"The Fastest Wizard In The World" is a Season 7 episode from the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show.
- Gargamel
- Handy Smurf
- Wild Smurf
- Scruple
- Hefty Smurf
- Nat Smurfling
- Brainy Smurf
- Sassette Smurfling
- Timber Smurf
- Bigmouth
- Smurfette
- Clumsy Smurf
- Papa Smurf
- Weepy Smurf
- Lazy Smurf
- Azrael
- Greedy Smurf (Does not speak)
- Snappy Smurfling (Does not speak)
- Slouchy Smurfling (Does not speak)
- Grandpa Smurf (Mentioned only)
- Unnamed Smurfs
Gargamel uses multiple methods to be faster than the Smurfs, but Wild remains faster than him and saving the others.
Plot Summary[]

Smurf Theater
The story begins as one night the Smurfs are watching a show at the Smurf Theater, Smurfette and Clumsy re-enacting their own version of Romeo and Juliet, the audience members each reacting in their own ways, Wild included. That was when Handy noticed that the bleachers were coming apart, and immediately calls for everyone to get off. Smurfette is upset that part of the play has been interrupted with an emergency. Fortunately, no Smurf was hurt, but as they examine the wreckage together, Papa Smurf realizes that those seats were built by Grandpa Smurf, around the time Papa Smurf was a Smurfling, so apparently, they were going to collapse sooner or later. Handy tells Papa Smurf not to worry, for he will come up with plans for new bleachers right away.
As Handy heads up the project of building the new bleachers, Nat and Brainy both react to Handy's directions very negatively, saying that he is such a perfectionist, and Nat says with him in charge it's going to take forever. Then Brainy accidentally bangs his thumb with the hammer, making him stagger around and also causing Hefty to warn Brainy to be careful with the hammer. Meanwhile, Wild watches his fellow Smurfs continue to build the new bleachers until the dinner bell signals a lunch break, and they all leave their equipment at the construction site. Wild leaps down and examines everything he would need to build a new set of bleachers, and then he is quick as a flash as he assembles a rudimentary structure with the wood and tools.
Soon lunch is over, and Handy and his crew return to the site to see Wild's finished work. Handy is upset because the bleachers aren't built to his specifications, but as he goes up the steps of the bleachers, Nat calls to Handy's attention that the structure is going to collapse. Handy gets off before it collapses, and the four of them just stare of the wreckage that was Wild's effort to help his fellow Smurfs. Handy tells Wild that they're going to have to cut another tree and waste more wood because of what he did. Wild feels sad that his efforts weren't appreciated and so he walks off. Nat tells Handy that he has hurt Wild's feelings, and Handy says he didn't mean to do that, but if there's one thing he's said a thousand times, he will say it again: "Haste makes waste!"
Meanwhile, around the area of Gargamel's castle, the evil wizard has set up a running track with hurdles for him to leap over and is now running himself ragged around the course. His pupil Scruple is sitting back watching the wizard run the course and monitoring the wizard's time. Gargamel tells Scruple that speed is the crucial element for capturing Smurfs, that soon he will be able to snag those little creatures before they run away. Gargamel trips over the last hurdle and lands with his face in the ground, asking Scruple how fast he was now. Scruple says he isn't sure, for he will have to count the number of grains that have fallen in the sandglass.
Out in the forest, Timber makes an apology to the tree he has to cut down before he lays the axe blade into it, as a few Smurfs watch. Timber's chops could be heard by Gargamel as he was passing around that area in order to set up a trap. Soon the tree falls, and the Smurflings mourn that another tree has died. As Brainy and Clumsy struggle to get a two-person saw over to cut the tree down into parts, Gargamel shows up ready to chase after Smurfs. Nat notices Gargamel approaching as he is standing on his head, and with his alert, every Smurf starts running. But they are surprised to find that Gargamel is now faster than they are and is able to capture them more quickly. Soon Handy and Sassette are the only Smurfs left, and they try to escape Gargamel by going across to the other side of a ravine through a hollowed log. Gargamel, however, sees that his prey has crossed over, so he slows to a stop and leaps over the ravine in order to catch up to his prey. Handy and Sassette realize that they cannot outrun Gargamel now and so cry for help. Wild hears the cry and so sets up a trap that Gargamel runs into that blinds his vision and causes him to fall and lose the Smurfs that he has captured. Gargamel looks around for the Smurfs he has captured, but sees nobody but Wild out in the open, challenging the wizard. The Smurfs watch as the evil wizard now chases after Wild, who then runs around Bigmouth's leg while the ogre is distracted with collecting rocks, and then races past Gargamel going the other way. Gargamel tries to skid to a stop, but in doing so he ends up bumping into Bigmouth, making the ogre so upset that he winds the pitiful evil wizard up and then hurls him into the air, causing him to land through the roof of his castle.
Undeterred by his failure, Gargamel builds a Smurf-catching go-kart which he tests out before he releases the brake and sends himself crashing through the wall of his castle, going as fast as he can while driving his go-kart through the forest. Meanwhile, Clumsy, Hefty, Nat, and Sassette are carrying some logs to the Smurf Village when Clumsy turns back and sees Gargamel coming straight toward them with his Smurf-catching go-kart. The four Smurfs run as fast as they can, but the go-kart catches them one by one until all four of them are captured in a cage, with Gargamel laughing. The evil wizard also manages to capture Handy, but Wild eludes him and turns the other way, though it is only a matter of time before the go-kart catches up to him and captures him as well. Brainy is busy sitting on a log reading aloud his latest book when he hears Gargamel's Smurf-catching go-kart coming his way, causing him to drop his book and run for his life. Handy sees a bolt attached to the cage and uses his screwdriver to loosen the bolt, causing the cage to fall off as all the Smurfs except for Wild escape through its open gate. As the Smurfs watch, Wild loosens the cord to the brakes, causing Gargamel's go-kart to go out of control until it runs itself off a cliff while Wild jumps off and lands in the river safely. Gargamel screams as he and his go-kart both fall until they land through the roof of Bigmouth's house straight into the ogre's cauldron as he is mixing together a stew. Angered by the evil wizard ruining his stew, Bigmouth drags Gargamel out of his house, winds him up again, and hurls him until he lands again in his own house. Meanwhile, the Smurfs rescue Wild before he is carried downstream by the river's current.
As Scruple cleans up after the wizard's latest pratfall, Gargamel finds himself looking at the cover of a book called The Fleet Foot Of Mercury and then has an idea: if the legendary Roman god of speed can fly, then so can he himself. Mixing together a formula that he drops into the nozzle of a bellows, Gargamel takes this mixture, sprays it upon his feet, and recites the magic words that causes wings to appear on the heels of his feet, lifting him up into the air and making Gargamel ecstatic that the formula works. As the Smurfs sing the Smurf song while they push carts through the forest, Wild notices Gargamel approaching, who then hears the Smurfs nearby and swoops them one by one in his net before anyone can notice him. The remaining Smurfs see Gargamel flying with feet wings and try to escape, but the evil wizard soon captures them as well, excited that he now has six Smurfs that he can use to make gold. But then Gargamel gets pelted by acorns thrown at him, and the wizard sees that Wild is throwing the acorns at him. He chases after Wild, hoping to catch him before his prey manages to escape, but then suddenly the feet wings disappear from Gargamel's feet, causing him to drop to the ground. Gargamel sprays his feet again with the magic powder, and the feet wings reappear, causing him to fly again. Gargamel looks to see where his prey went, when Wild suddenly drops down from the trees and lands on Gargamel's head, making it impossible for the evil wizard to catch him. Then Wild lands on Gargamel's bellows and sprays his feet with more of the magic powder, causing Gargamel's feet wings to grow to immense size, and also causing him to fly out of control, losing the sack full of Smurfs he has captured. While Wild frees his fellow Smurfs from the sack, Gargamel's feet wings fly him off another cliff, at which point they disappear again, and Gargamel falls once more into Bigmouth's house as the hungry ogre is settling down for a meal. Gargamel tries to spray his feet again with the magic powder, but Bigmouth gets a hold of the wizard before that happens, causing the feet wings to carry both Gargamel and Bigmouth up into the air, where Bigmouth continually bangs on Gargamel's head.
Back in the village, Handy is pleased that Wild is helping out with the rebuilding of the bleachers the way that he was expecting his fellow Smurfs to build them. Meanwhile, Brainy is telling Papa Smurf that he is glad Wild wasn't taking things slow and steady the previous day, for some of the Smurfs might not be here today. And then the Smurfs watch Gargamel passing by overhead with Bigmouth still banging on his head. "Steady as she goes, Gargamel, steady as she goes," Handy quips.