that he will eat both of them at once. This is followed by Handy coming by and showing Papa Smurf a currently pointless invention he made and Poet asking what to rhyme with in his poem. Papa Smurf sighs and wonders if he will ever get some privacy when Brainy and the group of Smurfs that were playing "follow the leader" come to ask him if he's seen Clumsy. Papa Smurf angrily says that he hasn't and demands to be left alone before he goes back into his house, leaving Vanity wondering what's gotten into him.

Out in the forest, Gargamel is waiting inside a bush with Azrael for some Smurf to come along so he could sprinkle his adhesive formula upon him. Then Clumsy appears walking on his hands and wondering where his fellow Smurfs have gone and if they're now playing hide-and-go-smurf. Gargamel sprinkles the formula on Clumsy, which makes him believe that it's now starting to rain, so he heads back to the village to prepare himself for it. Gargamel keeps Azrael from chasing after the Smurf, saying that soon the Smurfs will be stuck to each other.

Back in the village, Clumsy goes into his house and gets an umbrella Handy had made him for the rain, but he is having trouble trying to get it to open. As Brainy passes by carrying a stack of books, Clumsy tumbles backward as the umbrella opens and bumps into his friend from behind, falling right on top of his back. Brainy tells Clumsy to get off him, but as Clumsy picks himself off the ground, Brainy is now stuck on his back, unable to get off. Jokey sees this and laughs at the predicament the two Smurfs got themselves into, but Brainy assures that it's not a laughing matter and Clumsy asks to get Brainy off his back. Jokey tries to pull Brainy off but instead finds himself stuck to Brainy. Hefty comes running along and sees the three Smurfs stuck to each other, offering to pull the stuck Smurfs free, but for all his efforts, he himself becomes stuck to his fellow Smurfs. Even Brainy's idea of getting more of his fellow Smurfs to form a chain on either side to pull them free doesn't help, as those Smurfs now become a chain of stuck-together Smurfs... which leaves them with only one option left: calling for Papa Smurf's help.


The Smurfs have all got "stuck" together...

The village leader sees what has happened to his little Smurfs and goes into his laboratory to look through his books to find a way to free them of this adhesive trap, but after a night of research Papa Smurf is unable to find anything that would help. He suspects Gargamel is behind this, so he comes up with a plan that involves glue as well as Puppy and the Smurflings. Brainy has no idea how glue will work in getting the Smurfs unstuck from each other, but Papa Smurf says he'll see how it will. He gets himself stuck onto the chain of Smurfs as he takes the village along with him to Gargamel's house to put his plan into action.

First, Puppy is set loose to chase Azrael away, which brings Gargamel out of his house to see what's going on. He finds Papa Smurf standing alone outside near a bush, saying that it was a nasty trick Gargamel played on his little Smurfs, and that he's not moving from that spot until he has a word with the wizard. Gargamel comes closer until Papa Smurf touches him on the nose, and soon the evil wizard finds a chain of Smurfs all stuck to each other and now sticking very closely to him. Gargamel realizes that he has been tricked and so goes into his laboratory to prepare an antidote that would free him and the Smurfs from each other. During the preparation, however, the Smurflings use the pot of glue to stick Gargamel's feet to the floor, so that when he uses the completed formula, the Smurfs are able to run free, but Gargamel couldn't chase after them. He is left uselessly trying to pull himself free from the floor, cursing the Smurfs as they flee.

Back in the village, Papa Smurf walks around and sees that every Smurf seems to be keeping to themselves lately, with Clumsy feeling sad that no Smurf wants to come out to play smurfball with him. Papa Smurf says that sometimes Smurfs need to have some time alone so that they could know themselves, and after a few days of being stuck to each other, they could sure use the time for themselves. At that moment, Vanity is busy taking a bath while spending some private time with the loved one in his life.


  • In the Marvel Comics' Smurfs story "Sticky Smurf", Gargamel uses a fake Smurf cake made of a sticky substance in order to capture a Smurf, but in the process also gets stuck to the cake along with a cow, two birds, and other things until Papa Smurf made up a formula that unstuck everything from it except for Gargamel, which he had no more formula for. However, Papa Smurf does leave Gargamel the recipe for the formula to free himself.
  • This episode is the first episode aired in Season 5, causing confusion as the Smurflings appear in the episode before their debuts.
  • Many foreign DVD releases carry the syndicated Smurfs Adventures repackaging of this episode, as opposed to the rest of the episodes, which were uncut, although this edition also uses the modified Season 1 intro (with the "Smurfy Way" theme song) and credits for foreign markets.
  • The Smurflings and Baby Smurf (who is not seen in this episode) are the only Smurfs not to get stuck together from the potion.


  • Smurfette was among several Smurfs who were magically stuck to each other by Gargamel's magic. While she was shown stuck with the other Smurfs in the village, she was nowhere to be found among them when they attach themselves to Gargamel.
  • After Hefty grabs onto the branch and the other Smurfs grab onto him during the tornado scene, Brainy is shown without glasses and Jokey is speaking in his voice.
  • When Poet is talking to Papa Smurf, his ear is the same color as his beard.