"Swashbuckling Smurfs" is a Season 9 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Grandpa Smurf
- Sassette Smurfling
- Captain Redbeard
- Bluebeak
- Papa Smurf
- Snappy Smurfling
- Brainy Smurf
- Greedy Smurf
- Clumsy Smurf
- Hefty Smurf
- Smurfette
- Wild Smurf
- Handy Smurf
A parrot pirate unearths the Clamulet and puts some of the Smurfs under a spell of it.
Plot Summary[]
The story begins on the ship of the infamous pirate Redbeard who has found a map that leads to the legendary Clamulet that will give him control over the seven seas. Elsewhere, Sassette is playing on a beach building sand mushroom houses to remind herself of her peaceful village. But her reminiscing is cut short by a large wave that washes away her sand village and an angry sand crab. Grandpa Smurf and Snappy quickly arrive and save Sassette from the crab. Sassette is unmoved however due to being deeply homesick and missing her friends and peaceful life. Grandpa then consoles her and tells her that as long as he's around no harm will ever come to her.
Further down by the beach, Redbeard and his parrot Bluebeak begin digging for their treasure and while doing so they unknowingly bury Snappy and a few of the other Smurfs. Papa Smurf, Brainy, Greedy, Clumsy, and Hefty arrive looking for them, but instead come upon Redbeard being betrayed by his parrot after finding the Clamulet. Bluebeak then uses the power of the Clamulet to hypnotize Redbeard and the Smurfs (along with the resurfaced Snappy) into doing his bidding. Bluebeak then has the Smurfs take the treasure back to the ship and orders Redbeard to jump off Pirate's Peak (as well as Brainy after the Smurf proves to be too annoying) as they prepare to set sail. Meanwhile, the buried Smurfs resurface and realize what has happened to their fellow Smurfs, so Grandpa Smurf, Sassette, Smurfette, Wild, and Handy prepare to save them by building their own ship, but not before stopping Brainy from jumping off Pirate's Peak. Whilst building the ship, Sassette goes off by herself after suffering another bout of depression due to missing home, but Grandpa once again reassures her that he'll protect her no matter what, and just then Handy and others arrive with their new sailboat.
Back on Bluebeak's ship, the hypnotized Smurfs are seemingly enjoying the pirate life while Bluebeak plans his greatest caper, the plundering of the Royal Galleon and its royal treasure. Bluebeak then uses the power of the Clamulet to conjure up a dense fog, giving him plenty of cover in which to steal the royal treasure unnoticed. Unfortunately for him, Bluebeak ends up losing the Clamulet due to Clumsy's antics and it falls overboard, but Bluebeak is still able to conjure up his fog and still maintain control of the Smurfs. He then has them steal the treasure and the pirate crew celebrates their victory.
Bluebeak's crew is later confronted by the rest of the Smurfs who are unable to reason with them and are thus forced to have a sword fight against them. During the battle, Papa Smurf throws Grandpa Smurf overboard, which forces the non-hypnotized Smurfs to surrender, much to Sassette's grief as there is now no one left to protect them. Unbeknownst to them, Grandpa Smurf is still alive and has found the Clamulet hanging from the ship's anchor. He then climbs back on to the deck and uses the Clamulet to free the pirate Smurfs from Bluebeak's control. The angered Bluebeak then swoops down on Grandpa Smurf and steals back the Clamulet and plans to use it to have all the Smurfs jump off Pirate's Peak. Just then, the ship sails under Pirate's Peak where Redbeard has just jumped off of, and he then lands back on his ship which spooks Bluebeak and causes him to drop the Clamulet back into the depths of the sea once and for all. With the Clamulet now gone, Redbeard is freed from its control, and he then prepares to get his revenge on his traitorous parrot, but at that moment, the Royal Navy arrives and bombards the pirate ship with canons, one of which almost hits Sassette, but she is fortunately saved by Grandpa Smurf who reminds her that he would keep his promise of always protecting her. The Smurfs then board their own ship and leave Redbeard to be arrested by the Royal Navy.
Sometime later, the Smurfs are able to make it to an island where Papa Smurf has finally finished putting the time crystals together, and before leaving, Sassette lets Papa Smurf and Grandpa Smurf know that she doesn't care where they'll end up, for she knows that Grandpa Smurf will always be there to protect them. Papa Smurf then puts the last fragment into the well-formed crystals, and the Smurfs disappear to either parts unknown or home...
- The ship the Smurfs built in this episode also appeared in the episode "Big Shot Smurfs" despite that the Smurfs left the ship behind after time-traveling at the end of this episode. This suggests that "Big Shot Smurfs" took place before the end of this episode.
- The formation of the Time Crystals seen at the end of this episode seems to be the correct one, as seen in "The Smurf Odyssey" and in the intro and first episode of Season 9, indicating that this may canonically be the end of their adventures and their return home.
- This is one of the episodes where Handy has cried. The others are "The Smurfette", "The Abominable Snowbeast", "Clumsy Luck", "Crying Smurfs", and "It's A Smurfy Life".
- Baby Smurf, Grouchy, Lazy, Vanity, Jokey, Painter, and Smoogle do not appear in this episode.