"The Comet Is Coming" is a Season 5 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Papa Smurf
- Puppy
- Homnibus
- Nat Smurfling
- Snappy Smurfling
- Slouchy Smurfling
- Sassette Smurfling
- Handy Smurf
- Clumsy Smurf
- Smurfette
- Hefty Smurf
- Gargamel
- Azrael
- Brainy Smurf
- Baby Smurf
- Greedy Smurf
- Poet Smurf
- Painter Smurf
- Grouchy Smurf
- Lazy Smurf
- Harmony Smurf
- Flutterby
- Vanity Smurf (Does not speak)
- Mummy (Mentioned only)
- Unmamed Smurfs
A torn message from Papa Smurf makes the Smurfs think that the world is going to end.
Plot Summary[]
It is morning in the Smurf Village, and as every Smurf gathers in the dining hall for another breakfast of morning muffins, Brainy approaches Papa Smurf with a letter he has found on the village leader's door. Papa Smurf sees that it's a letter from Homnibus, who wants Papa Smurf to come with Puppy and the Smurflings so that he can show them something important. Hefty thinks that it's just a new chess move, but Papa Smurf nonetheless heads out with Puppy and the Smurflings, with the village leader telling the young ones to be very careful along the path that he takes to get to Homnibus' house. As they start singing the Smurf song together, Gargamel and Azrael are hiding out in the bushes waiting to get their hands on Smurfs, and soon enough he comes chasing after them, riding a unicycle and clamping together a pair of pinchers, hoping to get them this time. Papa Smurf tells the Smurflings to "jump over the rock that Clumsy will never find", and as they jump over the rock, Gargamel finds himself sinking into the bog that's behind the rock, cursing the Smurfs as they get away from him while he uses the pinchers to keep himself from sinking any further down.
At Homnibus' house, the elderly wizard shows Papa Smurf and the Smurflings what he has brought them there for: a "flaming star" that Homnibus has seen through his telescope, and that night it will come so close that it will be visible without a telescope, passing harmlessly by and not returning for another 100 years. Papa Smurf decides to send a message to his little Smurfs so that they will not miss this event, and so he writes the message, saying that it will be their last night to see it so they can stay up late, and has Puppy head back to the village with the message attached to his collar. On his way to the village, however, Puppy passes by Gargamel, triggering one of his traps that the evil wizard intends to use against the Smurfs, and getting into a scuffle with Azrael inside a bush, with part of the message shredded in the process.
Back in the village, the Smurfs see that Puppy has returned without Papa Smurf or the Smurflings. Brainy starts to panic, wondering what's happened to them, but Smurfette tries to keep the others calm as she reads part of the message Puppy brought with him. The message reads that a great "flaming star" is headed their way, and "tonight will be your last". Hefty recovers a fragment of the torn message that says, "you may stay up late". The Smurfs are all in a panic, believing that Papa Smurf has warned them that the end of the world is coming. Hefty thinks that it's a mistake, that it must be a trick of Gargamel, but Brainy is very certain that he understands what Papa Smurf is trying to say through his message, and Handy isn't sure what to think. Smurfette says that she won't believe it unless she hears it straight from Papa Smurf, and so she goes with Hefty and Puppy to Homnibus' house to find out for themselves. Brainy, however, decides to stay in the village and spend his final hours in Papa Smurf's laboratory. The other Smurfs in the village all speak of how they're going to spend the final hours of their lives, each doing what they think is appropriate for the situation at hand.
Out in the forest, Gargamel has set up another trap, this time one for getting Puppy out of the way while he goes after the Smurfs. He demonstrates this new trap by having the fake Azrael travel down the line it's attached to into a bush, which Puppy sees and then jumps into the bush to chase after, and then he causes a net to fall down on the bush, trapping Puppy within. Hefty says to Smurfette that they should get Puppy out before the trapper comes back, but suddenly the two Smurfs find themselves with a net dropped upon them. After Gargamel brings his captives back to his home, Hefty tells Smurfette that he is right about the message of a "flaming star" being a trick of Gargamel. The evil wizard finds himself wondering what the little Smurf is even talking about, and after Smurfette hands him the message that he supposedly wrote in Papa Smurf's handwriting, he finds himself terrified when he reads that "tonight will be your last", believing that the end of the world is really coming.
The fearful evil wizard now worries that he has wasted his entire life going after Smurfs, but then his thoughts turn on the possibility that he gets to enjoy his two little blue captives before the end comes. Hefty and Smurfette decide to con Gargamel by telling him about a cave Puppy had found on Mount Smurf where they could be safe from the end of the world. Gargamel takes the bait and brings all his belongings with him on a cart while he follows the two Smurfs up the mountain path leading to the cave. Once inside, Hefty and Smurfette split up, with Smurfette continuing to lead Gargamel further into the cave while Hefty tries to get Puppy out of his cage. Soon, though, Smurfette comes across a steep incline where she almost finds herself falling down into a crevice. As Gargamel goes down the incline, only to find himself unable to keep his cart from rolling out of control, Hefty gets the door to Puppy's cage open, and he, the dog, and Smurfette manage to escape while Gargamel and his cart fall down into the crevice and land in the water, the evil wizard cursing the Smurfs as he and his cat are being carried away by the water's currents.
As Papa Smurf and the Smurflings hike up to Mount Smurf with their friend Homnibus, seeing Gargamel and Azrael being washed downstream as they go over the waterfall, Clumsy pays Handy a visit in his workshop while the latter Smurf is busy trying to think of what he could build as he sits by his drawing board. Clumsy thinks about getting the "smurfiest rock" he could find, but now he couldn't even think of doing that as he knows that the end of the world is coming. Handy says that he's spent his life building things for others, so he wonders which Smurf is the one he's built the least for. Clumsy answers that it is Baby Smurf since he just arrived in the village, and soon Handy has his inspiration for what to build.
Gargamel and Azrael get themselves out of the water, with the evil wizard now determined to accomplish his goal of eating a Smurf before the end of the world comes, even if he has to climb Mount Smurf to do it. Meanwhile, Hefty, Smurfette, and Puppy arrive at Homnibus' house to find out that he, Papa Smurf, and the Smurflings are now gone. Hefty says that they should stay there and wait for the other Smurfs to return, but Smurfette thinks that they should return to the village in case it really is the end of the world so that she would be surrounded by friends when it happens. Hefty tells Smurfette to take Puppy with her when she returns, but she tells Hefty to keep Puppy with him while he's waiting so that he isn't left alone. Smurfette leaves Hefty with a kiss before she heads off, but Hefty realizes that even he doesn't want to be left alone.
Upon her arrival in the village, Smurfette wonders how she's going to spend her final hours with her friends if they're all inside their houses waiting for the end of the world. She visits Greedy as he's preparing his final meal for himself, Poet as he tries to compose a final epic poem, Painter as he tries to create his final masteurpiesa, and as she leaves each one with a final farewell, they are inspired to do something even greater for the end of the world. Meanwhile, in Handy's workshop, Grouchy and Clumsy see that their friend has built a rocket that would send Baby Smurf to another planet, but the problem is that he doesn't have a powerful enough energy source to make the rocket work. Clumsy decides to go see Brainy, since he's the only other Smurf besides Papa Smurf that knows about magic.
At that moment, Brainy is in Papa Smurf's laboratory mixing up chemicals so that he could create a formula that would boost his brain power, but before he gets to test it out, Clumsy comes in and slips on the chemicals that are spilled on the floor, knocking the formula out of Brainy's hand and spilling it on Clumsy's head. The formula does indeed work as it gives Clumsy the intelligence, he needs to start mixing up a formula that Handy can use to power up his rocket for saving Baby Smurf from the end of the world. Handy tests it out once it's completed, and surely enough, he considers the formula sufficiently powerful to use for the rocket.
That night, Papa Smurf and the Smurflings enjoy the sight of the "flaming star" as it passes over the sky at the top of Mount Smurf while Homnibus looks at it through his telescope. Back in the village, the mood is a bit somber as Painter, Poet, and Greedy gather together to see what the harbinger of the end of the world is flying right over their heads in their final moments. The party that they host for the end of the world coming is also a sad occasion for the other Smurfs, as none of them really feel like doing anything but sharing that moment in tearful mourning together. Then Handy and a few other Smurfs arrive with the completed rocket ready to send Baby Smurf off to another world, with Clumsy giving an inspired speech that makes the other Smurfs cheer at the possibility that all will not be lost when Baby Smurf is sent to another world to preserve all that is smurfy. Clumsy shows the sand glass running down to the exact time when the rocket will launch.
Up on Mount Smurf, the Smurflings complain about camping out in the wilderness, but the cold outdoors is the least of their problems, as Gargamel shows up with his cat, ready to have them for his last meal. But the evil wizard doesn't get his chance to do so when Puppy shows up, biting off the seat of his pants and sending him and his cat off running. Hefty also arrives with Puppy because he wanted to ask Papa Smurf if it really is the end of the world. Back in the village, the sand glass continues to run down the final moments before the rocket's launch, while Clumsy returns to watch the launch preparation. Brainy notices that his friend's intelligence has returned to normal, and Clumsy says he has just taken a bath, so that means the brain-boosting formula is no longer working. The Smurfs sing the Smurf song together as they watch the rocket getting ready to take off with Baby Smurf inside it, when Papa Smurf arrives just in time before the launch to tell his little Smurfs that the whole "end of the world" thing was just a big misunderstanding. The Smurfs cheer when they hear the news, and Handy gets Baby Smurf out of the rocket in time before it launches. As Handy and Hefty walk off together to discuss what Hefty says he knew all along, Lazy falls asleep and leans his head on the activation switch, sending the now-empty rocket off into the sky.
Outside Gargamel's castle, the evil wizard sees the "flaming star" leaving and curses the Smurfs for them playing a trick on him to make him believe that the end of the world was coming. Then the rocket that was launched from the Smurf Village falls down and lands right into the evil wizard's home, causing a great explosion when it does.
- This episode was first broadcast around the same time that Halley's Comet, a comet that passes by Earth every 75 to 76 years, made its most-recent appearance.
- The iTunes edition of this episode carries the syndicated Smurfs Adventures repackaging of this episode, as opposed to the rest of the episodes, which remain uncut and use the original Season 5 intro sequence and credits.
- Besides the later produced The Smurfs 2 movie, this is the other instance in mainstream Smurfs media where the Smurf song is referred to as the "La La song".
- The Smurfs' plan to send Baby Smurf on a rocket to another world is based on the origin of Superman, who was sent from Krypton to Earth in a rocket when his home planet was about to be destroyed.
- At the end of this episode, after Azrael and Gargamel see their hovel explode, Azrael's eyes are white instead of yellow.