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"Sweepy Smurf" is a Season 6 episode from the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show.



The Smurflings create a superstition to make chimney cleaning Sweepy popular.

Plot Summary[]

The story starts with Smurfette complaining about her sunflowers not growing, while Painter is painting Vanity's portrait. Soon the Smurflings pass by holding a ladder, and as Vanity asks what they are up to, they tell him that they are helping Sweepy. When Painter and Vanity hear Sweepy is coming, they quickly hide under a tarp, but Smurfette is not so lucky and gets covered in soot.

Sweepy approaches the Smurflings and tells them that he won't be needing a ladder for this job, runs and uses his extended brush to jump on top of Grouchy's house. The Smurflings watch in awe and say they want to be like Sweepy when they grow up. Sweepy jumps in Grouchy's chimney and covers a reading Grouchy in soot. Sweepy comes out of Grouchy's house while Grouchy complains about being covered in soot. The Smurflings are shocked at Grouchy's rudeness, but Sweepy says he is used to it. Nat couldn't believe the other Smurfs would treat his that way. Sweepy tells them in other parts of the world a sweeps handshake is considered good luck.


Sweepy Smurf

Sweepy sees Greedy's chimney is smoking up and says he better give it a sweep. In his house, Greedy is showing Papa Smurf his new smurfberry frosting. Sweepy calls Greedy from the top of the chimney, Greedy covers his cupcakes and tells Sweepy to wait, but Sweepy misunderstands and comes down anyway. Greedy almost loses his temper before Papa Smurf stops him by telling him how important Sweepy is in the village. Sweepy says he should clean Greedy's stovepipe, but this time the chef does lose his temper and shouts at Sweepy to get out. The Smurflings, who had watched the conversation from Greedy's window, feel sorry for their grimy friend. Then Sassette has an idea to make the Smurfs finally respect Sweepy.

Sometime later, Smurfette and Sassette are at Sweepy's house, and Smurfette shakes his hand. Meanwhile, Snappy and Slouchy put a sunflower in Smurfette's garden. As the two arrive back at her house, Smurfette is shocked when she sees the sunflower in her garden. Painter is also surprised and Sassette tells him it is because she shook Sweepy's hand. However, Handy doesn't believe it, so the Smurflings have an idea to make him believe it.

Shaking hands

Smurfette shaking Sweepy's hand.

While Handy is building a ladder, Snappy unties one of the supports which makes Handy fall. And when Sweepy passes by, Handy shakes his hand, which confuses Sweepy as the Smurfs never believed in his handshake before. Nat points out Farmer's smurfberry bush doesn't have any smurfberries. Handy recommends Sweepy's handshake. Nat agrees with Handy, so Farmer agrees as well. When he does so, Slouchy and Snappy glue some smurfberries on the bush.

Greedy's looking for his smurfberries so Sassette tells him to shake Sweepy's hand, but Greedy says he will never do that. But when Sassette bribes him with a smurfberry bar he agrees. Farmer sees the smurfberries on the bush, but when he leaves, Snappy, Slouchy, and Nat take the glued smurfberries off the bush.

Greedy is looking for the smurfberries the Smurflings took, and when he's not looking the smurfberries are put back and when he sees them, he believes in Sweepy's lucky handshake. All the Smurfs are lined up to shake Sweepy's hand. The Smurflings are relieved that the Smurfs now respect Sweepy. And think they would deserve a break, but they had been asked by Papa Smurf to mind Baby Smurf, which they hesitate - but agree.

Poor sweepy

Poor Sweepy

Painter is painting Smurfette's sunflowers and thanks Sweepy's handshake, but then the sunflower starts to wilt and Smurfette realizes that it never took root. And Farmer realizes the smurfberries on his bush are gone. (Which was covered in glue) Painter gets suspicious. Vanity offers to hold Handy's ladder, but he refuses since he shook Sweepy's hand. But the ladder breaks and Handy falls. Both of them wonder why Sweepy's luck didn't work.

In Greedy's house, some Smurfs are complaining about their luck, and blame Sweepy. Greedy backs Sweepy up but takes it back when his pie is not "simply fabulous". At that moment, Sweepy comes in to clean Greedy's stovepipe, but Greedy angrily reacts by throwing a piece of pie at him. He then tells Sweepy that he will never let him in his house again. After Sweepy asks why, Greedy explains that he's bad luck and kicks him out, leaving the unfortunate Smurf more confused than ever.

The Smurflings are playing with Baby Smurf, and then notice Sweepy looking gloomy. They ask what's wrong, and he explains no Smurf wants anything to do with him. The Smurflings wonder what went wrong and all walk off to find out, leaving an unsupervised Baby behind. Outside Greedy's house, Handy finishes boarding up his chimney to prevent visits from Sweepy, while Baby crawls in through the open door. Greedy locks it (unaware Baby is inside) and offers to "Sweepy-proof" Handy's house.

A couple of embers from Greedy's stovepipe (as he had just finished making food before he left) start to light the chef's house on fire. Meanwhile, the Smurflings are explaining to Papa Smurf what they did. Papa Smurf tells them that spreading a superstition isn't a good idea. But, as Sweepy sadly comments that the only Smurfs that like him now are the Smurflings and Baby, the Smurflings realize they forgot about Baby.

All the Smurfs are trying to put out Greedy's fire. Baby starts crying inside, so the Smurfs outside can hear. All the doors and windows are locked, so they can't get in. Fortunately, Sweepy uses his brush to jump to the top of Greedy's chimney and breaks the wood blocking it. Sweepy then grabs Baby in his hands and opens the window. As the house is about to collapse, Sweepy hands Baby to Smurfette, and jumps out to safety. Greedy felt shocked that his house had been on fire, which Papa Smurf tells him which is pretty much worse. Although, Baby have been saved in Smurfette's hands, thanks to Sweepy's heroic actions.

Later, the Smurfs now realized how wrong they were to blame Sweepy, and all shake his hand because he has become a hero.


  • This episode is the only time a Smurf is shown locking their front door when leaving. Usually, one can casually visit another Smurf's house with ease. This shows how far Greedy and Handy were willing to go (aside from boarding up Greedy's chimney) to keep Sweepy from spreading his 'bad luck'.
  • This episode seems to take place after "Bringing Up Bigfeet" as the Smurflings are allowed to take care of Baby in this episode.
  • Chimney sweeps are in fact lucky and it is good luck to shake the hand of one.
  • Despite Sweepy appearing to exist before this episode, his distinctive rumpled black top hat has never been seen when all the Smurfs are gathered together.
  • The syndicated version cuts out some of the part where the Smurflings watch several Smurfs shake Sweepy's hand.

