"The Big Nose Dilemma" is a Season 4 episode from the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show.
- Vanity Smurf
- Bignose
- Bigmouth
- Gargamel
- Azrael
- Papa Smurf
- Brainy Smurf
- Farmer Smurf
- Clumsy Smurf
- Smurfette
- Baby Smurf
- Painter Smurf
- Unnamed Smurfs
Vanity uses a spell to make his nose special but finds out that a normal Smurf nose is better than everything.
Plot Summary[]

Vanity had his nose job done by the people who make Faberge eggs!
Bigmouth takes a romantic walk in the forest with Bignose, with the two ogres happy to be with each other, when Bigmouth is distracted by the sight of melons growing nearby. He and his girlfriend go over to the melon patch and start eating the melons, but as Bigmouth pulls on one of the melons, it turns out to be Bignose's big nose. Bigmouth tries to apologize by saying Bignose has a nose like a melon, but it only makes Bignose cry.
In the Smurf Village, Vanity is busy examining his perfect facial features in his mirror when he bumps into Brainy carrying a stack of books. He tells Brainy that he was just looking at his perfect nose, to which Brainy says that it's perfect just like any other nose in the Smurf Village because it looks just about the same. Vanity denies that his nose is the same as the other noses, but when Brainy shows Vanity the measurements of his nose, he realizes that his friend is right and then believes that he's just another nose in the crowd.
Vanity then goes out into Farmer's fields to talk to Papa Smurf, who is with Farmer talking about spreading pollen over the crops and wearing masks so that they don't sneeze while spreading it. Vanity asks Papa Smurf if he could change his nose, and Papa Smurf refuses to, saying that Vanity will have to be satisfied with the way he is. As Vanity and Brainy walk off into the forest to figure out what to do, they hear crying nearby. They go and see that it's Bignose being all upset over the appearance of her nose, and Bigmouth is not doing a good job trying to comfort her. Bignose suggests going to "the wizard" to make her big nose smaller, and Bigmouth says he doesn't like going to him, but he will go there with her to help her get a better nose or he will give "the wizard" a flat nose. Vanity decides to hitch a ride in Bignose's hat so he can go to "the nose wizard" and get a better nose for himself.
In Gargamel's hovel, the evil wizard is sneezing like crazy because of the pollen from the smurfberry bushes, and so also is Azrael. He says that he would give anything to be able to breathe freely again when Bigmouth breaks down the door and demands Gargamel to give Bignose a smaller nose. Gargamel says he isn't sure that he can, but his jokes about Bignose's nose only irritate Bigmouth to the point of giving Gargamel a flat nose. The wizard then decides to give the ogres what they want and, after examining Bignose's nose, goes to look for one of his magic books on noses. While he is doing that, Azrael spots Vanity hiding on Bignose's hat which she has placed on the table and pounces on him, shredding the hat and making Bigmouth so upset that he collapses the table and makes the cat run off.
Gargamel soon finds the spell for switching noses and mixes up the formula which he sprinkles on Bignose's nose as well as his nose, with the final part of the spell being that they must rub their noses together. Gargamel afterward says that when they wake up in the morning, they shall have each other's noses. The prospect makes the two ogres so happy that they leave the hovel in peace, and it also makes Gargamel so happy with the thought of both being able to breathe again and also sniffing out the Smurf Village.
At night, when Gargamel and Azrael are both asleep, Vanity comes out of hiding and looks through the magic book of noses to find something that will change his nose for the better. He sees a spell for beautifying his nose and so sprinkles the same formula on his nose and recites an incantation that will complete the spell.

Just look at the size of that honker!
By morning, Vanity wakes up in the village and sees that he now has a golden jewel-encrusted nose that he believes will make him the envy of every Smurf in the village. Bignose wakes up in her house and sees that she now has Gargamel's smaller nose, hoping that Bigmouth will like how she looks now. And Gargamel wakes up in his hovel and feels the weight of Bignose's nose now sitting upon his face, making it hard for him to keep his balance as he gets up from his bed.
Bigmouth sees Bignose at the door of his house while he is eating breakfast, asking how he likes her new nose. Bigmouth makes fun of her new nose, saying that Bignose isn't Bignose anymore. This makes Bignose so upset that she wants to go to "the wizard" to get her old nose back. Meanwhile, Vanity is showing off his new nose to the other Smurfs, asking what they think of it. Clumsy says that it's something, but he doesn't know what that something is. Smurfette says she's stunned, and Baby Smurf just laughs at it, which makes the others laugh at it as well. Then Papa Smurf comes along and sees that Vanity has changed his nose. When Vanity reveals that he went to Gargamel's lair to use a nose spell, Papa Smurf scolds him for taking such a risk for his own pride. Vanity asks Papa Smurf if he has a spell that can change his nose back, and Papa Smurf says that only the original spell can ever do that.
Out in the forest, Gargamel is sniffing the ground like a bloodhound, saying that this nose is so sensitive he can smell everything. While he is busy trying to track down the Smurfs with his new nose, Vanity sneaks into the evil wizard's lair to find the magic book on noses, only to find that it has been put back onto the bookshelf, which means he'll have to look for the book and find it before Gargamel returns.
Meanwhile, the Smurfs are busy in the forest shaking out bushes for pollen and wearing masks over their faces when Gargamel makes his appearance, having sniffed out their scent. He and his cat chase after them, but Azrael runs into a pollen bush and soon starts sneezing like crazy. Gargamel has Brainy and Clumsy cornered by a large rock when Papa Smurf and Farmer throw bags of pollen into the wizard's face, making him sneeze and causing him to bounce back to his house with each sneeze.
Vanity soon finds the spell for restoring noses, but before he can use it, Gargamel returns and finds him inside his house. Azrael is ready to chase after the Smurf, but Gargamel just simply inhales with his big nose, sucking up Vanity until he lands on the wizard's big nose. Then Gargamel has Bigmouth and Bignose pay him an unfriendly visit, demanding to have Bignose's big nose back. Gargamel drops Vanity as he is eager to give the ogres what they want.
Vanity returns to the village and finds Papa Smurf is glad to see him safe. Vanity says that he feels safe and sorry, that he will have to live with his new nose. Papa Smurf tells Vanity that things should look brighter in the morning, which Vanity says he hopes not. At night, when Vanity is sleeping, Papa Smurf pays him a visit by sprinkling a bit of formula on Vanity's nose, reciting a spell that would give his little Vanity his original nose. By morning, Vanity awakens and finds that his old nose has returned, and he is so happy that he runs out to meet Papa Smurf and say that it was a miracle. Papa Smurf simply tells Vanity that he should learn to be happy with himself the way he is, and Vanity gratefully kisses his mirror, saying that he is.